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Penthouse Babe: Quarantine Edition

Living Through a Pandemic Helped Me Realize My Dream Home

By Allegra MyersPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

OxfordLanguages defines home as “the place where one lives permanently.” If you ask me, home is so much more than that. Some say home is where the heart is, but that implies that home is within another individual. In reality, home is the place where one feels one hundred percent at peace and content within oneself.

If you’re like me, you’ve spent the vast majority of 2020 quarantining in the confines of your own home. You’ve gotten to know four walls like the back of your hand in the hopes of protecting yourself from what might as well be the modern-day bubonic plague- COVID-19. Perhaps, you’ve been on the other side of the fence and you’ve spent it taking a new lease on life and daring COVID to “come at you, bro” because “YOLO” and if you’re going to go out, you’ll do it with a bang (is it just me or are people vacationing and living their “best” lives more than ever?) Either way, whether you’re spending your days putting up your best line of defense to protect yourself and the ones you love, fighting on the frontlines, or free-spiritedly enjoying your youth, you’re going to need someplace to rest your head at night. And there has been no better time to have the perfect place to do so than in 2020. Because let’s be real, if you’re going to have to quarantine or hide from the world you’ll want to do it somewhere you can feel zen, comfortable, and entertained. Envision yourself never missing the outside again because everything you could ever need is right in the comfort of your own home. Now, that’s a dream home.

In fact, it wasn’t until I was stuck inside these four falls for five months straight that I realized I, too, have a vision for a dream home I didn’t even know existed. With a knack for interior design and unwavering love for build mode in the infamous simulation game The Sims, I always knew that I would have so much fun with this project. So let’s get into it.

The perfect home for me would be a large, spacious penthouse with tons of natural lighting for… SEFLIES! And er.. vitamin D, of course. Think about it. When we go into our post-apocalyptic realities, we’re going to need sources of vitamin D. That means tall, glass windows surrounding the entirety of the penthouse. But I’m not totally insane. Don’t worry, I’ll install blinds.

Let’s cover the basics before we get into all of the fun. Every home should smell absolutely amazing when you walk inside. There’s nothing like aromatherapy to help heighten the senses and evoke different sensory responses in an individual. This means candles on appropriate shelving to really bring about a pleasant aroma throughout the space.

Normally when you first walk into a home, you see either a study, living room or kitchen. I would love a decently sized office with all of my favorite gadgets and a library collection of books for my most productive days.

Next, we have the living room: a place where people can come together and well, live. They can share laughs and enjoy each other’s company. I’d love an all-white sofa set on a fuzzy rug with a really lovely coffee table and a wall-mounted television with surrounding LED lights. Too specific? I’d have some card games, such as Cards Against Humanity nearby for awesome game nights. Ooh, and a fireplace. Can’t forget the fireplace.

I’ve always dreamed of an industrial kitchen. If you’re like me, you’ve seen a white fridge pretty much your entire life. And while I’ll always appreciate my roots and am humbled by them, I think it’s time for an upgrade. I’m talking stainless steel everything and those fridges you only ever see on Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Imagine a glass fridge that’s solely for your beverages. This is the kind of fridge where you’ll be putting your Fiji and sparkling water. A fridge fit for only the finest of beverages if you will.

A standard two to three bedrooms with three marble bathrooms would suffice for guests and VIP- pets. First up, the master bedroom. I’m talking about the biggest, most spacious bedroom in the apartment. Mounted 75” television (in 4k of course). Game consoles to the gods. A bathroom with a jacuzzi. AND a balcony. I think those are pretty standard. I’m also very much in touch with my feminine side, so I’ll have white furniture everywhere with notes of rose gold and soft pink, as well as some turquoise. A nice fuzzy white rug, marble accents on everything, and fairy and LED lights as far as the eye can see. Flowers? How about everywhere? And, it’s only right that there’s a bed fit for a queen. What do you think about 10-15 pillows? The more the merrier.

The other bedrooms will be for guests. Again, all white everything, a television in each room, and a queen-sized bed are in order, to name a few staples.

A huge pool and jacuzzi are definitely a must! Did someone say pool party? Everyone loves a good pool party. I think it’s only essential that it comes with a built-in tiki-bar for fun drinks and bar food, too.

Since this is my dream home, there would definitely have to be a gym. Health is wealth and fitness plays a huge role in that. I would love to have a wellness studio for yoga, meditation, and spa treatments.

Finally, I think a good few entertainment rooms would make this the perfect place for me. I would love a built-in movie theater and a bowling alley for nights when I’d entertain my guests.

No matter how grandiose or minimalistic the perfect home might be for you, what matters most is that it’s a place where you can fully be at peace and have fun- pandemic/apocalypse or not. So, what does your dream home look like?


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