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The 15 Signs You Are A GENIUS That Science Can’t Ignore.

What makes a genius? Is it something you’re born with, or is it the result of some natural ability that can be developed?

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 13 min read
The 15 Signs You Are A GENIUS That Science Can’t Ignore.
Photo by Andrew George on Unsplash

Studies show that around 1.6% of people in the world are born with genius-level intelligence. This is probably because researchers found that genius brains differ vastly in size, shape, and structure when compared to average ones.

Researchers also learned that there are a number of subtle clues to spotting a true genius at work. People like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Mozart weren’t just born that way; they were smart enough to realize it.

1. They're silent killers

Geniuses seem to get by fine without talking much. Their brains may be able to perform at warp speed, but the rest of their body is quiet as a mouse until they need to speak. In some cases this can be pathological (some forms of autism are characterized by an inability to talk) but the condition is rare and only affects 1 in 10,000 people. Even in these instances, the condition usually runs in families. As a result, people with true genius may not even know they have it. They aren’t necessarily quiet or shy, but they’re social by choice. They choose not to talk as much because their brains are already running at full capacity.

Geniuses are also great at persuading people to do what they want them to do. Although this skill is most effective in a one-on-one encounter, some people with genius powers can manipulate a whole crowd into doing what they want them to (think: the Wizard of Oz). It has been said that the ability to persuade is one of the fundamental ingredients for success, and geniuses have it in spades.

2.They're nothing like you

People with genius intelligence are usually grouped together by age. It’s too difficult to sort out exact numbers, but around 1.6% of the world is thought to be born with genius capabilities. It’s a small number, but its effect on the world is immense.

Geniuses are also known for being unique, eccentric and isolated. The brain’s wiring of the average person is a mirror-image; right-handed people have right-brain dominance and vice versa. Genius brains are an exception, configured in such a way so as to allow them to think differently than their peers

3) They're not perfect

It's said that geniuses are known for making mistakes by accident. This idea is due to a phenomenon called “effortlessness.” It is said that those with genius are simply not putting the same amount of energy toward their actions as the average person. They are just more efficient at everything they do.

In an effort to understand how this effect is obtained, scientists have looked into the brains of geniuses, specifically in schizophrenics and autistic savants (both of whom have been described as having divine minds). Schizophrenia, by definition, is diagnosed when energy flows in a distorted manner through the brain. In each case they found something interesting: zillions of densely packed individual pathways linking up in unusual ways.

It’s as if the brain were physically broken into many tiny pieces, but in a way that still allowed for normal activity. However, people with these conditions sometimes make errors in their actions because they’re not making any effort to ensure they get something done. They don’t have access to the normal superhighways that most brains do and therefore make some strange-seeming mistakes while getting through the day.

Geniuses can get by with less effort, but the result is not always favorable or perfect. The same goes for savants: they’re usually born with this phenomenon because it is caused by early damage to certain portions of the brain. Luckily for them, the damaged portion can be moved to another part of the brain, which allows the savant skills and abilities to stay intact.

4. Their brain is built for speed

It’s true that geniuses are able to think much faster than normal people, but not all brains are wired this way. A study at University of New Mexico found that it takes only a portion of a second for your brain to decide on a course of action. That may not seem like a lot of time, but it is plenty of time for geniuses to come up with an idea or realize something others don't see.

It’s not just about the time it takes for their brains to decide. Geniuses have the ability to access their brain in a way that normal people can't, and this allows them to solve problems quickly. Scientists have measured this by testing brain activity in people as they try to solve puzzles. The faster you solve a problem, the more rapid your brain activity is within one second of trying to figure out what you're doing wrong.

Idea generation is where genius is most likely to be found because it requires an immediate response, and a quick answer involves accessing the most important parts of your mind (the "executive" centers). This process is what sets genius apart from the rest of us. Our brains have a kind of filter that lets us know if an idea is worth pursuing, but geniuses can get past this filter and access the whole range of ideas that come in.

5) They're full of surprises

Genius-level intelligence is always surprising -- even to people with it. Because most geniuses are chaotic by nature, their brain functions in such a way that it’s difficult to predict what they’ll do next. As a result, people with genius tend to be very open-minded and trust other people more than normal ones do. Genius also allows people to interpret things differently, which can be a good or bad thing.

Cognitive experts consider the idea of “multiple intelligences”, which includes verbal-linguistic and logical intelligence as well as spatial, musical and physical. Each type of intelligence has a unique purpose in the goals of each person, but geniuses rely on spatial and physical intelligence to be able to think ahead. Fewer people can get by using these two vectors because they are less useful in everyday life (although they may provide some advantages in the world of sports or business).

The point is that geniuses have one ability that most people don't have: foresight. Because they are able to think about how their actions will affect others, geniuses usually make decisions based on how things will unfold in the future. They trust people more, which leads them to lead more fulfilling lives.

6) The genius brain is a mixed bag

Genius brains are a mixed bag because they're able to access various areas of the brain at once. This means that genius brains are not necessarily better than non-genius ones. In fact, when tested against the average person, most geniuses do not perform better than average on any given task. But it is believed that geniuses use this versatility so that they can access information in different ways; therefore, they can solve problems differently than others do.

Although it may sound odd, genius brains are considered normal. People are not born with anything special, and most brains function in the same way; however, people with genius brains may have different navigational patterns that allow them to solve problems more quickly.

If you want to learn more about this topic, check out the book "Brain Rules:12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School."

7. Creativity is hard work

Creative people are always working on their art and/or craft because they know that no matter how good it is, it can change very quickly. There’s no guarantee that their work will be perfect, and this means that they could always do better. One of the reasons why genius children are born during adolescence is because genius is like a muscle -- it needs to be exercised and developed, or it won’t get stronger.

When an untrained person tries to solve a problem, they usually form a plan in their mind first on how they will approach the problem and then they go about executing the plan. But when an expert goes to solve a problem, they don't think; instead, they just begin interacting with the world around them and try to figure out what works best.

This is why expert musicians don’t think about how they will move their hands or fingers to play a song they already know: they just play because they’re aware of the hand movements from day one. This is the same thing that happens with geniuses -- their brain has learned how to interact with the world around it, which allows them to solve problems without using explicit thinking. This is why creative people can often do fantastic things without much effort.

8) Kids are better at math than adults:

While this may be shocking to some people, it’s true that kids are actually better at solving complex math problems than adults are. A study done at the University of Chicago found that kids who used a calculator for arithmetic problems had better math skills than an adult who was allowed to do the same thing. Why is this?

The reason is that kids don’t rely on a calculator to solve problems; instead, they move their hands around in space (similar to expert musicians). In the case of adults, they relied on memory and did not use their hands because they were well aware of how they were going to do it. This means that people who have used calculators since childhood don’t have any spatial intelligence, which makes it difficult for them to solve complex math problems later on in life.

It's not just about computations. It's about a way of thinking, and most genius children are able to think in a "spatial" way because their brains are still developing. This means that they're able to understand the world using their hands and do not rely on other senses or information input. This is why young geniuses have an advantage over adults: they’re more likely to tackle complex problems without relying on logic or previous experience.

The point is that people who use calculators do not get as much practice using spatial intelligence; this may sound odd, but it makes sense when you consider all the data at hand. However, it's important to note that genius children do the same things as experts adults, so they are able to excel in math when given the opportunity.

9) Genius doesn't necessarily mean a person is good at school

Genius children are often seen as being shy because they don't want to attract attention and draw unnecessary attention to themselves. Although this is true for most people, it’s a little different for geniuses because their brains are better wired for learning than others'. So even though they're shy, talent allows them to find their way through the world without any problems.

The point is that many people think that genius children are shy and introverted because they aren't good at math or school. While this may be true in some cases, it’s not always the case. In fact, most genius children LOVE going to school and doing math problems because they enjoy the challenge. This means that those who struggle with math or school just don’t have the innate ability of a genius child.

10) Genius is fun

Genius brains are fun to have because they can see things differently than other people do. They often go out of the way to find a solution to a problem, and this means that they are driven by their curiosity and can take chances that others aren't as comfortable doing. For example, if they've learned how to solve a math problem, they're not afraid of trying something new because it's not something they’ve done before.

Geniuses love doing things that others don't like; this is another reason why genius children are often found doing different things. For instance, an expert on the violin may enjoy playing classical music but find it boring when someone else does it; however, the genius child will likely enjoy learning how to play classical music more than the average person.

In essence, creativity is a fun thing to have because it allows you to take chances that others won't take. Part of the nature of genius is to do things differently than other people do.

11) Genius is usually the child with the biggest smile

Genius children are usually seen as being happy-go-lucky and cheerful because their brains are wired in such a way so that they can deal with any situation without problems. Just like expert musicians, they're able to isolate their emotions from other people’s so that they don't get caught up by them. This means that they're able to focus on the task at hand because they don’t get too involved in other things.

Genius children are often also seen as being animated and energetic because they’re able to see anything as a challenge. They don't get bored with things that other people do because they aren't scared of new experiences. They aren't afraid of trying new things because their brains are wired in such a way that make them non-judgmental, which means that they can see new ideas as opportunities rather than problems.

This means that genius children are often happy and carefree because they don't let things like other people do get under their skin. They're able to function in the world without getting too involved with other people's feelings.

12) Genius is often called a weirdo

Genius children often seem to do things differently from others, and this means that they're hard to understand for most people. In fact, many experts in the field of genius have written about this in their books. The point is that for most people, it's very difficult to comprehend the ways in which genius works because it’s not something that’s easy to understand.

Moreover, genius children are often seen as being a bit weird because they enjoy doing things that other people don't find interesting. For example, a child who spends countless hours practicing their instrument is seen as being weird when others don't share the same passion and commitment.

However, if you're able to look into the mind of genius and see how their brain works, it's easy to understand why people react this way. This is because genius children aren’t worried about what others think of them; instead, they focus on the task at hand and are constantly trying new things to see if they can learn something new.

Genius is often misunderstood because people don't know how to relate to it; this is why most genius children seem to be a bit weird and have a personality that's all their own.

13) Genius doesn't mean someone has special abilities

The greatest misconception about genius children is that they're born with special abilities. In other words, many people think that geniuses are superheroes who have the same capabilities as Superman. This means that people believe that geniuses are able to understand math concepts easier than others and more quickly than a normal human being.

However, this is simply not true; in fact, most genius children need more specific types of stimulation in order for them to learn better. This means that their minds are always active and are always looking for ways to solve problems.

Genius children have hemispheres of their brain that process information differently than others, but this just means that they have the ability to learn and handle stress better than others. This doesn't mean that they're superheroes or can do things at faster speeds; instead, it just means that they're able to take on more responsibility because of the way their brains process information.

14) Genius doesn't mean a person should be an outcast

The greatest misconception about genius is how it applies to the real world. So many people end up thinking that geniuses are a special type of person who doesn't fit into society. In essence, they think that geniuses are black sheep.

This is a direct result of how society views genius children. Genius children are often seen as being strange because they don't fit into their environment. This means that they're the ones who cause trouble, and the world isn't sure what to make of these kids. For example, many people will hear about a genius child who can solve math problems but don’t understand how they do it. They comment on how weird or crazy it is.

Because society doesn't understand genius children, they tend to be misjudged by others and end up having a hard time fitting into different situations in life. This is why it's so important for genius children to have a supportive family and friends who can help them deal with the people in their lives.

15) Genius doesn’t mean those who have it are better than others

In essence, the most common misconception about genius is that those who have it are automatically better than everyone else because they're smarter than everyone else. This is why many experts in the field of genius are trying to stress the point that genius doesn't mean that you're better than everyone else; instead, it just means that you can do things differently in your personal life. If you think about it, there's no reason why someone should be treated differently just because they have certain abilities or strengths.

In fact, this is probably the worst thing that can happen to a child who has genius; many people want to use this against him or her when it comes to business as well as romantic opportunities. This means that there are many people who will take advantage of genius children because they know how to relate to them and understand what motivates them. However, these people tend to only be interested in using a genius child for their own benefit and gain.

In Conclusion

Genius children are often considered to be strange or unique because they have the ability to learn and understand things easier than others. This is why genius children seem to be weird because they don't think the same way as other people.

However, this doesn't mean that genius children don't know how to function in society; in fact, many of them do very well for themselves when it comes to business and education.

However, becoming a genius child means that you have a special set of responsibilities; for example, you need more stimulation in order for you to learn better. On the other hand, many people tend to believe that geniuses are always smarter than everyone else; however, this isn’t true.


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