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Thyroid Cancer & Ways to protect yourself from it

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By Healthy tipsPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Thyroid Cancer & Ways to protect yourself from it
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Thyroid Cancer Overview

Thyroid cancer is a type of cancer that affects the thyroid gland, which is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, just below the Adam's apple. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the body's metabolism.

There are several types of thyroid cancer, including:

Papillary thyroid cancer: This is the most common type, accounting for about 80% of all cases. It usually grows slowly and can often be treated successfully.

Papillary thyroid cancer: This type accounts for about 10% to 15% of cases. It usually grows slowly and can spread to other parts of the body.

Medullary thyroid cancer: This type accounts for about 5% to 10% of cases. It develops from the C cells of the thyroid gland and can be associated with other endocrine tumors.

Anaplastic thyroid cancer: This is the most aggressive and rarest form of thyroid cancer, accounting for less than 5% of cases. It is very difficult to treat.

Risk factors for thyroid cancer include a family history of thyroid cancer, exposure to radiation, being female, and certain genetic syndromes.

Symptoms of thyroid cancer can include a lump or swelling in the neck, difficulty swallowing or breathing, hoarseness or other changes in voice, and neck pain.

Treatment for thyroid cancer usually involves surgery to remove the thyroid gland, followed by radioactive iodine therapy to destroy any remaining cancer cells. In some cases, chemotherapy or targeted therapy may also be used. The prognosis for thyroid cancer is generally good, with a high survival rate.

Ways to protect yourself from thyroid cancer

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent thyroid cancer, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk and protect yourself. Here are some ways to protect yourself from thyroid cancer:

Avoid exposure to radiation: Exposure to radiation, particularly during childhood, is a known risk factor for thyroid cancer. Avoid unnecessary medical tests that involve radiation, such as CT scans and X-rays, and protect yourself from environmental sources of radiation, such as nuclear power plants.

Eat a healthy diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources can help protect against a range of cancers, including thyroid cancer. Aim for a balanced diet that is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and refined sugars.

Quit smoking: Smoking is a known risk factor for several types of cancer, including thyroid cancer. Quitting smoking can help reduce your risk and improve your overall health.

Get regular check-ups: Regular check-ups with your doctor can help detect any abnormalities or changes in your thyroid gland early on. Make sure to inform your doctor if you have any symptoms or risk factors for thyroid cancer.

Protect your neck from radiation: If you work in a profession that involves exposure to radiation, such as medical imaging or nuclear power, take steps to protect your neck from radiation exposure. This can include wearing a lead-lined apron or shield.

Check your family history: Thyroid cancer can be hereditary, so it is important to know if anyone in your family has had thyroid cancer or other related conditions. Talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have about your family history.

Be aware of the signs and symptoms: Knowing the signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer can help you detect any changes or abnormalities early on. If you experience any of the symptoms associated with thyroid cancer, such as a lump in your neck or difficulty swallowing, seek medical attention right away.

In addition to these steps, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce your risk of developing thyroid cancer. This can include exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. While there is no guaranteed way to prevent thyroid cancer, taking these steps can help reduce your risk and protect your health


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