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What does it mean to be aware?

Your real power is the awareness you have!

By Chutisa BowmanPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Your awareness is one of the most precious generative assets and underutilized resources you have.

Your real power is the awareness you have. You can use your awareness to take you from where you are today to where you desire to be.

Awareness is one of the most overlooked capacities we possess, but our modern cultural bias for intellect and analysis doesn’t value awareness as highly as it should.

For many people, the power of awareness seems mysterious. They think awareness is something they either have or don’t have. But that’s not true. Awareness is not a special power that only a chosen few are fortunate enough to be born with. It is an innate ability, like breathing and eye-hand coordination. It can be strengthened and enhanced through training and practice.

Awareness is the ability to know something instinctively. It is not logical and it's not the result of analytic reasoning.

Awareness exists in all of us, whether we acknowledge it or not. The more we can learn to receive it, the more we can use it to shape our lives for the better. An expanded zone of awareness allows you to see different possibilities, recognize different courses of action, and invest for possible futures.

Awareness is an indefinable “power” in each of us. It affects how we live our life, create our reality, navigate business complexities, and make personal choices. We can continuously access our awareness and use it to our advantage, but if we’re like most people, we may not realize this is possible.

When we ignore or disregard our awareness, we are limiting our capacity to achieve success in life and in business.

One of the best examples of this is when Steve Jobs (ex-CEO of Apple) followed his awareness about the iPhone. Apple had spent huge amounts of time and money developing a prototype tablet (precursor to the iPad). One day, after a presentation by some of the technical people on progress with the tablet, Jobs realised that what they had learned from this research was going to have a greater impact on society through developing a phone, rather than the tablets they were researching.

Steve Jobs shelved all research on the tablets, redirected everyone to develop the iPhone, and only after the iPhone had been released and become such an iconic feature in our lives, did he go back to developing and releasing the tablets, based on what had been learnt from the iPhone.

It’s hard to overstate the gamble Jobs took when he decided to unveil the iPhone back in January 2007. Not only was he introducing a new kind of phone — something Apple had never made before — he was doing so with a prototype that barely worked.

Even though the iPhone wouldn’t go on sale for another six months, he wanted the world to want one right then. In truth, the list of things that still needed to be done was enormous. A production line had yet to be set up. Only about a hundred iPhones even existed, all of them of varying quality. Some had noticeable gaps between the screen and the plastic edge; others had scuff marks on the screen. And the software that ran the phone was full of bugs. Yet his willingness to follow his awareness of what could be, set off an entire rethinking of how humans interact with machines.

Steve Jobs demonstrated that, when you follow your awareness, you know instinctively whether your choice will be expansive and create more possibilities or whether it will be contractive and create limitations for you and everyone else. This greatly enhances the potentiality and probability of your success.

Awareness is an innate gift we all have

An expanded zone of awareness allows you to see different possibilities, recognize different courses of action, and invest in possible futures. It is not about the ability to predict the future; it is the capacity to be present with all things at all times, without judgment of anything that goes on.

With an expanded zone of awareness, you have the power to move beyond logic and analysis and to make choices that are conscious, insightful, and innovative. If you don’t expand your zone of awareness, you diminish your potential. You will most likely create your life into the future blindly.

You can expand your awareness by asking the question “What am I aware of that I’m not acknowledging?” With greater awareness, you can begin generating the life you always knew was possible and haven't yet created.

Your own awareness and consciousness are, at the end of the day, the most impressive assets that you own, and they operate every day successfully. Learn to trust your awareness, but also learn to acknowledge it and develop and expand it.

Awareness can energize every aspect of your life and living—including your capacity to be a generative element in the world.

By engaging your awareness, you are able to be creative, inventive, innovative, and resourceful. Without awareness, you won’t be able to see the big picture and the possible consequences of your actions or inaction.

THANK YOU so much for reading 🙏 and if you like my work please leave me a heart below to let me know! 🙏 if you know someone who may enjoy this article...Please share ❤️ Greatest Gratitude

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About the Creator

Chutisa Bowman

Chutisa Bowman is a Pragmatic Futurist, author, creative director, producer and poet. She is best-known for her work in strategic awareness, benevolent capitalism, prosperity consciousness, and conscious leadership.

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