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Money Saving Methods

Various Ways to Raise Your Savings

By Stephi DurandPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

Saving money and having a good amount of savings is such an important thing. But it also seems to be something people don't tend to talk about or even mention.

It's good to have savings at any time in your life.

Got an emergency/unexpected payment? You've got those funds.Ready to buy a home? You've saved up your deposit.

There can be easy ways, somewhat trickier ways, and various lengths of time when it comes to saving up. Today we'll be covering quite a variety of them.Might as well cover as many options as possible!

Saving Coins

This method takes the longest, and will only give you so much. But it's a great saving method to do with children too.

I take all my 1p, 2p, and 5p coins and keep them in a money box. Adding to it whenever I get more of the coins. I don't count up the coins for months in between, prolonging it if much hasn't been added.

When it comes to counting them up, for the 1p's and 2p's, I bag them up for every £1 I make, and for every £5 when it comes to 5p's.

It takes a while, and usually gets me less than a tenner each time, but, it's still saving up and adding something to your bank account.

Saving the Hundreds, Living on the Tens

This is a method I'd only suggest doing if you're able to afford living like this for a while.

What you do with this is simple. You put all the hundreds from your paycheck into your savings account and live off of the rest.


You get £550 one month. £500 is now in your savings and you have the £50 to live off of.

It is not easy, takes dedication and a lot of discipline when it comes to money, but it is a fast way to grow savings.

If you're like me, trying to save up for a house deposit and your general savings, then I'd suggest putting more in your deposit compared to savings.


That £500 you have to save? £300 for deposit, £200 for general savings.

£400/£100 if you really want to focus on your deposit.

Paying with Cash

It's so easy to spend money with bank cards, especially when you have contactless. Withdrawing the money you need, be it for a special occasion or gifts, means you can only spend what you have on hand.

Realising this makes you more aware at what you spend, and just how much you spend.

Spare Money at the End of The Month?

Move it into the savings. Instead of spending on something you may only use once, why not add to what you're working hard to create?

Sell Things You No Longer Need

If I've been having a clearout, I'll try and sell what I can on apps like Depop. Using Depop has helped me to sell some items to earn extra bits of money, as well as find great deals on items. Secondhand > Brand New!

Selling can be super easy, just use hashtags and keywords in your sale posts and see who's interested in buying.

Once the item's been sold and sent off, either treat yourself to something or save the money.

Buy Second Hand

As said above, buying secondhand is better than brand new.

You get the exact same item but for a better price. The item can even be the same or still very good quality—she says as she wears a £38 cosy jacket she bought for £2.99.

I've found some house items I have saved away from charity shops which will get so much use when my partner and I can finally afford a place together. Honestly, if the quality's just as good, save your money.


Even if it's a survey site where you can't get cash, you can get vouchers for sites such as Amazon and eBay. Get enough points for a £10 voucher? That's £10 you don't need to spend yourself.

Saving money is something I wished I learned about during my teenage years in school. That way I'd have probably considered making less money-wasting purchases.

I also wish I knew just how expensive adulthood can and will be. That would've been a lovely realisation to know when I was in my mid-late teens.

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About the Creator

Stephi Durand

Indie Author | Content Creator

'Look Up' is available to purchase at all online book retailers in Paperback and eBook.

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