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My advice on life and people

Life is greatly difficult so we should always be kind and never judge anyone

By Seni HaksPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read

My wisdom on life

Life can be extremely difficult for many individuals. Life can hit hard for any age groups any period of time.

If you ever feel any injustice, trapped or overwhelmed from a tragic event; don't get discouraged, remove toxic and harmful figures. Release your tears as much as you wish. Seek for friendly people if family is unavailable.

Keep yourself occupied and find your purpose and passion in life. If you don't keep yourself busy life will seem to be long and boring for you. You must hang onto life like a leaf on a tree otherwise you will fall.

Don’t judge anybody

Every human is unique with their own personality, character, attributes and qualities. Some people tend to judge people if they’re underweight, overweight, pretty or ugly.

Although, what makes you beautiful and handsome comes from within your heart. We should never judge anyone because we don’t have a clue of what people are going through. So I recommend to always be kind come what may.

Zero tolerance for bullying is a necessity. Bullying leads to suicidal attempts in young teenagers as we’re all aware of. Love, respect, praise and attention is what our generation longs for. Please have a safe social group and speak up when victimized.

Good/bad people

In the olden days, there used to be more warm blooded and generous people. For the reason that family, friends and neighbors could have access to more gatherings in a home for the absence of electricity, television, radio and telephones.

All this changed once our world transferred into the modern day era. Our current era is the Cenozoic era. People have adrenaline for technology now; for example: (IPhone's or IPad's) can play a role to make people distracted and withdrawn from their surroundings.

There are good and bad people; but in my opinion, the vast majority of the world is filled with malicious people. The reason being it’s difficult to find humanity and honesty in people nowadays; the reason might be due to our generation.

Moral people will do everything to assist the needy either physically or financially. They are the ones who get heartbroken and betrayed easily.

The oppressed can mistreat, criticize, abuse and be savaged with physical violence. Avoid dangers as soon as possible.


In my opinion, I believe being homeless is the most painful experience in life. Being kicked out of home for any reason is horrible. Compassion, understanding and empathy are the keys. For example, spare change can make a major difference for the homeless; going through poverty is a severely brutal burden for a human being.

Nobody deserves starvation as well. It gradually kills you!

Unknowing your biological parents is a another traumatic experience. Showing tenderness to the orphans projects your soft heart. Or even better, adopting or sponsoring a child is twenty times better than any other charity!

Mental/physical illnesses

Our mental and physical health is essential. Once we lose these we have lost everything. Support is always available either from family/friends or regular counseling/psychology sessions. Please speak up if you're unwell. Staying silent can do more damage in the long run. For example, it can lead to underlying chronic conditions.


The death of a loved one or a family member is extremely painful; nothing will no longer be the same; that’s why, we should cherish each other; always be kind because we can never know when we will lose someone. Remember to always say: “I love you” often.


Everybody will experience loneliness someday in life. Seek people who are supportive and trustworthy. Please never isolate yourself. But never go back to someone who once left you alone. Seek for valuable people who know your worth.


Yes I'm certainly aware that heart breaks and betrayals is awful. It's a knife stabber in the heart. However, if we forgive we will be at peace and ease. Holding grudges can lead to revenge. Leaning onto your happiness and success will fulfill you and drive the cruel insane.


I suggest to always remember to be a helping hand and to not reject charity organizations and small donations; whether its supplies or financial; because sharing is caring and does no harm. However I highly recommend to also be cautious and suspicious with scams and hackers.

My wisdom on life

Life is always temporary, nothing is permanent or impossible. Forget the past without forgetting what it taught you. Your undergone experiences will make you wise. Move on with a fresh start to the next chapter of your life.

Life can be bitter and sweet simultaneously however, it is still worth living. Enjoy it while you can! Life is short when busy, make everyday count, with no regrets, only lessons learned. Once we give our last breath, life is over in seconds!

I hope you live a happy and long lifetime with rejoice and remain strong when undergoing life's painful challenges, obstacles and barriers.

Written by,

Seni Haks

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About the Creator

Seni Haks

I'm Seni I'm a former copywriter and currently a published freelance journalist. My hobbies to the side is dancing and drawing.

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