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Reasons why you're not getting views as a writer

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By grab wordsPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Reasons why you're not getting views as a writer
Photo by Ishaq Robin on Unsplash

As a writer, it can be frustrating when you pour your heart and soul into your work but still struggle to gain traction and attract an audience.

However, there are several reasons why you may not be getting views as a writer.

In this read, we'll explore some of the most common reasons and offer some tips on how to overcome them.

Lack of promotion

One of the most common reasons why writers don't get views is because they don't promote their work enough.

Writing is just one part of the process. If you want people to read your work, you need to promote it effectively.

This means using social media, email lists, and other marketing channels to reach your target audience.

Solution: Make sure you're promoting your work on all of your social media channels, and consider reaching out to other writers or bloggers in your niche for collaborations and cross-promotion opportunities.

Poor SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial if you want people to find your work through search engines like Google.

If your website or blog isn't optimized for search engines, your content may be buried on page 10 of the search results, making it difficult for people to find.

Solution: Invest time in learning the basics of SEO, such as using relevant keywords in your headlines and content, creating meta descriptions, and optimizing your images.

Tools like Yoast SEO or SEMrush can help you with the technical details.

Lack of engagement

Engagement is key to building a following as a writer. If you don't engage with your readers, they may lose interest and move on to another writer.

This means responding to comments, answering questions, and generally being an active member of your community.

Solution: Make sure you're actively engaging with your readers, whether that's through blog comments, social media, or email. Ask for feedback and respond to comments in a timely and thoughtful manner.

Poor quality content

If your writing isn't high-quality, people may not want to read it.

Poor grammar, spelling mistakes, and confusing sentences can all turn readers off.

Solution: Take the time to proofread and edit your work carefully. Consider hiring an editor or proofreader if you're not confident in your own skills.

Lack of consistency

Consistency is important if you want to build a following as a writer.

If you only publish a blog post once every few months, it's unlikely that people will be motivated to keep coming back for more.

Solution: Create a schedule and stick to it. This could mean publishing a new blog post every week or posting it on social media every day.

Whatever your schedule, make sure you're consistent.Lack of niche focus

Failure to leverage guest posting

Guest posting is a powerful tool that can help you reach new audiences and build your brand as a writer.

By contributing to other blogs or publications, you can introduce yourself to a wider audience and gain valuable backlinks to your own website.

Solution: Reach out to other bloggers or publications in your niche and inquire about guest posting opportunities.

Make sure your content is high-quality and relevant to your audience.

Inadequate headlines and titles

Your headlines and titles play a crucial role in whether or not readers will click through to read your content.

If your titles are boring or uninteresting, readers may overlook your content altogether.

Solution: Spend some time crafting engaging, click-worthy headlines that entice readers to click through to your content.

Use tools like CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer to help you create headlines that are both attention-grabbing and SEO-friendly.

Failure to build an email list

Email lists are an incredibly valuable tool for writers.

By building a list of subscribers, you can stay in touch with your audience, promote your content, and even sell products or services.

Solution: Start building your email list by offering a lead magnet or incentive to encourage readers to sign up.

This could be a free ebook, a discount code, or exclusive content.

In summary, getting views as a writer is a multifaceted process that requires a combination of skills, including marketing, writing, and engagement.

By focusing on improving your promotion, SEO, engagement, content quality, consistency, niche focus, guest posting, headlines, and email list building, you can start to build a dedicated following and achieve success as a writer.


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