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The 15 Simple Rules To Overcome Shyness Forever

It has been said that the best way to overcome shyness is to remove yourself from the situation where you are feeling shy in the first place.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

If you're shy, or know someone who's struggling with shyness, then this following blog post is for you. We've gathered together some of the best advice on how to overcome shyness and develop your social skills. 

There are a lot of different opinions out there when it comes to what makes someone more socially comfortable, but we all agree that slow and steady wins the race. If you follow these tips closely, one day soon you'll be able to approach anyone without any nervousness or apprehension.

1. Accept It!

Yes, accept it. There's nothing wrong with being shy, and there's certainly nothing wrong with accepting it. This doesn't mean you should be okay with being shy forever or even for a long time in the future. Rather, all this means is that you should accept the fact that you're feeling this way in the present moment and acknowledge that everyone feels some level of social anxiety at one time or another. The key to overcoming shyness is to shift your focus to where you want it to be on your future life where you'll no longer feel shy at all.

2. Practise How To Back Up With People

So you know you're shy now, but what if people still end up being uncomfortable? The answer to this is simple: practice how to back up with them. For example, if someone comes up to you and asks for your business card, don't fidget and start talking about yourself as fast as possible in an attempt to get them off of the topic and change the subject. Instead, simply look down at the ground briefly, say thank you and then ask one of these questions:

"May I have your card? I'd be happy to put it in my wallet." "My apologies for bothering you; I didn't realize that was your card. Please forgive my interruption." "Are you currently taking business inquiries? This would be a good time to get the word out."

Also, don't approach people with the mentality that they need to like you or agree with you. Just go and talk to them; leave the rest up to fate. Once you're able to back out of a conversation gracefully, it'll be easier for you over time as well.

3. Practice With Your Friends (And Ask For Their Help!)

If you want to overcome shyness and make more friends, then it's important that you practice these skills regularly with your friends and family members. At first, they may not want to help you, but eventually, they will realize how much of a difference it makes and start wanting to help you out. Just think about how good your life will be once it's filled with lots of people who love you!

4. Take A Deep Breath And Focus On The Moment

Most people have the habit of focusing on the past or the future all too often. This can be helpful when applied in certain situations. For example, if you are running late for work (which happens way too often), then applying an alarm system in your head could keep you from rushing off to work without making some important phone calls first. It won't be long before you'll find yourself late every day. 

However, when it comes to overcoming shyness, the opposite is true. Focusing on the past or future is a huge mistake. Instead, forget about those things that you once experienced and focus on the present. It's only for a moment after all; tomorrow will be here before you know it.

5. Ask Everyone For Help

If you think of all your friends and family members as your own army, then you should ask them for help whenever and wherever they can help you out! 

If they don't want to give you any money or help with anything in particular, then ask them to tell some of their closest friends about how great it was when they were around and what a wonderful person you were in their presence. 

This will help you develop a positive reputation, which is the most important thing when it comes to overcoming shyness. What's more, some of these friendships may even become deep and meaningful relationships that will bring you lots of joy and happiness!

6. Ask Yourself "What Is The Worst Thing That Can Happen?"

In reality, there's no worst thing that can happen with anyone that you're interested in talking to. Everyone is going through problems and suffering in life. The important thing is that you're able to overcome these and the way to do this is by slowly and consistently working towards your goal. The truth is, you'll always be shy no matter how good you become at talking to people; it's just a matter of time until you get there.

7. Try Everything One Time (And See What Happens!)

There are a lot of different examples out there on the internet where somebody decided they were shy and then practiced talking to someone in a public place like a bar one time. They did this before leaving their house and then continued talking to that person for several more hours. That's all it took for them to overcome their shyness; they did it once, and now they're comfortable talking to anyone and everyone.

8. Try Everything Once And Then Do It Again The Next Day!

Once you've gotten used to doing something once, then you should try it again the next day until you're able to replicate the results every time! This is a great way of making progress towards your goal because doing the same thing over and over again will make you much more comfortable with the activity in question.

9. Seriously, Try Everything One Time And Then Do It Again The Next Day!

One of the best challenges that people can take on when it comes to overcoming shyness is to do exactly the same thing over and over again - in other words, practice something until you're able to repeat it perfectly every time. For example, if you have a difficult time talking to people at a party, then don't worry about it; just go up to someone and ask them their favorite color. Eventually, this will get easier and easier for you as well!

10. Set A Timer When You Practice Talking To People

It can be easy to get carried away by what's going on around you and that's why it's a good idea to set a timer for every hour, half-hour or fifteen minutes that you practice talking to people. This is especially important if you're just starting out with this kind of thing. The reason for setting the timer is simple: it'll let you focus on the conversation without getting distracted by everything else in the room. When the timer goes off, take a break; chat with someone else or simply take a deep breath!

11. Don't Worry About It!

At the end of the day, all you have to do is continue practicing and eventually, things will work themselves out. Keep in mind that everyone has to go through this; it's not something that only you have to deal with. The good news is that there are lots of ways for you to improve your social skills, but if you're too busy worrying about why you'll never overcome your shyness then it's likely that nothing will work for you. Keep in mind what this article is telling you and soon enough, it will be time for you to celebrate your success!

12. Set A Goal For Every Conversation

As soon as you start talking to someone, set a goal for what you want to accomplish. For example, maybe you're going to find out their middle name or something like that. Whatever it is, setting a goal will help make sure that you stay focused on the conversation and don't lose track of the task at hand. This will also help prevent you from forgetting to say what you wanted to say in the first place!

13. Make It Fun! (Or Be Serious If You Have To)

If you're shy and tend to get nervous when talking to people, then it's always good to have some fun while doing so. The trick is to remember that there's a lot more to the conversation than what you're talking about. For example, you could pretend that you're in a movie or television show and try talking like your favorite character. You can also do things like telling jokes or cracking wise which will make people think that you're actually pretty cool after all!

14. Focus On What You Have In Common With The Other Person

When it comes to overcoming shyness, it's important to remember that nobody likes a boring person. Instead, try focusing your energy on things that you have in common with other people instead. If a guy is shy, then avoid talking about things like sports and ask him about his favorite food! If a girl is shy, then ask her questions about what she likes to watch on TV or something like that.

15. Try Doing Something You've Never Done Before!

In the end, you're probably going to have a lot of fun when you start talking to people again. There's no reason why you shouldn't try something that's never been done before - as long as it can be done without too much trouble! For example, if you're shy then maybe try texting someone for the first time in your life; it doesn't matter what kind of person they are and there are very few risks involved (other than the risk of being rejected).

Alright, time to give everyone a big round of applause! You've finally made it to the last page of this article and I'm sure you're pumped up with anticipation to speak to people again. If you're still feeling shy, then all you have to do is read these tips a few times and I guarantee that you'll find yourself getting more and more comfortable with each and every conversation that you go through!

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