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Unveiling the Surprising Benefit of Meditative Walks for Academic Success

Harnessing the Power of Productive Meditation to Thrive in the Face of Academic Pressures

By Sumit LakraPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Unveiling the Surprising Benefit of Meditative Walks for Academic Success
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


As an aspiring astrobiologist facing the daunting task of completing my PhD dissertation, I found myself grappling with the overwhelming challenge of organizing years of research into a cohesive and concise narrative. It was a process akin to assembling a mosaic, where each meticulously crafted piece needed to fit together with precision and purpose. However, amidst the pressures of publishing and the complexities of contradictory data, I discovered a remarkable tool that had a profound impact on my academic journey: meditative walks.The Power of Productive Meditation:

Drawing inspiration from Cal Newport's book "Deep Work," I embarked on a journey of incorporating productive meditation into my problem-solving process. The concept involves engaging in a physical activity that occupies the body while allowing the mind to focus on a single problem. Similar to mindfulness meditation, the key is to gently redirect one's attention back to the designated topic whenever it strays.

Finding Serenity in Nature:

Living in downtown Montreal, Canada, provided me with the perfect opportunity to explore the benefits of meditative walks. Just a short stroll away from the bustling urban life lies Mount Royal, a serene oasis of lush forests and tranquil surroundings. It became my sanctuary for contemplation, particularly when pondering strategies for detecting life on other planets.

Unlocking Fresh Perspectives:

During my initial meditative walks, I grappled with the challenge of detecting nitrogen on Mars—a nutrient crucial for supporting life. Amidst my wandering thoughts, a new experimental framework gradually emerged, influenced by a previous strategy used to detect chlorine on Mars. The simple act of walking had served as a catalyst for shifting my focus and allowing fresh connections to form.Navigating the Research Maze:

Encouraged by the results of my first meditative walk, I continued to embark on more contemplative journeys. Exploring the forested ambience of Mount Royal and occasionally venturing through the city streets, I discovered that different routes often inspired greater creativity. These walks became a source of inspiration, helping me generate ideas, refine complex conclusions into concise phrases, and identify compelling threads within my thesis chapters. They acted as a guiding compass, aiding me in navigating the twists and turns that my research had taken, particularly during the challenges posed by the pandemic.The Art of Meditative Walking:

It's important to acknowledge that adopting a practice of meditative walking requires time and discipline. Recognizing and overcoming mental distractions is an essential skill to develop. To make the most of these walks and minimize distractions, establishing a structure beforehand can be immensely helpful. By defining the problem, setting clear objectives, and mentally priming oneself with relevant knowledge, it becomes easier to stay on track. When focus wanes, acknowledging distractions, reassuring oneself about addressing them later, and revisiting the initial problem statement can help regain concentration. With practice, the profound mental boost becomes noticeable, making meditative walking an invaluable tool in the academic journey.

Scientific Evidence: The benefits of meditative walking are not merely anecdotal; scientific studies have substantiated its effectiveness. Research has shown that walking significantly enhances creativity, memory recall, and neural network plasticity—the growth and reorganization of connections between brain cells. Moreover, walking has been specifically found to enhance divergent thinking, which fosters the generation of original ideas and innovative solutions to problems. These cognitive enhancements are particularly advantageous for academics, facilitating the design of creative experiments, the identification of connections within complex data, and the effective communication of research findings.

Inclusivity and Adaptability: While walking may not be accessible to everyone due to mobility issues, chronic pain, disabilities, or location constraints, meditative practices can be adapted to various routine tasks that require less physical

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