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If you don’t take care of yourself you can’t take care of anyone!

By Leticia CortesPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

Everyone always wants to know how they can maximize their sleep and feel more energized throughout the day. The answer is actually quite simple. We tend to make things much harder than they need to be. So here are a few tips to ensure you are getting an adequate amount of sleep; and not only getting enough hours of sleep but ensuring you are not sluggish through the day.


First things first; and I cannot stress the importance of this enough…. SELF-CARE is the most important thing you can do in this life to make sure you are better rested!

If you don’t take take care of yourself you cannot take care of anyone!

Drink more WATER!!!!

Water should be the first and last thing we intake. As soon as you wake; drink water; before bed; drink water. We don’t drink as much water as we need to. Water is the most important part of our day.

Make sleep intentional

Try to stick to a schedule - and wake up without an alarm clock. Do your best to get a minimum of 4.5 to 5.5 hours of sleep a night. Now I know there are a ton of varying opinions regarding sleep. All in all; you need to do what’s best for you. For me I know that I can go to sleep without an alarm and I find myself waking up 4-5 hours later feeling well rested. Again; everyone is different but if you can at least make an intentional effort to get a minimum amount of consistent sleep every evening or morning or whenever your period for sleep is; I can guarantee that you will feel that much better.

Ensuring you get the proper amount of rest can be daunting but it’s necessary. Are there nights I am not able to get as much rest as I would like? ABSOLUTELY! But I understand the importance of taking care of myself; so if I can squeeze in a nap here or there I will. If you ever feel a bit fatigued take a nap! Napping for even just 10-15 minutes when you have some down time adds an unbelievable amount of energy that will help you power through the remainder of your day.


Health is wealth! Make it a habit to exercise a minimum of three days a week for at least 1 hour a week. If an hour is too much for you try 5 days a week for 30 minutes. If you are new to exercise or have not been able to exercise for some time; begin slowly. It has been proven that consistent exercise not only improves your overall health; it elevates your mood and provides you with more energy which assists with your ability to feel more rested after you awake from sleep.

You are what you eat!

Don’t think of how you eat as a diet. It’s a lifestyle. There are always things we can incorporate on a daily basis to ensure we are nourishing our bodies. Each day we wake we have a choice to change our lives; to incorporate more of the good and less of the bad.

Follow the 80/20 rule. Our plates are overflowing with meat and processed foods. We consume tremendous amounts of sugar and bad fats which hurt rather than heal the body.

Incorporate more fruits and vegetables; eat foods that increase your melatonin and allow your digestive system to rest more. We are never truly ever completely at rest because our digestive system is always functioning. It has been ingrained in us that we need to eat 3 meals a day and overload ourselves with meat; carbohydrates and dairy. The reality is that it’s okay to miss a meal or two especially depending on your daily lifestyle habits. I choose to incorporate intermittent fasting; which assists in speeding up the digestive process.


Everyone’s form of meditation is different - everyone’s length of time is different. When you meditate you block the noise from the outside world and recenter yourself; releasing all negative energy and inviting in only the positive. Take the time each day to focus on yourself and your mental health; to disconnect from everything and everyone around you. Our energy is always being pulled in so many different directions; making it hard to focus and take care of self; I will reiterate this if you don’t take care of yourself; it’s really hard to take care of anyone else.

So do your best to take the time out and focus on SELF. Create an ambiance of peace and tranquility utilizing methods that encourage relaxation. Practices that have been found to be helpful include but are not limited to:

- [x] Listening to meditation music

- [x] Burning candles

- [x] Bath time

- [x] Yoga - Stretching

- [x] Dancing

- [x] Walking

- [x] Jogging/Running

- [x] Reading

- [x] Writing

- [x] Watching a movie

Spend time with yourself! Whatever you feel like brings you a sense of calm and release; do that. Carve out time for you and only you so that you have the ability to look at things in life with a clearer mind. We do so much for everyone else that we often forget about ourselves; we lose our essence; our being and we get lost in a habitual cycle of spreading ourselves too thin.

Remember SELF CARE is the most important thing you can do to ensure you are getting the rest your body and mind requires to promote total body healing. I want to encourage you to focus on putting yourself first so that you have the ability to put your best foot forward and be your truest and best self. We only have this life to live; don’t spend it working harder than you have to; don’t spend it barely making it through the day; don’t spend it wasting time on things, people and places which no longer serve you. Put yourself first and watch how easy it is for you to get the rest you need and deserve.


About the Creator

Leticia Cortes


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