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"QE2: From Ocean Liner to Luxury Hotel in Dubai"

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By Isaac Ekow AnyidohoPublished 8 days ago 5 min read
A Heaven on Earth

The QE2 has been transformed into a luxury hotel in Dubai, boasting a rich history and royal heritage that has attracted notable figures in the past. Currently, the QE2 is facing challenges in the competitive Dubai hotel market and is undergoing a multi-million-pound refurbishment. The guest experience and kitchen operations on the QE2 cruise ship are of utmost importance, with the international staff striving to recreate a special guest experience. The kitchen team is under pressure to meet high guest expectations. Designer Chris is facing challenges in renovating ship rooms on a tight schedule, ensuring that each room is well-designed and functional with specific layouts like headboards and desks. Despite limited space, the team must maximize the existing rooms and complete renovations for VIP guests. The QE2 holds a special place in the hearts of many passengers, evoking strong emotions and memories. Nostalgic former passengers return as VIP guests, showcasing the ship's significance. Former guest Andrew expresses his cherished memories of the QE2, highlighting its impact on his love for travel. The restoration and modernization of the QE2 ship are ongoing, with the ship's original safety control room with pneumatic controls from the 60s being preserved. The refurbishments of the ship are continuing, with the hotel's first VIP guests soon to arrive. Preparations are underway for the Burns Night event on the ship, with detailed preparations including food and cultural significance. Challenges are being faced in sourcing traditional Scottish products like Haggis in the UAE. The refurbishment of the Queen's room is urgent for the Burns Night dinner in just 4 days, with pressure to finish on time for VIP arrivals and a tight deadline for the dinner.

The hotel's progress behind the scenes is currently at 40% completion due to a multi-million-dollar refurbishment. The team is currently facing various challenges as they prepare for the Burns Night event. The rooms are being refurbished with numerous tasks that need to be completed within a day. The kitchen is under pressure to make haggis from scratch for the event. The event organizer and food director are working diligently to ensure that everything is in order for the Burns Night dinner event in the Queen's room. Meanwhile, the tour guide, Peter, is sharing fascinating stories about the history of the Queen's room. The team is also working on fixing cracks in the Queen's room, which is currently under strain and requires immediate action. In addition to all this, a vintage car is being introduced for the guests on the ship. The preparations for the Burns Night event in the Queen's room are being meticulously carried out by the events team, who are focused on detailed preparation and adding the final touches. The anticipation and excitement among the partygoers are building up. Fortunately, the lift was fixed just in time for the cocktail reception, alleviating concerns for the VIP guests who were arriving. The hotel's CEO, Hamza Mustafa, has led the transformation of the Queen Elizabeth 2 into a modern hotel while maintaining its essence and soul. Currently, only 40% of the ship is open to the public, as ongoing renovations are being done to ensure a long-term future for the hotel. The Friday brunch at Dubai Hotels is known for its lavish celebration. These brunches can be quite expensive, reaching up to £150 per person. However, the QE2 hotel in Dubai stands out with its British heritage and rich history. Cream plays a crucial role in the production process, as it holds everything together until it arrives. Without cream, there would be no production or events, such as tonight's Opera under the Stars in Dubai. The preparations for the Valentine's brunch are in full swing, and although cake production was momentarily halted, the cream delivery arrived just in time to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Ice sculptors craft romantic-themed sculptures for the occasion. Housekeeping staff face high-pressure tasks on Valentine's Day, with rooms needing to be made and cleaned within a 2-hour window. Additional pressure is placed on the staff to prepare setups, ensure cleanliness, and meet guest requests promptly. Managing tasks like the Valentine's Romance package within 20 minutes adds to the challenges. Cooling in the lobby is difficult due to the ship's design for heating. Katie's party on the QE2 in Dubai featured oysters, pastries, and desserts enjoyed by guests. The QE2, now a floating hotel in Dubai, faces challenges with renovations and a crowded market. To sustain operations, revenue generation is crucial. The marketing team is under pressure to attract guests and increase income. A new initiative of collaborating with the city sightseeing bus in Dubai is being considered to boost revenue. The ship has a history of live entertainment, including musicals, magicians, classical concerts, and cabaret. Brother and sister Paul and Natalie's parents first met while performing in the in-house band on board the ship. The Golden Lion Pub, a cozy British spot in Dubai, is famous for hosting karaoke nights and traditional pub quizzes. Maintaining Britishness and engaging with the audience is essential during events. The food and beverage director faces challenges with plate quality and an unexpected influx of guests. A busy night in the kitchen requires order coordination, with the chef actively managing orders and tables for quick service. Despite a rocky start, the event had a successful main course delivery. The winner of the QE2 quiz crown, Katie's team, scored 10/27 with three wrong answers.

QE2 has been transformed into a luxurious floating hotel in Dubai, undergoing extensive renovation at a cost exceeding $100 million. The project faces the challenge of striking a balance between preserving the ship's rich heritage and modernizing it to meet the expectations of contemporary guests. Renovating key areas such as the Queen's Grill presents a particular challenge, as it requires maintaining the historical essence while incorporating modern amenities. The kitchen environment is highly pressurized, with chefs facing time constraints similar to those experienced during skydiving. They must work swiftly to deliver perfection, with menu tastings playing a critical role in ensuring the success of new dishes. The chefs are under immense pressure to create a sophisticated yet casual dining experience, striving to serve innovative dishes efficiently within the constraints of time. The hotel aims to strike a balance between tradition and fresh, funky flavors to cater to a diverse clientele and elevate the overall dining experience. As the oldest hotel in Dubai, it holds a rich history that is reflected in its original ship spaces, which house historical crockery and utensils. The hotel also serves as a unique location for various events, such as furniture deliveries and fashion shoots. British fashion brands have conducted photoshoots for their Cruise wear lines on board the ship, positioning furniture for the Royal Suites and maneuvering cranes for Bed Head. Despite the challenges posed by the environment, the hotel strives for smooth progress and quality control, reacting quickly to spontaneous events to ensure success. The assistant manager handles busy check-ins at Hotel QY2, while preparations are underway to revamp the restaurant and create high-class drinks. The engine room, which was once the heart of the ship, controlled all its functions manually before the era of software. Remarkably, the room still houses nine massive engines that generate an impressive 95 megawatts of power. Filming stunts on the ship is a way to attract a younger audience, although safety concerns are taken into account. Crew members enjoy the opportunity to film quirky stunts, and both the crew and guests find the ship to be a unique and nostalgic playground. In Dubai, a naval architect has transitioned into a marine surveyor role and is responsible for towing the QE2 around the city.


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