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The Benefits Of Taking A Break: Reclaiming Your Mental Health

The Benefits Of Taking A Break: Reclaiming Your Mental Health

By Jack BrelPublished about a year ago 10 min read
The Benefits Of Taking A Break: Reclaiming Your Mental Health
Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash


We often feel the pressure to be constantly productive and remain focused at all times, but it’s important to remember that taking a break is an invaluable tool for maintaining your mental health. Allowing yourself time to just relax and recalibrate is an important part of achieving a balanced lifestyle. In this article, we look at the significance of taking a break for one’s mental health, and offer advice on how to incorporate this into your everyday life.

By Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

When it comes to taking care of our mental health, taking a break should be one of the top priorities. Taking a break is an important step to reclaiming your mental health and promoting well-being. Taking a break from normal routines can help with stress relief, refocusing and resetting, improving mental clarity, and sparking creativity.

Stress relief is one of the biggest benefits of taking a break. If a person is feeling overwhelmed and overworked, a break can give them a chance to pull away from the situation and just take a breather. Taking a break from a stressful situation can help to clear away the cobwebs and allow the person to approach the situation from a fresh perspective. Not only that, but it can also provide a much-needed physical and mental rest.

Taking a break can also help with refocusing and resetting. Many times, the hustle and bustle of everyday life can cause us to become easily distracted. Taking a break can help to break up the monotony and allow us to take a step back and reassess our priorities. It can give us the time and space to prioritize tasks and figure out what is really important.

Another benefit of taking a break is improved mental clarity. Taking a break gives our mind a chance to relax and recharge. It can help us to think more clearly and be more productive when we return to our tasks. This clarity can also spark creative ideas and help us to be more creative with our work.

Finally, taking a break can help spark creativity. Often times, taking a break from a task can help to bring a new level of inspiration that was previously lacking. Taking a break can also provide the opportunity to explore new ideas and think outside the box.

Overall, taking a break is essential for reclaiming our mental health. Taking time for ourselves can help us to be more productive in our day-to-day tasks, and better manage our stress levels. Taking a break can help us refocus, reset, and clear our minds so we can be more creative and successful.

What is Mental Health?

By Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Mental health is an important aspect of overall wellness and well-being. It is defined by the World Health Organization as “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” Mental health is a broad term that encompasses a variety of different factors, from physical and cognitive abilities to relationships, emotions, and behaviors. It is important to recognize that mental health is not a static concept and can be influenced by a variety of factors, both short-term and long-term.

Mental health is often divided into three distinct categories: psychological, emotional, and behavioral. Psychological health refers to the ability to think, reason, and remember. This includes being able to concentrate, remember things and make decisions. Emotional health refers to the ability to recognize and manage emotions. This includes managing stress, being able to form and maintain relationships, and being able to express emotions appropriately. Behavioral health refers to the ability to manage behavior. This includes controlling impulses, understanding consequences of actions, and making appropriate choices.

It is important to note that one’s mental health is not simply the absence of mental illness. Mental health is a state of well-being and should be nurtured and protected from any factors that may negatively affect it. Taking a break from work, school, or other activities that may be causing stress or anxiety can be beneficial for one’s mental health, as it allows for an opportunity to reset and refocus. Mental health is a complex concept that includes a variety of factors, but taking a break to recharge can be a key part of self-care.

The Benefits of Taking a Break

Taking regular breaks is an important part of maintaining mental health. It can help you to relieve stress, reduce exhaustion, and even give you a chance to recharge and refocus. Here are some of the biggest benefits of taking a break:

1. Improved Mental Health

By Anthony Tran on Unsplash

When you take a break, you’re giving yourself time away from any stressors that may be causing you distress. This helps to clear your mind and give you a chance to look at things from a different perspective. Taking a break can also provide a welcomed distraction from any worries or anxieties.

2. Increased Productivity

By Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

Taking regular breaks can help you to avoid feelings of burnout. When you come back from a break, you’re more likely to be focused, energetic, and productive. Plus, after taking a break, you can look at a task in a different way, often leading to more creative solutions.

3. Higher Quality Sleep

By Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

Taking a break can help to clear your mind and create a calmer atmosphere. This can help you to fall asleep more easily and enjoy a deeper sleep. Taking breaks throughout the day can also help you to better manage your energy levels so that you have enough energy to get the important things done but you’re not completely exhausted by the time you hit the pillow.

4. Increased Self-Care

Taking regular breaks can be an important part of self-care. It gives you time to do activities that you genuinely enjoy, such as going for a walk, reading a book, or even just having some alone time. When you take a break, you’re giving yourself permission to take care of your needs and do something just for you.

Overall, taking a break can be an essential part of maintaining your mental health. It can help you to clear your mind, become more productive and creative, improve your quality of sleep, and increase your self-care. So the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break. You will be thankful you did!

5. Improved Mood

Taking a break from your normal routine isn’t just a way to unwind and relax; it can be a powerful tool in improving your overall mood. In fact, taking breaks is associated with greater life satisfaction and is an effective way to lessen the symptoms of depression and anxiety. This can be especially helpful if you’re stuck in an unhealthy cycle of overworking yourself and neglecting your mental health.

Taking a break can mean something as small as taking 15 minutes away from work to connecting with like-minded individuals in a weekly club. Stepping away from your daily activities can provide you with the needed space to gain perspective and set healthier goals. This can allow you to return to your routines feeling renewed and ready to tackle anything that may come your way.

From yoga classes to weekend getaways, taking a break can be the mental health boost you need to reclaim your sense of calm and happiness.

6. Reduced Stress

By Erriko Boccia on Unsplash

One of the major benefits of taking a break is reducing stress. Taking regular breaks can help to lower stress levels and improve overall mental health. Taking breaks provides an opportunity to give your mind a rest from the demands of everyday life and can help to reduce feelings of overwhelm. Taking walks, reading a book, taking a long shower, or simply laying down and breathing deeply can help reduce tension and stress. Making time for relaxation and setting boundaries between work and leisure time can help to reduce stress and promote better mental health.

7. Boosted Creativity

Taking a break from everyday routines and activities can be extremely beneficial for your mental health and creativity. Reclaiming moments of serenity and peace can help give your creative impulses a much-needed boost. Studies have shown that people who take breaks from their regular, everyday activities are able to come up with more unique and innovative ideas than those who don’t. During a break, allow yourself to explore new activities and hobbies that can help you tap into your creative side and give you the mental space to think of out of the box concepts. In addition, disconnecting from screens and technology can be a great way to give your brain a break and refocus.

8. Making Time for Yourself

We all lead busy lives, and taking a break can often feel like an impossibility. But carving out time for yourself is one of the most important things you can do for your mental and emotional health. Finding an activity or hobby that you enjoy is a great way to set aside meaningful time for yourself every day. Whether it’s reading for an hour, going for a walk, or listening to your favorite music, taking a break allows you to relax, refresh, and center yourself.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed and overworked, it can be hard to make time for yourself. But if you can make it a priority, your mental and emotional wellbeing will thank you for it. It’s important to know when to take a break and when to keep going. Taking a break doesn’t mean avoiding the hard work, it just means taking a moment to appreciate and enjoy the process. If you continue pushing yourself without taking a break, you’ll end up feeling burnt out and overwhelmed.

Taking time for yourself doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. It could be something as simple as taking a few moments to meditate or journal before bed. It could also be as easy as going for a walk or listening to a relaxing podcast. The most important thing is to find something that helps you relax.

No matter what type of break you choose, it’s important to keep in mind that it should be something that helps you disconnect and relax. Taking a break gives you the opportunity to reset and recharge, so take the time to do something that helps you relax and refresh. It’s important to remember that taking a break is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength. You are recognizing when you need to step back and recharge, and that’s a great way to stay healthy and whole.

8. Create a Routine

By JJ Ying on Unsplash

Creating a routine is key to recharging your mental health. A routine can help you establish a set of habits and behaviors that will allow you to take regular breaks throughout your day. This can look different for everyone, but generally, it is best to plan out your breaks and set aside specific times where you take a step away from your tasks and focus on yourself. This could be anything from deep breathing exercises to going for a walk outside. The most important thing is to make sure that you actually take those breaks and stick to your routine. Doing so will help you reclaim your mental health and be your most productive self.

10. Set Boundaries

Setting reasonable boundaries is a great way to ensure you are taking care of your mental health. When you set boundaries, you are able to create a safe space that allows you to take the time to step away from the hustle and bustle of life. Boundaries can also help you to stay focused on the tasks at hand, allowing you to give your best effort to everything you do. By respecting your own boundaries, you create an atmosphere of calm and purposeful working. Doing so will allow you to take the necessary breaks in order to maintain a healthy mental state. Taking regular breaks, even short ones, will help you to come back to your tasks feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to put your best foot forward.

11. Unplug from Technology

By Ales Nesetril on Unsplash

Unplugging from technology can be beneficial in a variety of ways, especially in terms of reclaiming your mental health. Constantly being connected to your devices can be draining, and it’s important to give yourself permission to unplug and take a break from time to time. There are a few simple tips to help you unplug and reconnect with your mental health. Firstly, try setting specific times of the day where you turn off all screens and technology, such as 45 minutes before bedtime. Secondly, consider leaving your phone in another room while you’re at home, so that you can be more present and focused on tasks around the house. Finally, take time to be mindful and appreciate all the beauty the world has to offer without the digital distractions. Unplugging from your devices may be difficult at first, but taking a break from technology is vital for reclaiming your mental health.


At the end of the day, taking a break is essential for reclaiming your mental health. Taking a break can help you refocus on the things that truly matter in life, help you reset and reconnect with yourself, and give you the opportunity to make positive changes in your life. When life gets overwhelming, taking a break can be a great way to reduce stress and help you come back with a clear mind and positive attitude. Whether it’s for a day, a week, or a month, a break can provide clarity and help you gain perspective. So, don’t be afraid to take some time off. Allowing yourself time to step away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life can be just what you need to recharge and get back on track.

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About the Creator

Jack Brel

At Vocal Media, I am excited to be a part of a platform that values creativity and original content. I am confident that my skills and experience will enable me to create impactful campaigns and bring value to the Vocal Media community

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