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They Don't want you to know This: Access Your SUPER POWER and here's how

How to unlock secrets of consciousness

By Dennis Thomas IVPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 5 min read
They Don't want you to know This: Access Your SUPER POWER and here's how
Photo by Gabriel Meinert on Unsplash

They Don't want you to know This: Access Your SUPER POWER and here's how

"Have you ever wondered how it's possible to tap into the hidden potential of your consciousness? The ability to engage in remote viewing is a remarkable human capability that allows us to see beyond the confines of time and space. Picture this: you have a crystal-clear, full-color dream that amazingly manifests itself the next day, next week, or even ten years later. How does that happen? Well, it all boils down to understanding and honing our innate remote viewing abilities.

Remote viewing is not a mystical phenomenon reserved for a select few living in seclusion; it's an ability that exists within all of us. To start harnessing this power, we must first dispel the myth that it's an elusive gift accessible only to a privileged few. Instead, think of remote viewing as a skill that can be developed and sharpened with practice.

Let's explore a simple remote viewing exercise that you can try with friends or on your own. Find a box or basket and have someone place an object inside without revealing its identity to you. Now, follow these steps:

Enter a Quiet State of Meditation: Begin by entering a deep, quiet state of meditation. Use techniques like focused breathing or a calming mantra to still your mind and connect with your inner self.

Relax and Sense: Let your mind rest on the object inside the box. Instead of guessing what it might be, focus on sensing and knowing the object. Avoid letting your mind wander into mere guessing games or memories.

Distinguish Intuition from Imagination: As you sense the object, your mind may attempt to fill in the gaps with familiar ideas or assumptions. To avoid this, practice being honest with yourself. Differentiate between genuine intuitive insights and imaginative guesses.

Practice and Discern: Like any skill, remote viewing improves with practice. The more you engage in this exercise, the more adept you'll become at discerning accurate remote-view data points from your intuitive insights.

Incorporating lucid dreaming into your practice can also enhance your remote viewing abilities. As you drift off to sleep, affirm your intention to experience lucid dreams, where you can explore distant times and places. Keep a journal by your bedside to record any insights or visions you receive during these dream states.

Understand that you're not limited by the constraints of your physical form or present time and place. Your consciousness is interconnected with every point in space and time, past, present, and future. Embrace the idea that you are a higher intelligent light, capable of tapping into the universal field of consciousness.

Unfortunately, mainstream knowledge of consciousness and remote viewing has been stifled by myths and misconceptions. Some believe that understanding these phenomena requires living in seclusion or following esoteric practices. This couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, remote viewing is a practical and accessible ability that can be integrated into your everyday life.

So, break free from limiting beliefs, and practice remote viewing as an art and science. It can enrich your life, provide insights into problem-solving, and deepen your connections with others. Empower yourself to take charge of your consciousness, and you'll be amazed at the incredible abilities you can unlock.

Remember, you are more than what you think you are – you possess the innate power of remote viewing. Embrace this gift and embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. Remote viewing is not just reserved for the elite; it's a gift we all have the potential to nurture and develop.

Now that you've gained insights into remote viewing, let's discuss some practical techniques that can help you further sharpen this ability. First, consider setting a regular schedule for meditation and remote viewing practice. Consistency is key to progress, and daily practice will strengthen your connection to the field of consciousness.

Next, cultivate a calm and focused mind through mindfulness exercises. Train yourself to be fully present in the moment, which will enhance your receptivity to intuitive insights. Regular mindfulness practice can also reduce mental chatter and distractions, allowing you to delve deeper into your consciousness.

In addition to remote viewing objects in boxes, challenge yourself to practice remote viewing with people you know. Ask a friend to visit a location at a specific time while you attempt to remote view their whereabouts. Compare your observations afterward and note the accuracy of your perceptions.

Dream journaling is another valuable tool in your remote viewing journey. As you wake up each morning, record any dreams, visions, or intuitive insights you experienced during the night. Over time, patterns and recurring themes may emerge, helping you understand and interpret the messages your consciousness is sending.

Remember that patience and perseverance are essential in developing your remote viewing skills. As with any skill, progress may be gradual, but trust in your innate abilities and stay committed to the practice.

As you continue honing your remote viewing talents, don't be discouraged by occasional misses or inaccuracies. This is a natural part of the learning process. Stay open-minded and remain focused on refining your intuitive capabilities.

In conclusion, the ability to engage in remote viewing is not a far-fetched concept limited to a select few. Instead, it is an inherent human capacity that can be cultivated and utilized by anyone willing to embark on the journey of self-discovery and exploration.

By embracing your consciousness and the vast potential it holds, you open yourself to a world of unseen dimensions. Remote viewing provides a glimpse into the interconnected fabric of reality, where past, present, and future merge into a tapestry of infinite possibilities.

So, take a leap of faith, trust in your intuition, and embark on this extraordinary adventure of remote viewing. Unlock the secrets of the universe and tap into the profound wisdom that lies within you. Your consciousness is a boundless canvas waiting to be painted with the colors of exploration, understanding, and enlightenment."

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Dennis Thomas IV

"Meet Dennis Thomas IV, the Quirky Innovator 🚀🤓 Armed with a brilliant mind and a penchant for humor, Dennis concocts dazzling solutions that delight. Get ready to explore new frontiers of engagement with Dennis's unique flair!"

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