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Today: Astrological prediction for June 23, 2023

Daily horoscope: Are the stars lined up in your favour? Find out the astrological prediction for Aries, Leo, Virgo, and other zodiac signs for June 23, 2023

By OfficialNewsPublished 12 months ago 5 min read

All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

Your efficiency at work is likely to surprise all. This is not a good day for taking property related decisions. Pending tasks will be cleared through your own efforts. A monetary award or some kind of recognition is in store for some. Health remains satisfactory. Travel will prove rejuvenating and refreshing.

Starting afresh in a business venture may require you to go in for a business partnership.

Love Focus: Wedding bells are likely to ring for the eligible.

Lucky Number - 3

Lucky Color - Cream

TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

A helping hand from those financially well off is likely. Domestic life proves satisfying, as family is supportive. You may plan an out-of-town trip with friends. Your physical fitness is likely to be tested in a sporting event. A property may finally come into your name, as the paperwork is slated to get over soon. Someone is likely to make your day by appreciating your performance on the professional front, when you least expect it.

Love Focus: Someone of opposite gender is likely to make your day on the romantic front!

Lucky Number- 7

Lucky Colour- Yellow

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Your advice can be sought at workplace on an important matter. Making regular workouts a part of your daily routine promise to keep you fit as a fiddle. Togetherness with family will make love grow stronger. You may desire a change of scene, so plan accordingly. Some positive developments on the property front are foreseen, as chances of owning a house brighten. Some of you are all set to enjoy a splendid vacation. You will be able to manage your finances commendably.

Love Focus: You will be able to impress someone from the opposite gender, paving the way for love to blossom!

Lucky Number - 2

Lucky Color - Pink

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

This is a good day to implement your ideas on the professional front. Your happiness generally lies in the happiness of others! Financial support will be required by those aiming for higher studies. Don’t take any half-measures where health is concerned. Doing up the house is on the cards. You will manage to get a disputed property under your name.

Love Focus: Some of you may get the consent of parents for a love marriage!

Lucky Number - 6

Lucky Color - Green

LEO (July 23-August 23)

This is the day to get up and achieve what you had been craving for all along. You will feel happy for someone achieving something big. Business trip proves fruitful, as new deals are struck. Good management on the home front promises to make your monetary front stronger. Travelling with a group of friends is indicated for some and will be loads of fun. Luck is likely to shine for those who have applied for a house or plot.

Love Focus: Romance for the lonely hearts is in the air and is likely to blossom.

Lucky Number - 5

Lucky Color - Peach

VIRGO (August 24-September 23)

You can stretch yourself for completing some time bound tasks. Those in business are likely to make good profits. You are likely to come in shape through workouts. Spending time with family is indicated and promises to provide immense joy. A vacation is very much on the cards and will prove most thrilling. Those who have applied for a house or plot may get a step closer to acquiring it.

Love Focus: Getting romantically involved with someone is on the cards for some.

Lucky Number - 15

Lucky Color - Brown

LIBRA (September 24-October 23)

This is a good time for visiting a friend or relative you have not met in years. You may become motivated to opt for some healthy options just to remain fit and energetic. Money from some unexpected source may come to you and make your bank balance healthy. Professionally, the day appears fruitful as you find the going smooth and people responsive. Much fun is in store for those setting out on a leisure trip.

Love Focus: You will find time to spend with lover.

Lucky Number - 18

Lucky Color - Red

SCORPIO (October 24-November 22)

Property and wealth can come by way of inheritance for some. You can balance too many tasks today. Creative people are likely to earn through their talents. You can be forced to attend a family event that you are not keen on. Keep options for travel open, as some changes are visualized. Your intelligence and confidence will soon find you on the path to success.

Love Focus: Love rocks for some today!

Lucky Number - 9

Lucky Color - off White

SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21)

Money will not pose any problems in realising your dreams. You make your mark on the professional front by tackling difficult tasks efficiently. Those travelling to a holiday destination can expect total enjoyment. You will be able to seize an opportunity to enhance your earnings. Family will reciprocate your love and care in full measure. All in all, you will get to enjoy the day in the company of friends and relations.

Love Focus: You may enjoy an exclusive time today with the one you love.

Lucky Number - 11

Lucky Color - Purple

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 21)

Those in professional fields are likely to find the day favorable. Joining a health club is your answer to remaining fit. A sound investment will find you financially secure. This is the day to spend time with children and family. An outing with the family is likely and will be most enjoyable. Now is the time to invest in property, if you want good returns.

Love Focus: Your perseverance pays as you find love.

Lucky Number - 17

Lucky Color - Green

AQUARIUS (January 22-February 19)

You will be able to raise finances for buying an expensive utility item. Talk about your promotion can reach your ears. Someone close will help you in sorting things out on the domestic front. Positive thoughts will be your greatest aide in keeping negativity at bay. A new purchase will help you keep up with the rivals. You will manage to nurture a sick family member back to health.

Love Focus: Some of you are set to improve your love life, so expect a great day on the love front.

Lucky Number - 15

Lucky Color - Saffron

PISCES (February 20-March 20)

You can get happily involved in organising an event or a function. Discomfort is likely to be faced in a long journey. You will succeed in diffusing an ugly situation at work by tact and diplomacy. It is time to embrace spirituality to achieve peace of mind. Some positive signals can emanate for those seeking a raise or promotion. You will need to be more conscious regarding your health and fitness.

Love Focus: Much happiness and fulfillment is likely to be gained on the romantic front.

Lucky Number - 4

Lucky Color - Dark Brown

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