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Side-effects of Blue light exposure and how to avoid

Side effect of blue light

By Specs CartPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Recently, you have heard a lot of hullabaloo about blue lights. Blue lights which are abundant in nature are harmful to your eyes when you are exposed to them for a long period of time. Blue lights are also found in digital screens and artificial light sources like LEDs. And the cause of concern for blue light is mostly because of the increase in the use of digital devices that emit blue lights.

People of all ages are using digital devices and for a long period of time. On average, people spend about 11 hours on digital devices. These numbers have jumped to unimaginable levels because of the pandemic. Not just adults, even children are mostly on their phones and computers for almost all day and night. This abnormally high screen time is affecting your eyes and also your body.

Effects of Blue lights

Getting an ample amount of morning light can make your day active and alert. You are full of energy and you feel upbeat all day. The natural light full of blue lights is good for your mind when you are exposed to it for few minutes.

When you are exposed to this light for long hours, your eyes hurt. You start getting headaches and many other issues because of too many blue lights.

When you stare at the computer screen for hours, you strain your eyes to see the brightly lit screen. Straining your eyes for hours can cause your eyes to hurt and fatigue. Your eyes get tired, become dry and you sometimes get blurry or double vision.

Blue light also disrupts your sleep cycle. You have trouble getting sleep after spending long hours on a digital screen. Because of the excess blue light, the brain conceives it to be daytime and does not send the signals to your body to fall asleep. Too much blue light on a daily basis can disrupt your sleep cycle and lead to insomnia.

There have not been enough researches to prove that blue light can weaken eyesight or have any effect on your eyes. But you yourself know that your eyes hurt after you work for hours on a computer or play games on your phones for too long. Your weakening eyesight may be because of other reasons like age, diseases, or an unhealthy lifestyle and surely blue light is one of the contributing factors.

How to avoid Blue lights?

  • Avoiding blue lights can help to reduce the effect of blue lights on your eyes. You will get fewer headaches, eye strain by blocking blue lights.
  • You can limit your screen time. You can watch less TV, play games for fewer hours, or avoid using your devices just before going to sleep.
  • If you work on computers for long hours, you cannot limit your work hours. You can only get blue light glasses. If you do not wear glasses, you can get non-prescription glasses for working on computers.
  • You can get gaming glasses for playing games if you play for long hours or you are a professional gamer.
  • You can take breaks in between your work and not use any digital devices in the meantime.
  • You can try out the 20-20-20 rule for the break. In this, for every 20 minutes of working on the computer, take a break of 20 seconds and stare at any object 20 feet away. This will reduce your eye strain.
  • If you use digital devices to read e-books. You can get special reading glasses with blue light protection lenses.
  • You can use eye drops to lubricate your eyes to relieve your eyes from eye strain.
  • You can use a blue light filter screen on all your digital devices to reduce the incoming of blue lights.
  • You can reduce the resolution of the screen to a comfortable level to not strain your eyes.
  • Go for a digital detox.

Can blue light glasses actually help?

Blue light glasses can help in blocking blue lights and help reduce the digital strain. You can work for long hours without hurting your eyes. However, working or spending abnormally long hours on digital devices can affect your eyes even with blue light glasses.

Blue light glasses are no solution-all glasses. These glasses block blue lights to some extent. But overly relying on these glasses for spending too much time on the computer screen will adversely impact your eyes and blue light glasses will be of no use. Cutting down on screen time can only save your eyes.

X-Blue UV is the best blue light glasses in the UK. These glasses block 99.99 percent of blue light emission and effectively work for reducing digital strain and regulating the sleep cycle. You can try out these glasses for blocking blue lights and keeping your eyes functioning for long.

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Specs Cart

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