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Surviving skill

Most important surviving skills

By Gladies Merita Published about a year ago 3 min read


Survival skills are a set of techniques and abilities that are necessary for an individual to survive in an emergency situation. These skills range from building a fire, finding water, and constructing shelter, to navigation, first aid, and self-defense. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast or just want to be prepared for emergencies, mastering these skills can make the difference between life and death. In this blog, we'll explore ten survival skills that everyone should know.

Building a Fire

Fire is a crucial element for survival in the wilderness. It provides warmth, light, and the ability to cook food. To build a fire, you need three things: fuel, oxygen, and heat. You can collect small twigs and dry leaves for fuel, create a space for air circulation, and use a lighter or matches for heat. It's important to know how to safely and responsibly build and maintain a fire to avoid starting a wildfire or getting burned.

Finding Water

Water is the most important resource for survival. The human body can only survive a few days without it, so it's essential to know how to find and purify water. You can find water in streams, lakes, and even by collecting rainwater. However, water sources in the wild are often contaminated, and drinking untreated water can lead to serious illnesses. You can purify water by boiling it or using water purification tablets.

Constructing Shelter

In an emergency situation, shelter is essential for protection from the elements and to keep warm. You can build a shelter from natural materials such as leaves, branches, and grass. A simple shelter like a lean-to can be constructed quickly and efficiently. It's important to know how to build a shelter that can withstand the weather conditions and keep you dry.


Navigation skills are critical for survival in the wilderness. You need to know how to read a map and use a compass to find your way. It's important to know how to orient a map and find your location, as well as how to use landmarks and terrain features to navigate.

First Aid

First aid skills are crucial in any emergency situation. You need to know how to treat wounds, cuts, and bruises, as well as how to administer CPR and other life-saving techniques. Knowing how to identify and treat common injuries and illnesses can mean the difference between life and death.


In a survival situation, it's essential to know how to defend yourself. You can learn self-defense techniques to protect yourself from animals or other people who may pose a threat. It's important to know how to use your body to defend yourself and how to use common objects as weapons.

Finding Food

In the wild, it's essential to know how to find food. You can hunt and fish, gather wild plants, and even trap animals for food. It's important to know how to identify edible plants and how to safely prepare and cook the food.

Signal for Help

In an emergency situation, it's important to know how to signal for help. You can use a whistle, mirror, or fire to signal for rescue. It's important to know how to use these signaling devices and how to communicate your location to rescuers.

Mental Toughness

Surviving in the wild can be mentally challenging. It's important to have mental toughness and resilience to overcome the stress and difficulties that come with an emergency situation. You can develop mental toughness by practicing meditation, visualization, and positive self-talk.


Finally, adaptability is a crucial skill for survival. In an emergency situation, things may not go as planned, and you need to be able to adapt to the changing circumstances. You can develop adaptability by practicing problem-solving skills and being open to new ideas and approaches


It's important to note that while these survival skills are essential, they should not be learned solely through online research or reading. Practical experience and training from experts are vital to truly mastering these skills. It's also important to have the proper equipment and gear when practicing these skills, as well as informing someone of your whereabouts and plans before venturing out into the wilderness.

Additionally, it's important to be aware of any laws and regulations regarding survival skills and outdoor activities in your area. Some areas may have restrictions on building fires, hunting, and trapping animals, and it's important to respect these rules to avoid legal consequences and environmental damage.

Ultimately, the ability to survive in emergency situations is a valuable skill to have, and can also be a rewarding and enriching experience for those who enjoy outdoor activities. By learning and practicing these survival skills, you can increase your confidence and ability to handle unexpected situations in the wilderness, as well as gain a greater appreciation for nature and the environment.

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    GMWritten by Gladies Merita

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