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Financially independent

What does it mean to be financially independent?

By Chutisa BowmanPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Financially independent
Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

What does it mean to be financially independent? There are many definitions being bandied about regarding what constitutes financial independence.

Financial independence - everyone wishes to have it, but few people actually know what it would take for that to happen. Sadly, there is often the misconception that to have financial independence you have to work hard to make money, and that money is not worth anything unless you have worked hard to make it.

The problem with this approach is that the opportunities are often limited by how hard you can work and how many hours there are in a day.

What does being financially independent actually mean to you?

Being financially independent means different things to different people, and we all have our own point of view about what this phrase truly means to us.

So, to become financially independent and to be able to sustain and grow your personal finance, first you have to discover what being financially independent actually means to you.

Take a few moments to ponder, do you base the meaning of financial independence on ………..

  • The amount of money, possessions, and assets you have
  • Your job title and position and the size of your pay package or the amount of money you have
  • You have the ability to cover an emergency without going into debt
  • Your ability to meet your financial obligations
  • You have freedom from worry and being able to support yourself when you retire including the freedom to travel
  • What kind of car you drive
  • Your achievements
  • The way you look

For most, the idea of becoming financially independent and having more money than they know what to do with is beyond their imagination. They don’t believe that this is truly possible for them. ………. How about you???

Are you willing to entertain the possibility that financial independence is available for you right here, right now? If not, why?

Financial independence is much more than money

Financial independence is not about the amount of money you have in your bank account. It’s about having generative and sustainable wealth that allows you to create the lifestyle that you enjoy without having to trade your time for money or actively manage investments.

For me, being financially independent means I never have to be depending or relying financially on anyone — my husband, my clients, my parents, a job, a boss, or anyone else.

I’ve felt that accepting responsibility for creating my own finance is one of the highest forms of personal achievement. A willingness to be accountable, to put me on the line, is really the ultimate expression of my potency.

The message is: financial independence equals the power to step outside the box of limitations. As long as you are depending on anyone else for your financial well-being, you are stuck in a no-choice reality.

What if your financial reality was not dependent on anything else?

The truth is, when you become financially independent, you will never be depending on someone else for your financial well-being. You have freedom of choice to pursue your priorities, to be who you really are, to have real autonomy to do what you desire and to be able to live the life that you choose.

It’s about the ability to live and the ability to create with or without money and to use money to generate other possibilities. If you don't have any point of view that you can't, you are able to be everything in life, do anything, create anything and generate anything.

By Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

What's keeping you from having financial independence?

In most cases, it is simply your point of view and your lack of belief that it is truly possible for you to have financial independence. One of the biggest issues with this point of view is that it constrains you to spend your life clinging to job security.

So, if you are struggling financially, if you are unable to pay your bills, if you stay in a career that you hate for fear of not being able to get another job, and if you are fearful of losing what you have …. "What would you have to believe about reality to have these experiences and to create these circumstances?"

Your present financial reality is a byproduct of choices you have made and your limiting points of view about money and finance.

Your points of view and your beliefs about money influence every choice, because your points of view define and confine who you are being, how you act, and what you will create as your future possibilities. You create your financial reality by the choices you make.

Every time you have a point of view about finance and money ask yourself this question- “What have I decided is not possible, that is truly possible, that if I allowed it, would change my financial reality?”

What if your current financial reality and all that you have at the moment, you’ve created by your points of view, by the choices you've made and by the person you've chosen to be?

The only way for you to achieve and enjoy all that is possible for you is to create your own financial future. And the good news is that there have never been more opportunities, in more different areas, for you to fulfill your dreams and goals than there are today.

Limitless possibilities and immense opportunities are present every day of the week; the question is, are you prepared to receive them and benefit from them?

The single most important quality you need in order to have financial independence is the ‘willingness to become something greater than you’ve ever been'. You have to choose to be greater than you have been willing to be.

You must make a demand of yourself to be everything you can possibly be regardless of anyone or anything.

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About the Creator

Chutisa Bowman

Chutisa Bowman is a Pragmatic Futurist, author, creative director, producer and poet. She is best-known for her work in strategic awareness, benevolent capitalism, prosperity consciousness, and conscious leadership.

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