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Insurance Company? Find out how digital signature software can help improve your business today and save time and hassle.

Let us explore some of the benefits of using digital signature solutions:

By Paula WilliamsPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

You must have heard about the use of electronic signature for insurance, the very fact that you are reading this article proves it. Whether you are planning to install a digital signature solution you are already using it, this article will help you a lot. In case you are already using one solution, then you can check the list of benefits mentioned in the article to find out whether your solution is offering you all the features and functionalities you deserve.

The insurance industry is one of the growing industries of the global economy. It is also one of the industries which got affected due to the sudden outbreak of coronavirus in 2020. Considering the amount of documentation and paperwork this industry has to handle on a daily basis it is impossible for any insurance company to survive in the market by sticking to the traditional or conventional method of working. If there is any activity in the insurance sector that takes more than necessary time then that activity is collecting signatures of the concerned authorities and parties.

Collecting signatures from the concerned authorities is indeed a crucial task but the insurance agent and the customers do not have to spend weeks or sometimes months in completion of a simple documentation procedure full stop in today's competitive market where everybody is optimising the business workflow and automating it, the insurance sector can not lag behind. The market is demanding faster services with utmost convenience. If as a business you wish to survive in the market and build your identity among the fierce competition, it is important that you adapt to the reliable technology solutions that can streamline your business workflow, especially the documentation process.

This urge to adapt to the digital solutions and automation of the process has got another strong push in the form of a pandemic. The panda make has been so wide that most of the population across the globe is forced to work remotely. People are relying on digital transactions and trying to perform as many activities and transactions as possible using their smartphone, without coming in direct contact with any human being. Contact-less transactions are getting accepted widely.

In the same background, many insurance companies are shedding the old skin and accepting the process of digitization at every possible level. Using an electronic signature for insurance to collect signatures and more is one such step.

Insurance companies have to spend hours and days collecting signatures from the customers to complete the simple process of buying an insurance policy. Customers have to wait for days until the decoded insurance product gets credited to their name. This wait frustrates more customers and rightly so. However, by shifting to e signature for insurance, companies are again luring their customers. However, they are not doing it just to offer better services to the customers. There are many other advantages of installing a credible digital signature in banking solutions.

Let us explore some of the benefits of using digital signature solutions:

Improved user experience:

Customers are the king and in today's competitive world it is extremely important that you expand your customer base and retain the existing customer base by offering them the best possible services and treatment. Customer service experience is of utmost importance, especially when you are operating remotely. One of the better ways of treating your customers positively and gaining goodwill in their heart is to use a reliable e signature for insurance software that can work faster, deal with data more safely and get the documentation done quickly without forcing customers to leave their house.

Speed and mobility:

When we talk about User experience mobility and speed plays an important role. People are leading a busy life where they hardly have time to stand in long lines or to wait for days to complete a dimple documentation process. Rather, customers wish to complete every possible transaction using their PC, laptop or mobile devices. That is exactly what the best esignature insurance service offers to the customers: An ability to make signatures and buy an insurance product from wherever they are, by simply using their mobile phone.

In traditional methods of collecting signatures, a person either had to go to every concerned party in person or had to mail the document for signatures. This process used to take days is not a month. With a reliable electronic signature for insurance, the prices can be completed within a few minutes.


No technology is workable and worth installing in your business if it is not going to offer positive ROI. There is no point in installing a technology that will end up increasing expenses rather than mitigating them. Esignature solution is one such technology that can be installed in your business system and you can start witnessing the positive impact of it. As you no longer have to spend on postage, paper, document storage infrastructure, travelling, courier, etc. you save a lot of operational costs. Plus, the solution is futuristic and the pandemic has proved that the future is going to be more and more digital and lesser and lesser paper-based.

Efficient and scalable:

All the data collected and shared using the best esignature service is stored on the cloud so that all the allowed parties can access it from anywhere at any time. So, whenever the need arises, the allowed party can simply log in and access the data. This makes data sharing and decision making more efficient. As the business increases, and you have to deal with larger amounts of data, you can expand the storage capacity of the cloud which makes it scalable and reliable for the long run. Here, your business has a score to expand as much as it can without worrying about the safety and storage of the data.

Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, one crucial advantage of using digital signature in banking is that it is legally backed if you are using a credible digital signature solution that complies with laws of the land, the services offered by such a solution are valid in the court of law.


About the Creator

Paula Williams

Paula Williams is a product manager at Esignly. Esignly serves you the best, satisfying its customers with their digital signature requirements across all the industry.

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