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How To Keep Foxes Away?

What To Do When Foxes Become a Nuisance

By Heather WhitneyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Do you have a problem with pesky foxes raiding your trash cans or getting into your garden? Whilst you may think that the best way to deal with them is to call animal control, there are actually some things that you can do yourself to keep these critters at bay.

In this article, we'll explore some of the methods that you can use to prevent foxes ad keep them away from your property. Read on to find out more!

Why is Important To Keep Foxes Away from Your Property?

Ah, the fabled fox. For centuries, this cunning creature has been the subject of folklore and legend. But while they may be revered in some cultures, here in the 21st century, they're more likely to be seen as a nuisance.

That's because foxes can cause a surprising amount of damage to your property. First, there's the issue of digging. Foxes will dig small holes in your yard in search of food, and if you have a garden, they may even start digging there as well. This can not only ruin your lawn, but it can also damage any plants or vegetables that you're growing.

Additionally, foxes will often urinate on property in order to mark their territory. This not only leaves an unpleasant smell but can also damage porch furniture or other outdoor items.

Finally, foxes are wild animals, and as such, they can pose a health hazard to humans. While the risk of contracting a disease from a fox is relatively low, it is still important to take precautions when handling or being around these animals.

Foxes can carry rabies, which is a virus that affects the nervous system and can be fatal to humans. They can also carry other diseases, such as mange and distemper, which can be passed on to dogs.

In addition, foxes often scavenge for food, which means they may come into contact with garbage or other contaminated materials. As a result, there is a risk of contracting food poisoning or other illnesses if you eat food that has been contaminated by a fox.

However, the biggest health hazard posed by foxes is their bite. Foxes have sharp teeth and can cause serious puncture wounds. If you are bitten by a fox, you should seek medical attention immediately as there is a risk of infection.

This is why is very important to prevent, repel and make foxes stay away from your property.

So, How to Prevent Foxes?

Maintain the cleanliness of your property.

When it comes to foxes, the old saying "cleanliness is next to godliness" certainly applies. These clever creatures are attracted to areas where they can find food and shelter, and they're not picky about either one.

If your property is cluttered with old garbage, debris, or even pet food, it's likely that foxes will take up residence. On the other hand, if you keep your property clean and tidy, foxes will be less likely to stick around.

In short, it pays to be neat and clean if you want to keep foxes at bay.

Block and seal any entrances to your property.

Foxes are cunning creatures, and if they see an open door they'll be sure to take advantage. By blocking the entry to your property, you're making it clear that foxes are not welcome. And trust me, they'll get the message.

By filling in holes and gaps in fences, we can make it difficult for foxes to even get onto our property in the first place. And if we keep our garbage cans tightly sealed and our pet food off the ground, we can make it even harder for them to find something worth digging for.

Install a fence.

Because foxes are hesitant to jump over obstacles, a simple fence or wall can keep them out of your yard.

So, if you haven't already, erecting a fence to keep foxes at bay is a great idea. This can be accomplished by inserting chicken wire a few inches into the ground to prevent them from digging beneath it. It goes without saying that having livestock requires this.

Using scare tactics.

When dealing with foxes you may be tempted to try some scare tactics. However, these creatures are notoriously clever, and they often quickly catch on to any tricks that you may try.

One popular method is to install a motion-activated sprinkler system. The sudden burst of water will startle the fox and encourage it to look for a new place to call home.

Foxes are notoriously afraid of loud noises, so make sure you have plenty of fireworks on hand. You can also try using an air horn or a bang stick to make some noise.

Another effective scare technique is to use a light to startle the foxes. Foxes are nocturnal animals, so they are particularly sensitive to light. You can use a flashlight, a spotlight, or even a laser pointer to deter them.

You can also try a sonic fox deterrent, which emits a high-pitched noise that is only audible to animals, or set up fake owls and recorded sounds of predator calls.

Build a bird nest.

While it may seem counterintuitive, the truth is that foxes are actually afraid of birds.

So, by creating a safe space for birds on your property, you can help to deter foxes from entering the area. Not only will this help to protect your bird population, but it can also provide a valuable service to your local ecosystem.

Final Words

Do you have a pesky fox problem? If so, hopefully, this article has given you some tips on how to keep them away.

Foxes can be quite a nuisance, but with a little bit of effort, you can make sure they stay out of your yard and off your property.

Thanks for reading!

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About the Creator

Heather Whitney

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