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How To Get Rid Of Possums In Brisbane - The Right Way

What are the easiest ways to get rid of possums?

By John SontPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Possum Removal Brisbane

If you're like most Brisbane homeowners, you know that one of the pesky little creatures that likes to call your home its home is the possum. Whether they're raiding your bird feeder or making a mess in your garden, these furry fiends can be a real nuisance. But don't worry, we've got your back! In this article, we'll outline the best ways to get rid of possums in Brisbane - both humanely and effectively - so that you can finally get some peace and quiet in your backyard.

What causes possums?

Possums are a species of marsupial found throughout Australia. They are the size of a small cat, and their fur is thick, soft, and downy. Possums are omnivorous mammals that eat a variety of things, including insects, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Possums can be pests because they can damage property by eating crops or raiding bird nests.

How can you get rid of possums in Brisbane?

One of the most common animals to move into an area and cause problems is the possum. Possums are native to Australia, but they have spread throughout the world, including to Queensland in recent years. They are omnivorous animals that can eat a variety of things, but they're known for their preference for eating small mammals, such as rabbits and chicks.

Possums can be a nuisance because they will damage property by raiding gardens and eating fruit or vegetables, or by scratching up car paint. They can also transmit parasites and disease to humans.

There are several ways to get rid of possums in Brisbane. Hire possum removal Brisbane professionals for instant removal. The first option is to try using poison baits, which will kill the possum but leave other animals unaffected. Another option is to set up traps that will capture the possum and release it elsewhere once it's caught. Both of these options require some effort on your part, but if you're effective at using them, they'll eventually get rid of the possum problem.

The causes of possum infestation

There are many different reasons why possums might be living in or around your home. Some possums may be following a family member who moved in, while others may have been abandoned or orphaned and need to find a new home. Regardless of the reason, Possum Control Brisbane can help get rid of these animals for good.

Here are some tips on how to get rid of possums:

1. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the animal's territory. Possums typically live in areas that are well-wooded and contain plenty of food, so it's important to know where they're entering and exiting your property. If you notice that there is an area on your property that is frequented by possums, mark it with a flag or piece of tape so you'll know not to leave food out there.

2. Seal any openings that possums could use to enter and exit your property, including doors and windowsills. Try using caulk or silicone sealant around these areas if possible.

3. Remove all fruit trees, bird feeders and other potential sources of food from around your property. This will make it more difficult for the possum to find sustenance and increase the chances that they will move on.

4..Set up noise alarms near entrances and exits into your home if you're worried about the possum getting inside through an open window or doorframe. This will help protect you from being attacked by the

Why are there so many wild animals in Brisbane?

There are an estimated 250,000 wild animals living in Brisbane, many of which you may not even know exist. From possums to koalas, these furry creatures play a vital role in the city's ecosystem.

While some people might view these animals as pests, the vast majority of people in Brisbane appreciate their presence and respect their right to live wild. That said, there are ways to get rid of possums if they're causing a problem in your neighbourhood.

First and foremost, never leave food out for possums. This will encourage them to stay around and feed off of your garbage, which can eventually lead to problems such as rats or mice coming into your home.

If possums are invading your property and causing damage, try using noise deterrents such as door bells or raccoon traps. You can also try trapping the animals and taking them to a wildlife park or sanctuary if possible.

Possum removal tips

There are a few things that you can do to help get rid of possums in your neighbourhood.

One method is to set out a food dish outside for the possums and leave it there for a few days. This will encourage them to leave your property.

Another strategy is to use a loud noise machine to scare the possums away. Make sure the sound is loud and persistent enough that they will not come back.

If all else fails, you can try trapping or shooting the possums. Just be sure to use humane methods, as shooting or trapping animals without proper precautions can result in injury or death.


If you're looking to get rid of possums in Brisbane the right way, then you'll need to use a combination of methods. Wasp Control Brisbane has some great tips on how to get rid of possums effectively and humanely, so be sure to give them a try if you're struggling with this pesky little creature.

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About the Creator

John Sont

Eager to talk about the home improvements

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