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Morning Rituals

Changes to make a healthier and happier life.

By Laura RosiersePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The way we start our morning sets the tone for the rest of our day. A lot of times, a lot of days, we don’t truly realise the effect what we do in the morning has on the rest of our day. Morning rituals are what help give us guidance, how to go through our day and how to find a rhythm that will help us feel lighter and positive minded. Morning rituals help you to create something good in your life, something that helps you to feel healthy and happy, it’s a conscious process that helps you to set the course for your day.

“Morning rituals also help re-energize, build focus and eliminate stress caused by the chaotic morning rush.” - Noma Nazish for Forbes

But what time do you wake up in the morning? And as that is directly related to what time you go to bed in the evening, how much time do you spend thinking about the quality of your sleep and how it affects your days? To align with our body’s rhythm is what realligns us with our mind and gives us energy and a feeling of being in control. Going to bed early and getting up early gives a sense of purpose, and starting your days before everybody else is calming and peaceful. However, changing your sleeping pattern and incorporating morning rituals are changes that work best when incorporated gradually and without force.

What you do when you first wake up is a good indicator of the quality of your upcoming day as well as the quality of your day, every small change and thought is part of the bigger picture. Getting up early and incorporating morning rituals help you to strive to get the best out of your life. We’ll help you get started with a few examples of morning rituals.

Start with a healthy breakfast

No engine runs without fuel, and the same goes for our bodies. Making sure you have a nutritious breakfast sets the tone for your day. Being aware of what you eat and drink is a great first step towards a more energetic and positive day. When you start your day with a cup of coffee to battle tiredness and after an hour you start to feel giddy and need another one, that is a warning sign your body has just given you. Alternatives to coffee are mushroom coffee (which tastes surprisingly like regular coffee!) or cacao elixirs.


Write down your thoughts, your goals, your intentions for the day. Thinking them is a great start, but seeing them written down on paper is a great exercise for your brain to actively engage with these words and these goals. You are the captain of your own ship, writing down your intentions and focusing on positive thoughts help you greatly to stirr in that direction. Now don’t get too hard on yourself, a goal for the day might just be to take out the trash or say hi to your neighbours! It is the little things that count.

Meditate & motivate

An example of a bulletproof morning routine is to start with a short meditation session followed by a relaxing shower and a Bulletproof coffee. Bulletproof coffee is also known as butter coffee or keto coffee, a beverage made with quality fats. The drink combines coffee, oil and butter as a substitute for breakfast. Starting your day with a morning meditation helps to improve focus, enhances awareness and creates peace of mind. How to incorporate motivation into your morning routine? See it as a brief Ted talk to yourself in the morning. Ask yourself a question “What am I going to do today?” or “What would I like to improve today?” This can help you stay motivated and give your day purpose.


Then there is the last of these examples and one of my least favourites, however workout can still mean anything you want it to. Start your day with a walk, a run or some cardio training. I like to start my day with a short yoga exercise, it instantly makes for a refreshed and positive feeling that gives a feeling of content and like the day has already had its purpose!

All these small things and changes make up the bigger picture, a healthier and happier life.


About the Creator

Laura Rosierse

Writer and blogger with a ton of imagination and here to bring positivity and a smile to your face!

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