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Voice Acting in a nutshell

By VA NutshellPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Hello! VA Nutshell is a website that was created by experienced voice actors in order to help the next generation of talent achieve their dreams. Through our collection of product reviews, educational blog posts, and reviews with professional voice actors, we aim to help amateur voice artists avoid making rookie mistakes and start their careers as quickly as possible.

Lets run through a quick scenario:

You're a big fan of cartoons, video games, and/or anime. You're a fan of talented voice actors and actresses like Mark Hamill, Matt Mercer, Tara Strong, or Cree Summers. You decide that you want to follow in their footsteps and start your own career in voice acting.

How do you get started as a voice actor?

First, you need to understand the essentials. To be a successful voice actor, you'll need talent, equipment, and availability.

Read this blog post from a professional voice actor and director to learn more.

Learn more about this microphone by reading our full review!

Once you understand the basics, you might want to get a microphone and start practicing. If you've been listening to advice from podcasters, YouTubers, and Twitch streamers, you might think it's a good idea to get a high-quality USB mic like the Blue Yeti.

But here's the truth:

If you're trying to land gigs as a talented voice actor, you're going to want a much better microphone (and interface) than the Blue Yeti.

The best beginner's combo for an affordable voice acting setup is an Audio Technica AT2020 and Steinberg UR12. Click those links to learn more about these products and hear some recording tests.

Next, you're going to need to set up a home recording space. You might think you can just buy some acoustic padding like you see in the background of a YouTube vlogger or Twitch streamer. Alternatively, you might be interested in converting your bedroom closet into a home studio, or just packing your mic into a small padded box to eliminate background noise.

So which is the right way to do it? The answer is none of these!

Use affordable padding like moving blankets and mattress toppers to eliminate reflections from bare walls.

Instead, read our blog post on the perfect DIY voice acting recording space to learn the best way to create a cheap home studio that lets you deliver high-quality recordings!

Once you've acquired the right equipment and proofed your recording space, there's one more thing you should do before you start landing those gigs: train!

There are a lot of ways you can learn how to be a better voice actor, but the most effective ways involve learning how to be a better actor, period. Look for opportunities to practice in front of other people before you resort to online projects and social media.

For more on this, check out our blog post outlining the best voice acting training exercises, techniques, and strategies.

What equipment do I need to be a voice actor?

VA Nutshell also writes product reviews for many of the most popular or effective audio equipment used by voice actors.

Notice that I mentioned the most popular or effective? That's because there's a big difference between the two.

For starters, you're severely limiting your potential by using a USB mic. It can be tempting to find a cheap generic desktop mic on Amazon and start practicing, but this would be a waste of time and money.

Instead, look for an XLR mic and an audio adapter for your computer. Yes, this is more expensive and complicated than just getting a Blue Yeti, but you need this equipment if you want to actually take your career seriously.

If you're on a tight budget, here's the best way to get starter VA equipment for cheap:

Look for a Shure SM58 for sale, either new or used. This shouldn't be too difficult, since it's one of the most popular microphones for live performance.

This is a cheap but effective starter interface for voice actors.

Then, get a new Focusrite Scarlett Solo. This will let you connect the SM58 to your computer, and it has clean enough gain to deliver decent recordings.

If you do this, you can probably get the equipment you need for around $150. Any money you have left over can be used for inexpensive padding to proof your recording space.

Are you interested in learning more? You can always leave a comment on one of our blog posts or reach out on Twitter.

Thanks for reading!

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About the Creator

VA Nutshell

Voice acting in a nutshell. Check out our website at for all the info you need to start your career in professional voice acting!

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