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How to Make Plant Fertilizers From Fish Scales

Why throw them away when you can use them in the garden?

By Patricia GravesPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
How to Make Plant Fertilizers From Fish Scales
Photo by Harris Vo on Unsplash

Gardening has turned from a trend into a real necessity, at a time when we are increasingly threatened by the risk of running out of food resources.

People already must start cultivating at least part of what they consume, and those who already own a garden are lucky in this respect.

We envy you not only for the bowls full of cherries of your production that you indulge in in the morning but also for the moments when, with your soiled nails, you are a gardener.

And today we offer you a trick of millions, one that will guarantee you the best organic vegetables and fruits you have ever eaten! Learn how to make plant scales from fish scales below!

Why to use fish scales as fertilizers

In nature nothing is lost, everything is gained! It is a principle that, if we have not learned it so far voluntarily, we should learn to be obligated until it is too late.

Why throw away fish scraps if you can use them to eat ripe tomatoes and juicy strawberries later?

Another reason why you should use natural fertilizers, produced from fish scales, is related to the harmful nature of fertilizers on the market.

We know, there are organic variants, but they are much more expensive and, in addition, you can never be sure of what they contain.

As for fish scales fertilizers, they are recommended because they include all the substances your plants need.

There are three main ones: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. When using fish, nitrogen is the most "privileged", a very important aspect, because this substance contributes to the strengthening of the plant's roots, to the natural acceleration of its growth, as well as to the improvement of the foliage quality. In addition, nitrogen is rich in chlorophyll, which is extremely important in the photosynthesis process.

No wonder Native Americans used to bury a fish at the root of each plant to protect it and get the tastiest fruit.

How to get natural fertilizers from fish scales

First of all, you have to get the scales! If you do not enjoy a fishing expedition from time to time (in which case we envy you even more), it is possible to stock up on fish from the supermarket, where they are already cleaned.

There is no problem! Go to the market fish market or a restaurant that specializes in such products and ask for scales. Most likely, traders will be more than happy to get rid of debris.

If you have established such a privileged relationship, you are also interested in the intestines, liver, heart, tail, bones, everything that is not generally consumed at a meal.

How do you use them? Simply bury the debris at the root of the plant! If this option doesn't suit you, mix the fish scales with the compost you're preparing for gardening.

There are no restrictions on the use of natural fish scales fertilizer! You can use it at the root of any plant because everyone needs the nutrients in its composition.

True, some categories do not require so much nitrogen, because they can absorb it from the air, this being mainly about legumes.

But even in their case, fertilizers with fish scales are recommended, because the substances that remain unused by the plants are kept in the soil and then contribute to the nutrition of other species.

Precautions when using fish scales fertilizers

As I said, when it comes to natural fertilizers, you have no reason to worry when using scales and fish scraps in gardening.

The only question mark is the strong enough smell that can attract animals. So, if you have dogs or cats, you may find that your fertilizers are being dug up by your beloved non-speaking friends.

What can you do? Bury them very deep, so that the smell does not emanate so easily. You can also raise a higher fence around the plants to keep "predators" at bay.

We recommend that you use fish scales fertilizers, as they are a natural solution to enjoy the tastiest vegetables and fruits! Gardening in abundance, because this is the solution that will save the world!


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