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Is it good to eat bean sprouts every day? Is it true that eating bean sprouts helps to enhance physiology?

Many people believe that eating bean sprouts every day helps to enhance male physiology and is a miracle drug for the skin. Is that true? Does eating a lot of bean sprouts have side effects?

By HK DecorPublished 2 days ago 6 min read

Bean sprouts are known as sprouts rich in vitamins and minerals, good for health. Usually bean sprouts are made from green beans, soybeans, and black beans, but the most popular are still green bean sprouts. The nature of bean sprouts will depend largely on the type of bean being composted, for example, bean sprouts from green beans will have less protein than bean sprouts from soybeans; while bean sprouts from green beans have more fiber,...

1. Nutritional composition of bean sprouts

According to Very Well Health, 104 grams (g) of unprocessed bean sprouts are 90.8% water and account for only 2% of the daily value (DV) as well as other nutritional components including:

- Drop: 31

- Fat: 0.187 g

- Copper: 0.171 milligrams (mg)

- Vitamin C: 13,7 mg

- Fiber: 1.6 g

- Protein: 3.16 g

- Iron: 0.946 mg

- Magnesium: 21.8 mg

- Times: 155 mg

- Natri: 6,24 mg

- Calcium: 13.5 mg.

2. Health benefits of bean sprouts

In addition to being a type of sprout that provides vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients for the body, from vitamin C to protein content, below are the health benefits of bean sprouts that you can refer to, according to WebMD. Of course, to maximize these benefits, you need to eat bean sprouts combined with a scientific diet and healthy lifestyle.

- Blood pressure support

Eating bean sprouts is good for blood pressure thanks to nutritional ingredients such as:

+ Potassium: Helps reduce the impact of sodium in increasing blood pressure, thereby helping to reduce pressure on blood vessel walls.

+ Magnesium: Plays an important role in maintaining blood vessel health and is beneficial in controlling blood pressure.

+ Fiber: Helps improve the health of the cardiovascular system and can help reduce blood pressure.

+ Peptides formed in high concentrations while sprouting seeds have been shown to help reduce blood pressure by inhibiting the ACE enzyme which dilates blood vessels and strengthens the health of the vessel walls, thereby improving blood flow and helping to reduce blood pressure.

- Prevent cancer

The proteins and peptides in bean sprouts may also help reduce the risk of cancer. Studies have shown that these nutrients can slow the growth of cancer cells, including those associated with breast cancer, leukemia, and digestive system cancers.

- Improve digestive health

Bean sprouts are a source of insoluble fiber, which aids digestion by cleansing the colon, promoting bowel movements and preventing constipation.

- Improve eye health

Because bean sprouts are high in antioxidants, they may help protect you from developing common eye diseases, including age-related macular degeneration.

Besides, Bean Sprouts also contain a lot of vitamin C, which can help prevent cataracts. Studies show that people who consume high amounts of vitamin C for 10 years or more have a reduced risk of needing cataract surgery.

- Heart health

Bean sprouts can help improve your overall heart health thanks to the compound saponin by balancing cholesterol. Studies show that sprouts can help reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol, which causes artery-clogging plaque buildup. Bean sprouts can also help increase levels of “good” HDL cholesterol, which helps remove fat buildup in the blood.

According to WebMD, evidence also shows that sprouts like bean sprouts may help reduce another type of blood fat called triglycerides. Triglycerides can cause heart disease if they accumulate in high enough concentrations.

A small serving of mung bean sprouts provides up to 29% of the DV of vitamin K that most people need daily, and a diet rich in vitamin K has been shown to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

In addition to the health benefits of bean sprouts mentioned above, bean sprouts are also added to the diet to support the immune system thanks to their richness in flavonoid antioxidants and phenolic acids . Antioxidants help stabilize free radicals and fight oxidative stress, which may be associated with chronic diseases and age-related degeneration.

3. Frequently asked questions about bean sprouts

There are many questions about whether it is okay to eat bean sprouts every day, whether eating bean sprouts helps improve men's physiology,... and below is some information you can refer to:

- Is it okay to eat bean sprouts every day?

You should not eat bean sprouts more than 5 times per week, especially raw bean sprouts. And although it is good for health, not everyone can eat bean sprouts. The following people should not eat bean sprouts:

+ People with chronic gastritis

+ His hands and feet are cold and he is sick

+ The person is hungry

+ People taking medication

+ People with a history of allergy to bean sprouts

+ Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not eat raw bean sprouts.

- Is it okay to eat raw bean sprouts?

Because it is formed from sprouting , it is difficult to avoid the risk of infection if the seeds are not properly processed and incubated. Raw bean sprouts and sprouts when eaten raw have the risk of being contaminated with many types of bacteria including Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes, according to Livestrong.

Infection with these bacteria can cause poisoning with many symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or even more serious convulsions, respiratory failure leading to death if not receive timely medical intervention.

- Does eating bean sprouts help enhance male physiology?

Many people believe that bean sprouts are a miracle drug that helps enhance physiology, especially helps treat male impotence. However, eating bean sprouts only helps the body supplement nutrients that support physiology such as vitamin C, vitamin E, omega 3, omega-6, ... thanks to being friendly to sperm health, reducing the harmful effects of free radicals on sperm and thereby increasing the conception rate as well as increasing sexual desire.

But eating bean sprouts is not a way to cure erectile dysfunction, or in other words, eating bean sprouts is not a panacea to completely improve erectile dysfunction in men. Many other interventions are needed, including proper nutrition, lifestyle and exercise.

- What are bean sprouts incompatible with?

Price is incompatible with pork liver. Although many Vietnamese families have the habit of stir-frying pork liver to the same degree, this does not make your dish more nutritious but also causes the vitamin C to oxidize, reducing the nutrition of the food.

4. How to properly choose clean, delicious bean sprouts

To choose clean and delicious bean sprouts, you can apply the following steps:

+ Observe color: Bean sprouts should be bright green, not yellow or dark.

+ Check for crispness: Gently hold a handful of bean sprouts and feel the crispness, fresh bean sprouts will be crispy and not easily broken.

+ Scent: Fresh and delicious bean sprouts often have a light fragrance, without sour, rotten or strange smells.

+ Avoid bean sprouts with long and thin roots: This may be a sign that the sprouts have been left out for a long time or are not fresh.

+ Check humidity: Bean sprouts should not be too wet because this can cause mold.

+ Packaging: Choose bean sprouts that are carefully packaged and stored at the appropriate temperature to avoid bacteria and prolong shelf life.

Note: Soak bean sprouts in diluted salt water before use to remove dirt and bacteria that may exist.

5. How to incubate bean sprouts at home

You can incubate bean sprouts at home using bamboo leaves, plastic bottles, trays, baskets with holes, foam boxes, kitchen ash, or even incubate bean sprouts with towels... Incubating bean sprouts at home can be done by following these steps:

- Soak the beans: Soak the beans in warm water for about 6 - 12 hours to let them swell. After soaking, remove the beans and rinse them with water. Then place the beans in a tray or basket with good drainage holes. Cover the tray or basket with a damp cloth or keep it in a dark place to let the beans start to germinate.

- Watering: Water the bean tray 2 - 3 times a day to ensure they are always moist.

- Harvest: After about 3 - 5 days, when the beans have germinated and the bean sprouts have reached the desired length, you can harvest the bean sprouts for use.

Remember that bean sprouts need moderate humidity and temperature to grow well. Avoid exposing the beans to direct sunlight during the incubation process.

In general, bean sprouts are not only a familiar food but also a great source of nutrition, bringing many benefits to human health. From strengthening the immune system, supporting digestion to preventing chronic diseases, bean sprouts have proven their value in the daily diet.

how tohealthfood

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HK Decor

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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    HK DecorWritten by HK Decor

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