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Letting go of the past entering the unknown

Gemini Season!

By Lubeina SangalangPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Mango nectar

Gemini - you may want to play, talk and hang out during your birth month but since this year is a little bit different, its time to let everything and everyone play their role as we move into a new world. We aren’t so used to the deep-thinking Water and light flowing Air combination, but this gives us a brief taste of 2022. It’s Gemini season from May 20th to June 20th, meaning this month is full of intense emotions, healing and surprises. Dream bigger than you have ever dreamed before, go with the flow and let go of that old thinking. Be confident in the unknown!

At the beginning of your birthday month on May 26th, we have an extra powerful full moon in Sagittarius. This moon is special since it will also be a lunar eclipse. This energy might lead to surprises, new insights, revealing secrets and allowing new and old beliefs to collide and show you a new way to live. Be ready for any themes from the lunar eclipse to be amplified this month.

Then on May 29th until June 22nd, Mercury goes retrograde in its home sign of Gemini. It’s going to be extra confusing since a planet in its own sign has its magic powers heightened. Mercury is happiest when it's moving and motivated, but gets slow and confused during a retrograde. Miscommunication and mishaps are unwelcomed side effects during your birth month, so try your best to wait until after retrograde season to make big money decisions or to start anything new - you might have to go over everything twice or worse, need to start over.

However not all is bad news for your future plans, you have some help! Jupiter is in Pisces which means Jupiter is in its traditional sign! The lunar eclipse also landed in Jupiter’s second home sign of Sagittarius and the cherry on top is dreamy Neptune is also in its modern home sign of Pisces.

Jupiter is the real star this month. Jupiter is the sign of optimism, luck and amplification of energy. The current energy you are experiencing only happens every 12 years and it is happening during your birthday month, as Jupiter makes a 2 month visit to Pieces before it retrogrades back to Aquarius. Jupiter also has some extra help this year and next with Neptune slowly moving through the psychic water sign. This is wish making, dream building kind of stuff. Blow the candles on your cake and dream big! Ask for something you normally would be too afraid to ask for. Go for it! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for most of the signs since Neptune will be leaving Pisces for good in 2025 and won’t enter Pieces again in your lifetime. Gemini gets this gift from the celestial sky this year and next. Truly you are blessed and now have a window of opportunity to expand and amplify your dreams; be extra creative.

On May 23rd, Saturn goes retrograde in its home sign Aquarius, and highlights a different aspect of your life that may need reassessing and reimaging. Saturn can be a difficult planet and some years are harder than others, but let Saturn guide you to a better way doing things; the more you fight its energy the harder your life will become. The weather is also getting warmer, so take a break and get outside and be active if you can.

Venus enters Cancer on June 2nd, giving you much relief from Mars who has been very uncomfortable in Cancer since late April. This energy can bring back nostalgia of better days, like old loves and friends you haven’t seen in some time. Be careful of any red flags and lies, since you might miss them with your rose-colored glasses on.

June 10th brings closure and change as Mercury’s energy gets intensified by the Sun on the same day Gemini gets a solar eclipse, so be ready to move on with love, and be gentle with yourself as you enter new life experiences and have closure for the things that you started in and the end of last year.

On June 11, Mars finally leaves Cancer and is put on a pedestal in Leo. Take your sword, brave warrior and fight for what’s yours and have the strength to take small confident steps towards those dreams you been cooking up all month! Venus has a head start on love in Cancer - it’s a ripe time to fall into love with someone new and interesting. For those already in a relationship, go ahead and make a stronger, deeper and more fulfilling emotional connection with your partner. Make a new best friend with another Gemini; they just might be soul mate.

Major dates and planetary events;

Sun enters Gemini – May 20 3:37pm (EST).

Lunar eclipse (full moon in Sagittarius) – May 26; deep emotional changes, surprises and secrets revealed, go with the flow.

Mercury retrograde Gemini May 29 – June 22; confusion, miscommunication, mistakes amplified in its home sign. Great time for soul searching, meditation and focusing on hobbies.

Sun and north node conjunct in Gemini - May 31; plan for the future, make a checklist of your upcoming plans.

Saturn retrograde Aquarius May 23 – October 11; revise schedules and old beliefs, pick up uncompleted projects and look over your finances. Save for a rainy day and get rid of those toxic people and things in your life.

Venus enters Cancer – June 2; let your emotions go, pay attention to the red flags.

Solar eclipse in Gemini (new moon in Gemini) – June 10; endings and beginnings. Take a step back and look over all your options for the future. Call a good friend and catch up.

Mercury Cazimi Sun in Gemini – June 10; pay very close attention to what you feel and see. It’s time to be really honest with what you want from the universe. Reflect on your dreams and break them down to doable tasks.

Mars enters Leo – June 11; passion and dreams collide. Love is in the air.

Jupiter retrogrades – June 20; be strong and don’t get upset when things don’t go your way. Be the bigger person and be grateful for all the good that’s in your life.

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About the Creator

Lubeina Sangalang

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