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Top 10 Home And Gardening Websites in NYC

Top 10 New York City home and gardening websites

By DeepakPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

In New York City, where space is at a premium, home and gardening enthusiasts face unique challenges when it comes to creating beautiful and functional living spaces. Fortunately, there are numerous websites dedicated to helping New Yorkers navigate the world of home decor and gardening.

From expert tips and DIY projects to inspiration and product recommendations, these websites offer a wealth of resources to turn your house into a stylish home and your garden into an urban oasis. In this article, we will explore the top 10 home and gardening websites in NYC that are sure to provide valuable information and inspiration for residents looking to enhance their living spaces.


KnowLatest is a comprehensive website that provides valuable insights and tips for New Yorkers navigating the world of real estate and home improvement. From apartment hunting to DIY projects, this website covers various aspects of urban living, making it a go-to resource for home and gardening enthusiasts.


If you own or aspire to own a brownstone or townhouse in NYC, Brownstoner is the ultimate resource for you. It offers a wealth of information on renovation, interior design, and gardening specifically tailored to these iconic New York City homes.

NYC Parks:

The New York City Parks website is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in gardening or outdoor spaces in the city. It provides information on community gardens, park events, and horticulture programs, making it an excellent reference for those looking to connect with nature in an urban setting.


As a leading environmental nonprofit organization in NYC, GrowNYC focuses on promoting sustainable living and gardening practices. Their website offers valuable resources, such as gardening tips, farmer's market locations, and educational programs that inspire New Yorkers to grow their own food and create greener spaces.

Urban Gardens:

Urban Gardens is an online magazine that celebrates innovative gardening in urban environments. With inspiring articles, stunning photographs, and practical tips, this website offers creative ideas and solutions for gardening in small spaces, balconies, and rooftops.

The Sill:

For those looking to bring some greenery into their homes, The Sill is a popular online shop specializing in houseplants. They offer a wide selection of indoor plants, along with helpful care guides and resources to ensure your plants thrive in the urban environment.

NYC Plant Swap:

NYC Plant Swap is an online community where plant enthusiasts come together to trade and share plants. The website provides information on upcoming plant swap events, as well as tips on plant care and propagation, fostering a sense of community among New York City plant lovers.

My Plastic-Free Life:

While not specific to NYC, My Plastic-Free Life is a valuable resource for environmentally-conscious individuals looking to reduce waste and live a more sustainable lifestyle. The website offers practical tips on eco-friendly gardening, composting, and reducing plastic use in the home.

Brooklyn Botanic Garden:

The Brooklyn Botanic Garden is a must-visit destination for any gardening enthusiast in NYC. Their website provides information on upcoming events, educational programs, and gardening resources that cater to all skill levels, from beginners to experienced gardeners.

Rooftop Ready:

Rooftop Ready is a unique website that focuses on urban rooftop gardening. It offers tips, guides, and resources for transforming rooftops into green spaces, including information on container gardening, rooftop farms, and green roof installations.


The top 10 home and gardening websites in NYC offer a wide range of resources, tips, and inspiration for residents looking to enhance their homes and create beautiful gardens in the urban landscape. From comprehensive platforms covering real estate and home improvement to specialized websites focusing on brownstones, sustainable living, and urban gardening, these online resources cater to the diverse needs and interests of New Yorkers.

Whether you're seeking guidance on apartment living, interior design ideas for brownstones, sustainable gardening practices, or tips on transforming rooftops into green spaces, these websites have you covered. They provide a wealth of information, from practical advice to creative solutions, empowering homeowners and gardening enthusiasts to make the most of their living spaces in the bustling city.


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