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I Never About THAT Life Hack!

How To Make Life A Bit Easier

By Deplorable Di GangiPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Well, THAT made it easier!

Life is complicated and for some reason, most of the grinding parts are made even worse by over-complication, which only adds to the migraine of life. However, sometimes, things can be made a lot simpler and cheaper when a few, simple tricks are used.

For example, most people spend way too much time worrying about paper or plastic and the supposed certainty of man-made climate change, but they never stop to think about what to do with the bag that they did choose, other than to maybe recycle it.

While recycling will possibly turn the bag back into a bag, why wait? For those living alone or with a small number of people, the bags from the store can oftentimes all but eliminate the need to purchase costly trash bags. Sure, some things need to go into a trash bag... but coffee grounds, bubble wrap, and orange peels? Certainly not.

Also, what about batteries? "Dead" batteries can often be brought to a brief life just by putting them into the 'fridge for a day or two. They won't last eons or anything, but in a jam, they will keep most things running for a bit.

How about a bottle of alcohol that has been watered down below state levels for sale? If, for the sake of argument, a bottle of vodka or whiskey purchased in this manner was to have the water removed, the alcohol would be pure, but how can such a thing be done?

Well, instead of the 'fridge, for this, the freezer is needed. Simply place the alcohol in the freezer for a day or two until the water freezes. Water freezes sooner than alcohol does and at warmer temperatures, so the freezer will separate the water. As a matter of fact, usually, the pure alcohol will pour out, leaving the ice still in the bottle.

How about situation where a pocket knife is needed but not readily available? In this instance, a common credit card can be filed down by almost anything abrasive to produce an edge fine enough to cut speaker wire, some food, and a plethora of things.

Of course, on the other hand, with more money, one could just buy a knife. One great way to earn a few more pennies in the pock' is to sign up for Grubhub, Doordash, Postmates, or any of the gig applications which are so common today. However, for those blessed enough to able to drive each day with their spouse/partner, there is a golden trick to this that can be mined.

If the couple BOTH sign up for as many of these apps' as they can get accepted to (Grubhub and Postmates are a bit more forgiving on points than the rest) and if they both run all of them, instead of one person getting a good offer to cherrypick from (ie, picking the trips that pays the most), now they BOTH have the option. It is not odd for couples doing this to find that making a small forturn isn't very hard at all. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS is to be sure and shut off ALL other delivery apps' once a trip is accepted. This will prevent the drivers from losing thier positions.

Best of all, this allows the couple to spend quality time together each day, and nothing brightens a life more.

Lastly, at least for now, computers. Particularly, the "screen share" issue. It seems that every time a new edition of any operating system comes out, finding out how to capture a screen share becomes a task akin to finding the lost Ark of Noah. Thankfully, every version of Windows has, unbeknownst to virtually everyone, "The Snipping Tool." Simply type that into the search of a computer and it is easy enough to capture a screen shot that a small child could do it.

Hopefully, these little life hacks will be of great use to the masses. After all, life is complicated enough.

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