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Top 11 Science-Based Health Benefits of Pumpkins Seed

importance of incorporating Pumpkins seed into your diet

By Vivid MasonganyikaPublished about a year ago 7 min read
Top 11 Science-Based Health Benefits of Pumpkins Seed
Photo by Shaun Holloway on Unsplash

Eating pumpkin seeds can provide various health benefits due to their high nutrient content. Some of these benefits may include improved fertility, better heart health, and enhanced blood sugar control.

Despite their small size, pumpkin seeds are rich in beneficial nutrients. Consuming even a small amount can provide a significant dose of healthy fats, magnesium, and zinc. Consequently, pumpkin seeds have been linked to multiple health advantages, such as improved heart health, prostate health, and potential cancer prevention. Moreover, incorporating these seeds into your diet is effortless. The following 11 health benefits of pumpkin seeds are backed by scientific evidence.

By Marius Ciocirlan on Unsplash

By CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

1. Full of valuable nutrients

The Mexican Spanish term for pumpkin seeds is "pepitas." Pumpkin seeds that are sold in supermarkets are usually without shells, unlike the tough white seeds found inside carving pumpkins. The shell-free seeds are oval, flat, and green in color. A 28-gram or 1-ounce serving of these seeds contains around 160 calories, mostly from fat and protein. Furthermore, a serving of 28 grams provides the following nutrients according to a reliable source.

Carbs: 3 g

Protein: 8.6 g

Fat: 14 g

Fiber: 1.7 g

Manganese: 56% of the Daily Value (DV)

Copper: 42% of the DV

Magnesium: 40% of the DV

Phosphorus: 28% of the DV

Zinc: 20% of the DV

Iron: 14% of the DV

Pumpkin seeds not only have the nutrients mentioned earlier but also have some antioxidants and limited quantities of potassium, riboflavin, and folate (according to 1 reliable source).

2. High in antioxidants

Pumpkin seeds have high levels of flavonoids and phenolic acids, which are antioxidants. They also contain carotenoids and vitamin E in small amounts. Antioxidants can lower inflammation and safeguard cells from harmful free radicals. Therefore, consuming antioxidant-rich foods can assist in preventing many illnesses. The positive effects of pumpkin seeds on health are attributed, in part, to their high antioxidant levels. An earlier study showed that pumpkin seed oil had anti-inflammatory effects on rats with arthritis, without any adverse effects, while animals treated with an anti-inflammatory drug experienced negative side effects.

3. Linked to a reduced risk of certain cancers

By National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

According to some studies, pumpkin seeds contain plant compounds that have the potential to protect against cancer growth. A 2012 observational study discovered that eating pumpkin seeds was linked to a lower risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Previous research also indicates that the lignans present in pumpkin seeds might have a significant role in preventing and treating breast cancer. Additionally, a test-tube study revealed that pumpkin seed extract could potentially slow down the spread and growth of prostate cancer cells.

4. Improve prostate and bladder health

Studies show that pumpkin seeds may help alleviate symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition characterized by the enlargement of the prostate gland, leading to urinary difficulties.

Various human studies demonstrate that consuming pumpkin seeds reduced symptoms related to BPH. In a 2021 study involving 73 individuals with BPH, consumption of pumpkin seed oil led to a reduction in symptoms and an improvement in the quality of life. Although pumpkin seed oil was not as effective as prescription medication, it caused fewer adverse effects.

Moreover, research suggests that taking pumpkin seeds or their derivatives as supplements can help manage symptoms of an overactive bladder. An earlier study conducted on 45 individuals with overactive bladders revealed that taking 10 g of pumpkin seed oil extract daily resulted in improved urinary function.

5. Very high in magnesium

Pumpkin seeds are a great natural source of magnesium, a mineral that is frequently deficient in the diets of many Western societies. Nearly half of the American adults consume less magnesium than the recommended daily amount. Magnesium is essential for over 600 biochemical reactions in the body, and maintaining sufficient levels of magnesium is crucial for several aspects of health. This includes (according to various trusted sources):

  • controlling blood pressure
  • reducing heart disease risk
  • forming and maintaining healthy bones
  • regulating blood sugar levels

6. May improve heart health

By camilo jimenez on Unsplash

Pumpkin seeds contain antioxidants, magnesium, zinc, and unsaturated fats which can aid in maintaining a healthy heart, according to a reliable source (1). Studies on both animals and humans indicate that consuming pumpkin seed oil may lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, both of which are crucial risk factors for heart disease. In a previous 12-week study, 35 postmenopausal women were given pumpkin seed oil supplements and showed a decrease in diastolic blood pressure by 7% and an increase in HDL (good) cholesterol levels by 16%. Some studies suggest that the ability of pumpkins to increase nitric oxide production in the body may be responsible for their positive effect on heart health (5). Nitric oxide can help widen blood vessels, enhance blood circulation, and decrease the risk of plaque growth in the arteries.

7. Can lower blood sugar levels

According to reliable sources, previous animal studies have indicated that pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed powder, and pumpkin juice can reduce blood sugar levels. In a study involving healthy adults, those who ate meals containing 65 g (approximately 2 oz) of pumpkin seeds had lower blood sugar levels after consuming a high carbohydrate meal. The high magnesium content of pumpkin seeds may be responsible for its positive impact on diabetes, which is an interesting finding. One large observational study discovered that individuals who consumed the most magnesium had a 15% lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes over a 28-year period than those who consumed the least amount. However, further research is necessary to verify the positive effects of pumpkin seeds on blood sugar levels.

8. High in fiber

One reliable source states that pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of dietary fiber, with a single 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of shelled seeds providing 1.7 grams of fiber. Consuming a high-fiber diet can have a positive impact on digestive health. Furthermore, diets that are rich in fiber have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

9. May improve sperm quality

By Deon Black on Unsplash

A reliable source states that low levels of zinc in males are linked to decreased sperm quality and an increased risk of infertility. As pumpkin seeds are abundant in zinc, they may improve sperm quality. An interesting finding from an animal study indicates that supplementing with pumpkin seed oil and vitamin E enhanced reproductive performance and sperm quality in roosters. Additionally, pumpkin seeds contain antioxidants and other nutrients that can help maintain healthy testosterone levels and overall well-being. Taken together, these factors can have a positive effect on fertility levels and reproductive function, especially in males.

10. May help improve sleep

By bruce mars on Unsplash

If you are having difficulty sleeping, consuming pumpkin seeds before bedtime may be beneficial due to their natural content of tryptophan, an amino acid that can encourage sleep. In order to obtain the recommended daily intake of 1 gram of tryptophan, it is necessary to consume about 6 ounces (170 grams) of pumpkin seeds. Additionally, pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium which has been linked to improved sleep in some observational studies. There have been a few studies suggesting that taking a magnesium supplement could also improve sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep in older adults with insomnia. Nonetheless, more research is required to confirm these findings.

11. Easy to add to your diet

By Nadine Primeau on Unsplash

Including pumpkin seeds in your diet is easy and can provide you with numerous health benefits. In various countries, they are a popular snack and can be consumed in their raw form or roasted with salt or without it. Additionally, you can mix them into smoothies, Greek yogurt, and fruit bowls. They can also be added to meals by sprinkling them over salads, soups, or cereals. Moreover, pumpkin seeds are sometimes used in baking and can be incorporated into sweet or savory bread and cakes. However, it is worth noting that pumpkin seeds, like other nuts and seeds, contain phytic acid, which may hinder the bioavailability of some nutrients. If you consume nuts and seeds frequently, soaking or sprouting them can help to reduce their phytic acid content.

Fundamental conclusion.

Pumpkin seeds contain substantial nutrients and are abundant in potent antioxidants that can assist in addressing nutritional gaps and potentially safeguard against various health issues. Studies have revealed that consuming pumpkin seeds can have beneficial effects on heart health, fertility, blood sugar levels, and sleep quality, and they may also aid in shielding against certain forms of cancer. Moreover, their high nutrient density may offer additional health advantages, such as enhanced energy, mood, and immune function. Furthermore, pumpkin seeds can be effortlessly incorporated into your diet, enabling you to experience their numerous favorable impacts.

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About the Creator

Vivid Masonganyika

Hi there! My name is Vivid, and I'm a professional comic writer based in Zimbabwe. I'm passionate about comics, health research, and love stories, and I love sharing my knowledge and experiences with others.

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  • Prashant Patelabout a year ago

    Good list.

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