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How to organize your closet and keep it that way

How To Keep Your Closet Organised

By Wayne HoytePublished about a year ago 3 min read
How to organize your closet and keep it that way
Photo by Huy Nguyen on Unsplash

Closet organization can be a daunting task, but once you have a system in place, it's easy to maintain a clutter-free space. Here are some tips on how to organize your closet and keep it that way.

Start with a clean slate

The first step to organizing your closet is to completely empty it out. This allows you to assess what you have and decide what to keep, donate, or toss. Once everything is out of the closet, take the opportunity to dust and clean the space.

Sort items by category

After you've cleared out your closet, sort your items by category, such as tops, pants, dresses, and accessories. This makes it easier to see what you have and where things should go when you're putting them back in the closet.

Use storage solutions

Invest in storage solutions like shelves, hanging organizers, and drawer dividers to maximize your closet space. Hanging organizers are great for storing shoes, bags, and small accessories, while shelves and drawers are ideal for folded clothing.

Keep frequently worn items easily accessible

Make sure the items you wear most often are easily accessible. This might mean hanging your favorite blouses at eye level, or keeping your go-to pair of jeans on a shelf within reach.

Color code your clothes

Color coding your clothes can make it easier to find what you're looking for and create a visually pleasing display. Start by sorting your items by color and then arrange them in the closet in a rainbow pattern, with the colors transitioning from light to dark.

Store off-season items

If you have limited closet space, consider storing off-season items elsewhere, such as in plastic bins under your bed or in a storage unit. This frees up space in your closet for the items you need to access regularly.

Fold items neatly

To maximize your storage space, it's important to fold your clothing neatly. Try folding your clothes in a KonMari style, which involves folding items into small rectangles and standing them upright in a drawer or on a shelf.

Get rid of items you don't wear

If you haven't worn an item in over a year, it's time to let it go. Donate or sell items that are still in good condition, and toss anything that is beyond repair or has holes or stains.

Keep a donation bag in your closet

To stay on top of clutter, keep a donation bag in your closet. Whenever you come across an item you no longer wear or need, toss it in the bag. When the bag is full, drop it off at your local donation center.

Maintain your system

Once you've organized your closet, it's important to maintain your system. Set aside a few minutes each week to tidy up and make sure everything is in its proper place. This prevents clutter from accumulating and makes it easier to find what you need when you're getting dressed in the morning.

In conclusion, organizing your closet can seem like a daunting task, but with the right system in place, it's easy to maintain a clutter-free space. Start by completely emptying your closet and sorting your items by category. Use storage solutions to maximize your space and keep frequently worn items easily accessible. Color code your clothes for easy visual organization, and store off-season items elsewhere to free up space. Fold your clothes neatly and get rid of items you no longer wear or need. Keep a donation bag in your closet and maintain your system by setting aside a few minutes each week to tidy up. With these tips, you'll be on your way to a beautifully organized closet that stays that way.


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