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New React Native Architecture 2023 – An Overview

React Native Architecture React native app development, react native development company, hire react native developer.

By Albert SmithPublished about a year ago 4 min read

We all are aware of the capabilities of React Native and how this technology has given us a beautiful application that has not only benefitted business in growing business but have also made our life easier. From ordering food to booking flights, React Native has some specialization all around.

But still, there is one thing that most people aren’t yet aware of. This is about React Native Architecture. React Native brings a new architecture revolutionizing how developers develop and build mobile apps. The new React Native architecture brings many benefits to the React native app development process, making developing these applications much easier.

We will clarify everything for you all. This article will compile everything you need to know about React Native Architecture in 2023.

Overview of React Native Architecture

This architecture of React Native is made up of a number of tools, libraries, and frameworks that make it possible to build native-like mobile apps for both iOS and Android platform very quickly and easily. JavaScript and React are used as the architectures, which enable developers to reuse code across platforms, thereby speeding up and simplifying development.

Elements of new React Native architecture

With the release of React Native V 0.70, which has just been released recently in October 2022, the new architecture has improved the performance and flexibility of the framework to be able to overcome some of its earlier limitations.

However, the Hermes JavaScript engine works similarly with React Native optimizations.

A new architecture is composed of four key elements that together are designed to address the limitations of the existing architecture in a way that is innovative and modern.

JavaScript Interfaces (JSI)

JSI is "a lightweight API" developed by React Native for embedding JavaScript engines into C++ applications. ‘JSI enables direct communication between JavaScript and native layers without depending on Bridges and JSON messages, using the interface between JavaScript and C++.


The Fabric rendering system is designed to simplify the rendering logic in React Native using C++ to simplify the rendering logic and make it more compatible with native platforms. Moreover, it offers further advantages, such as prioritizing selected user interactions, making them more responsive, and enabling React Concurrent Features.

Turbo Native Modules

React Native's current architecture requires Native Modules whenever accessing native APIs or reusing SDKs or libraries for native platforms is necessary. Modules for native classes (Java/Objective-C/C++) enable JavaScript to access them.


This architecture aims at gradually replacing Bridge with the new JavaScript Interface component (JSI).

React Native's Bridge has been removed entirely from the platform. The primary reason for this is that it developed unnecessary issues and doubts about whether data was received or that there were significant delays in receiving it.

How React Native's new architecture outweighs the current version?

The new architecture has several advantages, the most important being its improved performance. Introducing a more direct method of interacting between JavaScript and Native layers in React Native applications is expected to make them more robust and data-reliant, especially compared to their current Bridge and asynchronous communication.

Several other advantages are also available, including the ability to incorporate React 18's Concurrent Feature, better user interface (UI) interactions, enhanced native layer access, and faster startup due to Turbo Native Modules' lazy-loading feature.

Despite this, the transition to React Native will take some time, leading to many popular libraries needing adaption or being replaced.

Getting started with React Native Migration

To upgrade React Native applications to the latest versions, you may wish to migrate to the new architecture used by React Native. Initially, let's sort things out.

A specified React Native release is required for easier updating. To access the most recent changes, you need to use react version, and as time progresses, you will need to upgrade to React Native stable version.

The latest version of the React Gradle plugin for Android can be installed after you have updated the Gradle compiler to the latest version. Get the code from React Native's Reference guide. You can make iOS apps by turning on the C++ language feature.

Here are the two main migration methods.


First, there is the method of transitioning from an existing system to a new one by transitioning from the old to the new one. Taking the native components of React Native 0.67 and replicating them into React Native's latest architecture is all that's needed.

It is necessary to migrate each commit separately. Each branch thus shows how React Native changes over time. To make these sections accessible to the main branch, the main branch allows them to be read.


By the use of this method, you will be able to see how TurboModule and Fabric components are developed step-by-step. This method is more often used for creation than the first method.

Therefore, the ultimate question will be whether the components of React Native can remain compatible with earlier versions of the framework.


The React Native Framework is an excellent solution for modern cross-platform business applications. It is expected that a new react native architecture will add a multitude of features to its existing capabilities.

When you hire a React native developer, their expertise will add value to the app development and help you develop an efficient app that sounds out. With React Native development company, you will have the option to choose from a wide range of developers.


About the Creator

Albert Smith

Albert Smith is a digital marketing manager with Hidden Brains, a leading enterprise web & mobile app development company specializing in mobile & web applications, IoT, cloud and big data services.

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