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My Story with Trading

How I Made My First Trades And How I Feel About Them

By SIHEM ABEDPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

You’ve probably heard of many famous contributing factors to getting a job. Some may have been hard work, some may have been luck, and some may have been talent or opportunity. But what if you could answer the question ‘How did I get where I am today?’? How would you know if your career path is heading in the right direction? There are so many ways to make the first trade and get your foot in the door as an apprentice tailor that it’s hard to keep track of them all. So here is a quick run-through of how I made my first trade and how I feel about them.

Start with a confidence boost

You’re probably going to the grocery store expecting to find items that will help you become a better cook, but what if you also expect to find things that will help you become a more confident and approachable person? Well, you might’ve heard about the confidence boost that comes with being an early bird or a night owl, but what about the confidence boost that comes with being a morning person? The truth is that everything in moderation and living a healthy life has its place. So, if you find that you’re going to be a little more aggressive in your approach to certain tasks, or that you’re more likely to get worked up when some irritation comes up, there’s probably something about the sun dawns and the mountains starts to stir. So, how do you know if your first trade is heading in the right direction or not? It’s probably not a sign that you’re going in the right direction. Instead, keep our fingers crossed that your first trade is going to be a long, joy-filled journey, filled with opportunities and challenges.

Work toward a goal

If you’ve been on the job for a while, you likely have some experience to build upon. Ideally, you have some knowledge and skills that you’re willing to immerse yourself in and apply to new situations. If not, it’s possible to pick up some skills and learn quickly in the process. Plus, there are plenty of jobs that are willing to give people a try for free. If you’re able to commit to a project for a little while, you can build up a lot of experience and knowledge to help you grow and succeed in the job. It can be as simple as taking a week off work and going full-time in the process.

Quit your day job and step out of your comfort zone

Quitting your day job and moving to a new role can feel like a death sentence to your career. However, it’s actually one of the best decisions you can make. It can get you in the door of some of the best jobs in the world, such as design jobs and management positions. Additionally, some of these jobs require a significant amount of focus, expertise, and creativity. It’s easy to get bogged down in reading job descriptions and trying to match jobs to perks and benefits. But, if you can step back and look at your job as a journey, you’re less likely to miss out on opportunities and opportunities will present themselves.

Network, network, network

It may seem like a drastic move, but it’s really just a matter of time before you’re involved in a few meaningful jobs and connections are made throughout the industry. By making time for networking and building relationships, you can also build on your knowledge and skill set. Networking with other apprentices and, eventually, future colleagues can help you build a stronger network and receive more jobs. You can also use networking websites and social media channels to keep in touch with other people in the industry. If you want to build your network and get more involved, there are often jobs for apprentices that are only available to people who are willing to work remotely. You can join a network and become a member of a community of like-minded people.

Take private practice classes

Private practice is usually reserved for the very best and brightest. However, if you’re willing to put some time and effort into it, many private practicing educators are willing to give you some time to learn and provide you with a challenging but fascinating subject. It can also be a great way to acquire a trade skill that you’ll use often and in a variety of roles. Some of the best private practice courses are based on testing since they’re designed to help you learn to teach. However, if you want to retest, you can always take a refresher course.

Make new friends and keep developing your skills

It’s easy to get bogged down in the fact that you want to be a part of a professional community and become a favorite of clients and employees. However, just because you’re a part of a social network, it doesn’t mean that you have to be there 24/7. You can still be your own person, exploring your interests and finding new hobbies and jobs. Networking with other people in your industry is an incredible way to build your network and get new skills. Likewise, you can also become a favorite of clients and employees if you work with them in a role that requires you to be in the same room as them for extended periods of time. If you want to develop your skills and become a more popular person within your field, there are a variety of ways to do it. Hire managers and headhunters to conduct surveys and conduct interviews, or find a job that requires you to be in the same room with senior managers and executives.


Making your first trade can be a lot of things, but it’s definitely not a cakewalk. Whether you feel like you’ve been put on a path that’s leading you in the right direction or not, the path you choose will determine the success or failure of your business. If you want to make your first trade, you first have to make an effort to acquire or make friends with the right trade. Once you’ve made some friends, you can start working with any of the right companies and be introduced to new skills and opportunities. Once you’ve got a foot in the door, you’re in business for the long term.

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About the Creator


Nurse , Ambitious ..... life lover, adventurer

My passion to write brought me to Vocal Media

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