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oldest mango tree

By bakhtawarkhanPublished 23 days ago 2 min read

In the heart of a lush orchard, nestled between rolling hills and swaying palms, there stood a magnificent mango tree. Its branches stretched wide, laden with plump, golden fruits that glistened in the warm sunlight. This tree was no ordinary tree; it was the oldest and most revered mango tree in the entire village.

Legend had it that this tree was planted by the village elder's great-grandfather many generations ago, and ever since, it had been the source of joy, sustenance, and community for the villagers. Its fruits were the sweetest, its shade the coolest, and its presence the most comforting.

One summer morning, as the sun rose over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the orchard, a young girl named Maya set out to the mango tree. Maya was a spirited child with a heart as bright as the morning sun. She loved nothing more than exploring the orchard and playing amidst the swaying branches of the mango tree.

On this particular day, Maya had a special mission in mind. It was her grandmother's birthday, and Maya wanted to surprise her with the juiciest, most delicious mango she could find. So, armed with a wicker basket and a heart full of determination, Maya skipped through the orchard, her eyes scanning the branches for the perfect fruit.

After much searching, Maya spotted it: a mango so ripe and plump that it seemed to glow with its own inner light. With a delighted squeal, she reached up and plucked the mango from the tree, cradling it gently in her hands. It was perfect.

As Maya made her way back to the village, her heart swelled with pride. She couldn't wait to see the look of joy on her grandmother's face when she presented her with the precious mango. But as she rounded the bend in the path, Maya's joy turned to dismay.

A group of mischievous monkeys had descended upon the village, their beady eyes fixed greedily on the ripe fruits that adorned the trees. With chattering laughter, they leaped from branch to branch, plucking the mangoes and gobbling them up with relish.

Maya's heart sank as she watched her precious mango being snatched from her hands by one of the monkeys. She tried to chase after them, but they were too quick, disappearing into the thick foliage of the orchard.

Tears welled up in Maya's eyes as she returned to the mango tree, her basket empty and her spirit crushed. But just as she reached the base of the tree, she heard a rustling in the branches above.

To her amazement, the mango tree seemed to shimmer and sway, as if moved by an invisible breeze. And then, to Maya's astonishment, a single mango came tumbling down from the highest branch, landing softly in her outstretched hands.

It was the same mango she had picked earlier, its skin still glowing with a warm, golden hue. Maya could hardly believe her eyes. With a grateful smile, she hugged the mango to her chest and hurried back to the village.

That evening, as the villagers gathered to celebrate her grandmother's birthday, Maya presented her with the miraculous mango. And as they shared its sweet, juicy flesh together, Maya knew that some gifts were too precious to be stolen, for they came from the heart of the mango tree itself, a symbol of love, resilience, and the enduring magic of the orchard.


About the Creator


With a growing body of work and a dedicated readership bakhtawar remains exploring the world of words, crafting stories and essays content article that captivated peers and mentors alike. This early interest laid the foundation.

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