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Life hacks that are still relevant today

20 life hacks that are relevant in today’s day and age

By Charmaine CowanPublished 12 months ago 4 min read
Life hacks that are still relevant today
Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

20 life hacks that are relevant in today’s day and age

1. Use password managers: Password managers are secure applications that store and manage your passwords. They generate strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts and remember them for you, so you don't have to rely on weak or easily guessable passwords.

2. Enable two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your online accounts by requiring a second verification step, typically through a code sent to your phone or email. This helps protect your accounts from unauthorized access even if someone discovers your password.

3. Set up automated bill payments: Many banks and service providers offer the option to set up automatic bill payments. By doing this, your bills will be paid on time, helping you avoid late fees and maintain good financial management.

4. Use productivity apps or techniques: Productivity apps like task managers, project trackers, and note-taking tools can help you stay organized, prioritize tasks, and manage your time effectively. Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work in focused bursts followed by short breaks, can also enhance productivity.

5. Use mobile banking apps: Mobile banking apps allow you to conveniently manage your finances from your smartphone. You can track your expenses, check balances, make transfers, and even deposit checks, providing greater flexibility and control over your finances.

6. Use online grocery delivery services: Online grocery delivery services, offered by many supermarkets and dedicated platforms, allow you to order groceries from the comfort of your home. This saves time, reduces the need to physically visit crowded stores, and can even offer discounts or exclusive deals.

7. Use a meal planning app: Meal planning apps help you streamline your cooking and grocery shopping. You can plan your meals for the week, create shopping lists, and even discover new recipes, ensuring that you have the necessary ingredients and reducing food waste.

8. Unsubscribe from unnecessary email newsletters: Over time, you may accumulate a lot of email subscriptions that clutter your inbox. Unsubscribing from newsletters you no longer read or find useful can help declutter your inbox and reduce the time spent managing emails. Additionally, using email filters can automatically categorize and organize incoming emails for easier navigation.

9. Compare prices before making purchases: Before making a purchase, consider using apps or websites that allow you to compare prices across different retailers. This ensures that you get the best deal and potentially save money.

10. Invest in reusable items: Reusable water bottles and coffee cups are environmentally friendly alternatives to disposable options. By using these reusable items, you reduce waste and save money in the long run by avoiding single-use purchases.

11. Use a digital safe or cloud storage: To keep your important documents and files secure, consider using a password-protected digital safe or cloud storage service. These provide a secure backup and easy access to your files from multiple devices.

12. Set up automatic backups: Regularly backing up your important files and photos is essential to avoid data loss. You can set up automatic backups to external hard drives, cloud storage services, or use backup software that synchronizes your files across devices.

13. Use noise-canceling headphones or ambient noise apps: Noise-canceling headphones help create a quieter and more focused environment, especially in noisy settings or when working from home. Alternatively, ambient noise apps provide background sounds, such as rain or white noise, which can improve concentration and productivity.

14. Take advantage of cashback and rewards programs: Many online retailers offer cashback or rewards programs that allow you to earn points or receive a percentage of your purchase back as credit. By participating in these programs, you can save money or earn rewards on your online purchases.

15. Use note-taking apps and digital calendars: Note-taking apps and digital calendars help you stay organized and keep track of important information, tasks, appointments, and deadlines. You can easily access and update your notes and calendar events across devices, ensuring you stay on top of your schedule.

16. Utilize online learning platforms: Online learning platforms provide a wide range of courses and educational resources that you can access from anywhere. Whether you want to acquire new skills, explore personal interests, or advance your career, these platforms offer flexible learning opportunities.

17. Use browser extensions or apps to block distractions: If you find yourself easily distracted by websites or social media, consider using browser extensions or apps that block access to these distractions during designated work or study periods. Some tools even track and limit your overall screen time.

18. Opt for digital subscriptions and e-books: Instead of purchasing physical copies of books, magazines, or newspapers, consider opting for digital subscriptions or e-books. This saves space, reduces paper waste, and allows you to carry your reading material conveniently on your devices.

19. Utilize meal prep techniques: Meal prepping involves preparing meals in advance for the week, which can save time and help you maintain a healthier diet. By dedicating a few hours each week to plan and prepare your meals, you can have ready-to-eat or easily cooked meals on busy days.

20. Create a digital decluttering routine: Regularly decluttering your digital devices and files can help improve organization and efficiency. Set aside time to delete unnecessary files, organize folders, and review and uninstall unused apps, freeing up storage space and improving device performance.

Remember to adapt these life hacks to suit your specific needs and preferences.

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About the Creator

Charmaine Cowan

I am a customer service and sales agent by profession, but I love creating content thus my venture into article writing because I just love to bring points across. I look forward to becoming an even better writer as time goes by.

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  • Jazzy 12 months ago

    I have found that online grocery ordering is the future. I save so much time and money! Great tips!

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