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Life Hacks for Lazy People

Life Hacks for Lazy People

By Heat BaupPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Life Hacks for Lazy People
Photo by Tom Morel on Unsplash

There is something to be said about the attractive option of simply sitting on a sofa, drinking beer, or being lazy. All right. Take a break. Also, it often enters people's hearts. Whether we like it or not, things need to be done, no matter what we would like to do.

Happily, many lazy people are also extremely intelligent. These hacks on the lives of lazy people will increase your growth potential, without causing others to call you lazy AF.

Use floss to cut the cakes completely ... without washing the knives.

Cutting a cake is not easy, and it is not very clean. this is often true of all the cracks in your page. What is the solution? Use floss to cut your pieces, hard and flawlessly.

We call this the easy way of life for lazy cake lovers, because, let's face it, washing dishes may not work.

Stop your ironing days by throwing clothes on the dryer with a wet face towel, instead.

Moisture removes wrinkles, and once you apply the essential oils, you will find that you have a nice coat. Needless to say, this is often one of my favorite lifestyles for lazy people, even for people who hate ironing.

If you have stomach aches, relax your laptop on your stomach.

The heat from the laptop will relieve your abdominal muscles and relieve pain, without having to walk away. A lazy life will not hurt much if you try this.

Find out more about your razors by "shaving" your jeans back and forth a few times, after each use.

This is one of the tricks for lazy people who want to cross the road to Walgreen to grab another pack of razors. Pulling from jeans actually sharpens knives, much like an old razor line.

It is also worth noting that swiping your blade into denim restores the blades to their original position, indicating that you will be happier in the future.

Use a hoodie worn on the back to appeal to a short popcorn bowl.

Let’s be honest here, if you’re reading life hacks on lazy people, you probably can’t think of a touch of butter on your hoodie hoodie. Also, this suggests that you will simply need to touch the dishwasher, which is often helpful.

Hold that sheet up once you have laid your bed.

This slows down the time it takes to build a bed, however. Is the touch comfortable? Probably. But if you have a nice dress, you probably won’t notice, anyway.

If you are trying to find fast, non-microwaveable fast food, search for college recipes online.

Many college recipes are made with a microwave; which means you will find out how to eat food, within minutes. Typical college microwave recipes include baked potatoes, eggs, yes, "mug brownies."

If you are just a “set and forget” person who is lazy, then investing time in learning recipes would be a good decision. This list of small cookbooks can be a great place to start.

Make your own food and choose what to wear last night.

This may not count among life hacks for lazy people, but I may be the first to admit that it reduces the time it takes to encourage getting out of the house too much; it's just one hack you'd like to do.

For example, making new breakfast recipes all week can help reduce the tendency to want something "on the go." Also, it can reduce the amount of stress you have in the morning. the same is often said about choosing a dress.

That being said, you will actually improve this quality of life by doing what President Obama did. When he was president, he built his closet around a few colors, which meant that everything he wore was always the same - even though it took a moment or two to decide what to wear.

One of the cleanest things you can do for lazy people who want to retire (or save money) is to let the app do the job for you. Over time, the money you invest in will eventually work for you - leaving you to vote longer, or doing whatever you want to do.

Clean the blender by adding water and dishwashing soap to it, cover it very high, and turn on the blender.

Scrub completed for lost. this is usually thanks to the easy cleaning of the blender during the bleaching. As a bonus, you will also use this life as a fear to pretend "Will It Meet?" boy.

If you are looking to appeal to those who do not like to run or exercise, sleep in your work clothes.

This is one of the clever ways of life of lazy people who want to prevent being lazy. If you wake up and are already wearing gym clothes, that gives you a reason to touch laziness - and forces you to take responsibility for your actions.

Besides, exercise clothes are quick and warm, making them ideal for bedding.

Lastly, make some sort of transfer of tasks that you do not want to try on others.

If you believe, this is not usually the case with the lives of lazy people; burglary working for successful people. Why? Because no one can roll the holiday at all, and once in a while, even Steve Jobs became lazy.

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