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Medicinal benefits of olive oil

health tips

By RisanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Most of us are familiar with olive oil. But many of us are not aware of its medicinal properties. Olive oil has innumerable medicinal properties. It will be a good solution for our health and our skin problems. Nutrients like vitamin A and C in it are very helpful for our health. And the anti-oxidants in it give our body the energy it needs. In this post, you can see about the medicinal properties of this olive oil.

Natural Medicine:

This olive oil is very helpful in protecting our beauty and health. Because we buy and use chemical products sold in shops for this, they give us temporary relief but not permanent relief. And because of this, we get unwanted side effects. Therefore, we should only follow natural medicine.

Blood Sugar Level:

Most of the people have diabetes nowadays. This is because our eating habits have changed. In the fast paced world we buy and eat things sold in shops, we get unnecessary physical disorders. So we should avoid this. As we use olive oil for cooking, it keeps the blood sugar level in our body stable and prevents us from getting diabetes. It is also an anti-diabetic remedy.


By using olive oil daily you can get rid of cancer. A nutrient called oleaginous in it prevents inflammation of tissues in our body. It also contains unlimited vitamins and anti-oxidants, thus preventing us from getting cancer. It also protects against skin cancer and colon cancer.


This olive oil plays a very important role in removing bad fat from our body. This prevents strokes. Olive oil is high in good fats. It keeps bad cholesterol from increasing in our body. So it is better to add olive oil in cooking everyday.

Strong bones:

This olive oil helps to increase the amount of calcium that gives strength to our bones. The oleuropein in it has the power to strengthen our bones. So it is good to add this olive oil in daily cooking.

mental stress:

Adding olive oil to our daily cooking will help us to get rid of our stress. So it is better to take it daily.

memory loss:

Olive oil is very helpful in curing Alzheimer's memory loss in our brain. It prevents excessive amyloid protein build-up in our brain. This prevents the risk of memory loss. This is because of the ocellanoid present in olive oil. So it is better to take it daily.


Oxidative damage is likely to occur in our liver. For this we use this olive oil mixed with lemon juice and we get rid of this problem. It also strengthens our liver. Daily use of this olive oil acts as an antioxidant and protects our liver. It also acts as a liver cleanser.

Immune Power:

Daily consumption of olive oil boosts our immune system. Anti-oxidants and Vitamin E in it boosts our immunity. So our red blood cells increase. Our risk of disease is prevented.

If you want to use olive oil for skin care, extra virgin oil is best. Because it is chemical free. Good for skin too. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil along with olive oil to the bath water.

Its highlight is its monounsaturated fatty acid content of 72%. It is also rich in vitamin E.

Cardia Refined Oil lowers the level of low density lipoprotein, the bad fat in the body. Increases the amount of good HDL cholesterol in the body.

Fatty film is not deposited in the blood vessels. This reduces the pressure on the muscles of the heart. The heart does not have to struggle to pump blood. Blood pressure is also stable without increasing. This prevents diseases related to blood vessels. Chances of heart attack are also reduced.

This oil helps in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K. Anti-oxidants in it greatly reduce the chances of cancer.

Harmful rays from the sun can make the skin dark and thick. But this olive oil protects the skin from harmful rays. The dark color gradually diminishes and the skin returns to its natural color. Makes the skin look soft and youthful.

Every day new cells are formed in our body and old cells are shed. Mix some sugar and olive oil and rub it on your face to get rid of excess dead cells and make your face glow. Olive oil and sea salt can be rubbed on the rest of the body.

Using olive oil on hair will make your hair stronger, thicker and look fuller. Olive oil can act as a deep conditioner for your hair and help fight dandruff.


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