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Tips for Maintaining Intermittent Fasting

How to maintain Intermittent Fasting?

By Qasim IftikharPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Tips for Maintaining Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is going without food for a certain amount of time, either completely or partly, and then going back to your normal eating schedule. A few studies have shown that this diet might help you lose weight, feel better, and live longer. People who support intermittent fasting say that it is easier to stick to than traditional calorie-restricted diets. Intermittent fasting is different for everyone, and some people will do better with one method than another.

In this article, we will talk about the science behind the most common types of intermittent fasting and give tips on how to keep up this way of eating for a long time.

How to maintain Intermittent Fasting?

Traditional intermittent fasting dictates a certain eating schedule. Therefore, calorie restriction like this turns into a habit. Intermittent fasting may be broken down into subtypes based on calorie restriction and fast length. You should diet that fits your lifestyle before deciding on which one to follow select a calorie restrictive. Once you have started your intermittent fasting journey you need to maintain a few things to get the healthy benefits of intermittent fasting. Following are some tips for maintaining it:

Keep a good routine

There are different ways to do this kind of fasting, with different lengths of time spent fasting and not fasting. The 16/8 approach is one of the most popular ways to cut calories. Keeping your late-night eating under control could be very good for your health.

In addition to making, you hurt and tired, eating right before bed can cause indigestion, acid reflux, and problems with your body's internal clock. When people fast in the morning and then eat late at night, it throws off their circadian rhythms. It makes illnesses happen more often and hurt more when they do. After a late dinner, you may develop heart and blood vessel diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. Eating late also throws off the body's circadian clock, which can lead to worry and sadness.

Keeping track of what you eat even when you're not fasting

To get the results you want from intermittent fasting, it's very important to be aware of what you eat when you're not fasting. Make sure you keep an eye on how good the food is.

Intermittent fasting works best when combined with a healthy, well-balanced diet. Nutritionists and dietitians say to eat whole grains, lean proteins, meals with fiber, and vegetables. Also, eat fruits with a low glycemic index, which doesn’t cause your blood sugar to rise quickly. Maintaining a steady blood sugar level is important since it aids in resisting temptation.

Not eating within 12 hours of going to bed

About 8 hours must pass for the body to fully digest, absorb, and use the food from the last meal. But 8 hours usually isn't enough time for the body to finish these things. Experts say that the body needs at least 12 hours after each meal to naturally clean itself.

Understand the limits of Intermittent Fasting

It's important to know and respect the limits of intermittent fasting. Because of this, many people should avoid fasts that last this long. Women who are nursing or expecting a child, as well as young people, have special dietary needs and shouldn't follow a fasting plan.

Diabetes patients shouldn't try this type of fasting. So that they don't get dizzy or tired, they have to take insulin every day and eat a strict diet of frequent, small meals at regular times throughout the day. Intermittent fasting can mess up your hormones, which can have a big impact on your mental health, your ability to have children, and your menstrual cycle. So, it's best to talk to a professional before starting any of these plans.

Drink plenty of water

If you don't drink enough water, your body will mistake thirst for hunger. So, it's important to keep your body hydrated all the time, not just when you're fasting.

Add healthy fat

Please add two to three teaspoons of healthy fats to your last meal. This will help keep your blood sugar levels stable during the fasting window.

Making an exercise plan that will work

People on a fasting diet are told to work out, but only if certain conditions are met. Timing things right and doing good workouts are two of them. When you work out first thing in the morning while you are still hungry, this is a good idea. It's also a good idea to have a well-thought-out plan for your workouts, including a schedule. It is important for people to know what physical activities they need to do.

Hearing what your body says

People should learn to pay attention to what their bodies are telling them. How aware someone is has a direct effect on how well they feel. Early signs of intermittent fasting include feeling weak or tired, being irritable or anxious, feeling lost, and not being able to concentrate. They are signs of being hungry or not getting enough food. So, keep an eye out and decide if the fasting schedule needs to be changed.

When you fast, your body goes through changes, and it will respond in kind. So, it's best to keep an eye on them and let their normal eating habits get back to normal over the course of a week. But let's say that these signs keep showing up. Then it is very important that you stop the diet and investigate other ways to lose weight.

Keeping track while traveling

Keeping track of what you eat, how you feel, and any symptoms you might be having can give you important information about your progress while you are intermittently fasting.

Some other ideas are to try something new and to end the fast in a steady, regular, and consistent way. If you ate when you were hungry, that would also help. Remember that there is a difference between wanting to eat and needing to eat and be careful when starting a new eating plan.


Maintaining intermittent fasting is very important consistently, any disruption in your diet might lead to imbalances in your body that include metabolic imbalances which might lead you gain weight instead of losing it. If you have ever eaten dinner, slept in, and didn't eat again until noon the next day, you have probably fasted for 16 hours or more.

Intermittent fasting with the 16:8 plan is thought to be the fastest and most effective way to lose weight and keep it off. If fasting is easy and makes you feel good, try more advanced fasts like 24-hour fasts once or twice a week (eat-stop-Eat) (5:2 diet). You can also fast when it makes sense, like when you are busy or not hungry. You don't have to follow a strict schedule of intermittent fasting to get some of the benefits.

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    QIWritten by Qasim Iftikhar

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