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Low Back Pain

The Role of Glute Medius and Quick Relief Exercises

By M KhawarPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
Low Back Pain

Outline of the article:

1. Introduction

• Importance of addressing low back pain

• Link between lower back pain and glute medius muscles

2. Understanding the Glute Medius

• Location and role of the glute medius muscle

• Effects of weakness and imbalance in the muscle

3. Assessing Glute Medius Weakness

• Test to identify weak glute medius

• Observing hip drop and weight distribution

4. Quick Exercise for Instant Relief

• Lying down on the affected side

• Locating and applying pressure to trigger points

• Flossing leg movements for muscle release

5. Burning Out the Spasm

• Contracting the glute medius muscle

• Holding the contraction to relieve pain

6. Long-Term Solutions and Prevention

• Addressing the underlying cause of weakness

• Exercises for strengthening the low back

• Hip bump against the wall

• Sack swinger exercise

• Strengthening exercises for the low back

7. Consistency and Benefits

• Importance of consistency in exercises

• Improvements in squat performance and depth

• Alleviating low back pain for equal force distribution

8. Conclusion

9. FAQs


Low back pain is a prevalent issue that affects countless individuals. While it may seem like the discomfort stems from the lower back itself, it's often caused by weak muscles in other areas of the body. In this article, we'll explore how the gluteus medius muscle could be the underlying cause of your back pain and provide you with a quick exercise that can offer immediate relief. Additionally, we'll discuss some exercises to prevent the recurrence of low back pain.

Living with low back pain can be debilitating, affecting both daily activities and overall quality of life. It is crucial to understand that the pain experienced in the lower back may not originate from the back itself but rather from other muscles in the body. By addressing the root cause, such as weak glute medius muscles, we can effectively alleviate or prevent low back pain.

Understanding the Glute Medius

The gluteus medius muscle is situated between the glute maximus and minimus and plays a significant role in the hip area. Its primary functions include hip abduction (lifting the leg sideways) and maintaining pelvic stability during movement. Prolonged sitting and unequal weight distribution while standing are common factors contributing to the weakness and imbalance of this muscle.

Assessing Glute Medius Weakness

To determine if you have a weak glute medius muscle, you can perform a simple test. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lift one foot off the ground. Observe if your opposite hip drops significantly. A noticeable drop indicates weakness on that side. Repeat the test with the other foot and pay attention to any significant weight shift required to lift the foot off the ground. Unequal weight distribution while standing can exacerbate the problem, especially during squatting exercises.

Quick Exercise for Instant Relief

If you identify weakness in your glute medius, a quick exercise can provide immediate relief. Start by lying down on the ground with the affected side on top. Locate the area of soreness, typically just outside the bony prominence of your pelvis. Apply pressure using your thumb to hold back the trigger point.

Next, initiate flossing movements with your leg. Move it down and in front of you and then back and up. Throughout the exercise, ensure your hip is extended and lifted into abduction while keeping your toes pointed down to engage the glute medius muscle. Repeat this movement approximately ten times, focusing on releasing the tension in the muscle.

Burning Out the Spasm

To further alleviate the spasm in the trigger point, you can perform a contraction exercise. Get into the fully contracted position of the glute medius muscle and hold it for as long as you can. Due to the muscle's weakness, this may not exceed 30 seconds to a minute. Once you reach your limit, stand up and notice the immediate relief of pain on the affected side.

Long-Term Solutions and Prevention

While the quick exercises provide temporary relief, addressing the underlying cause of weak glute medius muscles is essential for long-term results. Incorporate the following exercises into your routine a few times a week to strengthen your low back and prevent the recurrence of pain:

1. Hip Bump Against the Wall: Stand with your side facing a wall and place your hip against it. Push your hip into the wall and maintain the pressure for a few seconds before releasing. Repeat this exercise several times, focusing on engaging the glute medius muscle.

2. Sack Swinger Exercise: If you don't have a dip belt, you can use a dog leash or any similar item. Attach one end to your foot and hold the other end with your hand. Stand upright and swing your leg outward, away from the body, engaging the glute medius muscle. Repeat on both sides.

3. Strengthening Exercise for the Low Back: Perform the same movement used for the treatment exercise, but this time as a strengthening exercise. Lie on your side, lift your leg in abduction, and maintain the position for a few seconds. Lower your leg and repeat. Focus on engaging the glute medius and keeping proper form.

Consistency and Benefits

Consistency is key when it comes to strengthening the glute medius and maintaining a healthy low back. By incorporating these exercises into your routine and performing them consistently, you'll not only alleviate pain but also notice improvements in your squat performance. Increased depth and equal force distribution through each leg will enhance your overall strength and stability.

By addressing the weakness in your glute medius, you're taking a proactive approach to your low back health and preventing future pain and discomfort.


Don't let low back pain hinder your daily life. By understanding the role of the glute medius muscle and addressing its weakness, you can find relief and prevent the recurrence of pain. The quick exercises provide immediate relief, while the consistent practice of strengthening exercises ensures long-term results. Take control of your low back health and enjoy a pain-free and active lifestyle.


1. How long should I perform the quick exercise for instant relief?

Perform the flossing movements for approximately ten repetitions on each side or until you feel the tension release in the glute medius muscle.

2. Can I perform the contraction exercise multiple times a day?

While it's recommended to hold the contraction exercise for as long as you can, it's advisable to do it once a day or as needed for immediate relief.

3. Can weak glute medius muscles affect other areas of the body?

Yes, weak glute medius muscles can lead to compensations and imbalances in the lower back, hips, and legs, resulting in pain and discomfort in those areas.

4. How long does it take to strengthen the glute medius muscles?

The timeframe varies for each individual. Consistent practice of the strengthening exercises a few times a week can lead to noticeable improvements within a few weeks to months.

5. Can these exercises be performed by individuals of all fitness levels?

Yes, these exercises can be modified and adjusted to accommodate different fitness levels. Start with variations that suit your current abilities and gradually progress as you

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About the Creator

M Khawar

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