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In the Absence of Light

Love beyond bounds

By Eze Kelvin Ogarabe Published 28 days ago 4 min read
In the Absence of Light
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

A young man named Lucas resided in a small, charming village that was tucked between gently sloping hills and a peaceful river. The town was alive with the laughing and conversation of its residents, a tapestry of cobblestone streets, vibrant marketplaces, and charming cafes. Lucas, though, saw the world through a grim lens. At the age of twelve, he had tragically lost his sight in an accident, but he never lost his enthusiasm for life. Rather, he adjusted and began using his other senses to get about.

Lucas was renowned for having an extraordinary sense of touch and hearing. He was able to distinguish between persons based just on the sound of their footsteps and materials based only on their tactile qualities. Because of his illness, he was extremely attentive and frequently found satisfaction in the little things in life, such as a soft breeze, the sound of leaves rustling, and the smell of freshly baked bread from the local bakery.

Lucas was strolling through the busy market one beautiful spring morning when he heard a melody that stopped him in his tracks. The sound of the violin playing a hauntingly lovely tune was so clean and entrancing that it seemed to exist outside of reality. With the aid of his cane, he navigated the crowd while adhering to the melody. He followed the melody to a young woman at the center of the market, immersed in her music and playing her violin with closed eyes.

Elara was her name. She had just moved to the town to get away from the mayhem of the city, so she was a newcomer. Elara charmed people with her passionate violin playing, but what really won people over was her calm demeanor and gentle nature. Lucas was mesmerized by the music as he stood there, experiencing a deep inner resonance with every sound.

The audience erupted in cheers when Elara completed her performance. But Lucas said nothing, a grin lingering on his lips. He waited for the throng to thin out before coming over to her. He stated, "That was beautiful," in a soft but sincere voice.

Elara looked up at him, her eyes aglow with shock. With a quiet "thank you," she answered. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Lucas held out his hand. "I'm Lucas."

Warm and comforting, her touch gripped his hand. "Elara," she said as her name.

They developed a special affinity between them after that. Every day Lucas would come to the market, attracted in by Elara's presence and singing. They would converse about everything under the sun while sitting together for hours on end. Elara would talk about the town's vivid colors, the sky's shifting shades, and the exquisite flowers at the market. In exchange, Lucas opened up his universe to her, sharing with her the symphony of sounds, textures, and fragrances that shaped his understanding of their surroundings.

Elara put Lucas's hand on her violin one evening as they sat by the river. She said, "Feel this." "This is my world."

Tight and ready to sing, the strings glistened as Lucas ran his fingertips over the polished wooden surface. With a smile, he sensed that they were becoming closer. Shouting, "It's beautiful," he said.

Their friendship developed into something deeper as time went on. Not only did Lucas fall in love with Elara's music, but also with her as a person. Even without sight, the brightness of her kindness, her laughter, and her constant support brightened his life. Elara also began to feel more and more in love with Lucas. She was moved by his fortitude, his resiliency, and the profound and sensitive way he experienced life.

Lucas was treated to a beautiful melody played by Elara one night beneath a blanket of stars. She had written a composition especially for him, drawing inspiration from their time together. She turned to face him, her heart racing as the last note lingered in the air. She started, "Lucas," a little shaky in voice, "I need to tell you something."

Reassuringly, Lucas stretched for her hand. "What is it, Elara?"

She inhaled deeply, her eyes sparkling with unseen tears. Lucas, I've fallen deeply in love with you. Though I understand that our worlds are not the same, I can't fathom my life without you."

Lucas felt a surge of emotion in his heart. His thumbs traced the curves of her cheeks as he tenderly cradled her face. "Elara, I also adore you." I never would have imagined the manner in which you have brightened my world."

As they clasped, the stars overhead saw the joining of two spirits bound by a love that was stronger than sight. They discovered comfort, strength, and an infinite future in each other's arms.

Their tale of love turned into a ray of hope for the villagers and a monument to the strength of human kindness and love. As they continued to live together, Lucas and Elara encountered fresh adventures every day. Elara's love for Lucas led her to write even more heartfelt music, while Lucas discovered new ways to appreciate and experience the world around him.

Years later, in what was now a treasured tradition of sitting by the river together, Lucas turned to smile at Elara. "Do you remember the first time we met here?"

Elara nodded, lovelights glimmering in her eyes. "How did I overlook that? It marked the start of everything."

With a tender and loving touch, Lucas took her hand. "Elara, you've given me more than I could have ever asked for. You've demonstrated to me that real beauty is hidden from view."

Elara bent down and gave him a little peck on the lips. "And you've taught me that love knows no boundaries, that it sees with the heart."

Their love was even more radiant in the dark, acting as a beacon to help them navigate the road of life together. And so their narrative went on, resounding in the hearts of everyone who knew them with a tune of love and tenacity

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    EKOWritten by Eze Kelvin Ogarabe

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