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How to Get Rid of Cough Naturally: 12 Effective Home Remedies

How to Get Rid of Cough Naturally

By adebayo sundayPublished about a year ago 13 min read
How to Get Rid of Cough Naturally: 12 Effective Home Remedies
Photo by Brittany Colette on Unsplash

How to Get Rid of Cough Naturally: 12 Effective Home Remedies

Cough is a common respiratory condition that affects people of all ages. It can be caused by various factors, including allergies, colds, flu, and other respiratory infections. While over-the-counter cough medicines can provide temporary relief, they often come with side effects and may not be suitable for everyone. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that can help you get rid of cough naturally, without any harmful side effects. In this article, we'll explore how to get rid of cough naturally and 12 effective home remedies that can help you ease cough and soothe your throat.


Want to know how to get rid of cough naturally? Read on to discover 12 effective home remedies that can help you ease cough and soothe your throat.

How to Get Rid of Cough Naturally: Effective Home Remedies

1). Honey

Honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for cough and sore throat. It has antimicrobial properties that can help fight infection and soothe the throat. To use honey for cough relief, mix a teaspoon of honey with a warm glass of water or tea and drink it. You can also add honey to your favorite herbal tea or mix it with lemon juice for added benefits.

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2). Ginger

Ginger is another natural remedy that can help ease cough and soothe the throat. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help fight infection and reduce inflammation. To use ginger for cough relief, you can make ginger tea by boiling fresh ginger in water and adding honey or lemon juice for added benefits.

3). Garlic

Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic that can help fight infection and boost the immune system. It has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that can help reduce cough and soothe the throat. To use garlic for cough relief, crush a few garlic cloves and mix them with honey or add them to your favorite soup or salad.

4). Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help reduce cough and soothe the throat. To use turmeric for cough relief, mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a warm glass of milk and drink it before bedtime.

5). Saltwater Gargle

Gargling with salt water is a simple and effective remedy for cough and sore throat. It helps reduce inflammation, clear mucus, and soothe the throat. To use saltwater gargle for cough relief, mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle it for a few seconds before spitting it out.


6). Steam Inhalation

Inhaling steam is another effective remedy for cough and congestion. It helps loosen mucus and reduce inflammation, making it easier to breathe. To use steam inhalation for cough relief, boil water in a pot and inhale the steam by covering your head with a towel and leaning over the pot. You can also add essential oils like eucalyptus or peppermint for added benefits.

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7). Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is a natural decongestant that can help clear mucus and ease cough. It has antimicrobial properties that can help fight infection and reduce inflammation. To use eucalyptus oil for cough relief, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam by covering your head with a towel.

8). Licorice Root

Licorice root is a natural remedy that can help ease cough and soothe the throat. It has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties that can help reduce mucus and relieve cough. To use licorice root for cough relief, you can make licorice tea by boiling licorice root in water and adding honey or lemon for added benefits.

9). Thyme

Thyme is a herb that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It has antitussive, expectorant, and antimicrobial properties that can help reduce cough and soothe the throat. To use thyme for cough relief, you can make thyme tea by steeping fresh or dried thyme in hot water for a few minutes.

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10). Essential Oils

Essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil can also help ease cough and congestion. They have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and fight infection. To use essential oils for cough relief, you can add a few drops to a diffuser or humidifier, or mix them with carrier oils like coconut or olive oil and massage them onto your chest and throat.

11). Fluids

Drinking plenty of fluids can help keep the airways moist and reduce coughing. You can drink water, herbal tea, soup, or juice. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, as they can dehydrate you and make your cough worse.

12). Rest

Getting plenty of rest can help your body fight off infections and reduce coughing. Make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night and avoid strenuous activities that can make your cough worse.

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What is the fastest way to cure a cough

Coughing is an irritating and uncomfortable symptom that can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, colds, and flu. When left untreated, coughs can last for several weeks and even disrupt our daily lives. As such, finding the fastest way to cure a cough is essential for our well-being. We'll explore various ways to cure a cough quickly and effectively.

1) Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of fluids is one of the simplest and most effective ways to cure a cough. Fluids help to thin mucus and phlegm, making them easier to cough up. Additionally, staying hydrated helps to prevent dehydration, which can worsen coughing symptoms.

2) Use Honey

Honey has been used for centuries to treat coughs and sore throats. It has natural antibacterial properties and is effective in soothing irritated throat tissues. Mix a teaspoon of honey with warm water and drink it before bedtime to experience its benefits.

3) Take Over-the-Counter Medications

Over-the-counter medications such as cough syrups and throat lozenges can provide relief from coughing symptoms. They work by suppressing cough reflexes and soothing irritated throat tissues. However, it's essential to follow the recommended dosage and consult a doctor before taking any medication.

4) Use a Humidifier

A humidifier is a device that adds moisture to the air, helping to alleviate coughing symptoms. Dry air can irritate the throat and lungs, making coughing worse. Using a humidifier can help to moisten the air, making it easier to breathe and reducing coughing.

5) Quit Smoking

Smoking can irritate the throat and lungs, making coughing symptoms worse. If you're a smoker, quitting smoking can help to alleviate coughing symptoms and improve your overall health.

6) Gargle with Salt Water

Gargling with salt water is an effective way to soothe an irritated throat and alleviate coughing symptoms. Mix a teaspoon of salt with warm water and gargle for several seconds before spitting it out.

7) Rest and Relaxation

Rest and relaxation are essential when trying to cure a cough. Taking a break from physical activity and getting plenty of sleep can help to reduce stress on the body, allowing it to heal faster. Coughing can be uncomfortable and disruptive, but it's essential to address it as soon as possible to prevent it from becoming more severe. The fastest way to cure a cough depends on the underlying cause, but staying hydrated, using honey, taking over-the-counter medications, using a humidifier, quitting smoking, gargling with salt water, and resting and relaxing are all effective ways to alleviate coughing symptoms. If your cough persists for more than a week, it's essential to consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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How can I stop coughing at night naturally

Are you tired of coughing all night long and waking up feeling exhausted and irritable? You're not alone. Coughing at night is a common problem that can affect people of all ages, causing discomfort and disrupting their sleep. While over-the-counter cough medicines can provide temporary relief, they often come with side effects and may not be suitable for everyone. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can help you stop coughing at night and get the restful sleep you deserve. We will explore some effective tips and remedies to help you stop coughing at night naturally. We will discuss the causes of nighttime coughing, the benefits of natural remedies, and how to use them effectively. Natural Remedies to Stop Coughing at Night

  • Honey: Honey is a natural cough suppressant that can help soothe a sore throat and reduce coughing. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight infections and reduce inflammation in the throat. You can add honey to a cup of warm water or tea before bedtime to help reduce coughing.
  • Saltwater Gargle: Gargling with salt water can help reduce inflammation and soothe a sore throat, which can help reduce coughing. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle for 30 seconds before spitting out the water.
  • Steam Inhalation: Inhaling steam can help loosen mucus and reduce congestion, which can help reduce coughing. You can inhale steam by taking a hot shower or filling a bowl with hot water and placing your face over it with a towel over your head.
  • Essential Oils: Essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender can help reduce coughing and promote relaxation. You can add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser or humidifier or mix them with carrier oils and apply them topically.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Making lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, avoiding irritants such as pollution and allergens, and maintaining good hygiene can help reduce nighttime coughing.

Causes of Nighttime Coughing

Before we delve into the remedies, it's essential to understand the common causes of nighttime coughing. Nighttime coughing can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Postnasal Drip: This is a condition where mucus from the sinuses drips down the back of your throat, causing irritation and coughing.
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): GERD occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing irritation and coughing.
  • Asthma: Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
  • Allergies: Allergies can cause nasal congestion, postnasal drip, and coughing.
  • Respiratory Infections: Respiratory infections such as the common cold, flu, and bronchitis can cause coughing, especially at night.

Coughing at night can be a frustrating and exhausting experience, but natural remedies and lifestyle changes can help reduce coughing and promote restful sleep. Honey, saltwater gargle, steam inhalation, essential oils, and lifestyle changes are effective ways to stop coughing at night naturally. However, if your cough persists for more than a week or is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, chest pain, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.

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How to Remove Cough from Throat

At some point in our lives, we have all experienced coughing that seems to originate from the depths of our throats. This type of cough can be frustrating and sometimes even painful. The good news is that there are ways to remove cough from throat, and we are here to guide you through them. First and foremost, it's important to understand the different types of coughs. While a cough originating from the throat can be caused by a variety of factors, it's typically either dry or wet. A dry cough is typically caused by irritants in the air, such as dust or smoke, while a wet cough is caused by excess mucus or phlegm in the throat. If you are experiencing a dry cough, there are a few things you can do to ease your symptoms. One effective method is to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. This will help keep your throat moist, which can ease irritation and reduce coughing. Additionally, you can try using a humidifier or taking a steamy shower to help moisten the air around you. Another way to remove cough from throat is to try a throat lozenge or cough drop. These contain ingredients like menthol or honey that can help soothe an irritated throat and reduce coughing. Alternatively, you can try sipping on warm tea with honey or gargling with salt water to help ease your symptoms. If you are experiencing a wet cough, it's important to thin out the mucus in your throat. One way to do this is to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids. Additionally, you can try using an expectorant, which can help thin out the mucus and make it easier to cough up. Common over-the-counter expectorants include guaifenesin and bromhexine. In addition to these methods, there are a few lifestyle changes you can make to help remove cough from throat. For example, it's important to avoid smoking or being around secondhand smoke, as this can irritate your throat and worsen your symptoms. Additionally, you should avoid spending time in areas with high levels of air pollution or other irritants. If your symptoms persist for more than a week or are accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or difficulty breathing, it's important to seek medical attention. Your doctor can help determine the underlying cause of your cough and recommend appropriate treatment. Removing cough from throat can be done with a few simple steps. Staying hydrated, using throat lozenges, and avoiding irritants can all help ease your symptoms. If you are experiencing a wet cough, using an expectorant and staying hydrated can help thin out the mucus in your throat. By following these tips and making lifestyle changes, you can effectively remove cough from throat and get back to feeling your best.

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How long does it take to get rid of a cough naturally?

The duration of cough varies depending on the underlying cause. While natural remedies can help ease symptoms and promote healing, it's important to consult a healthcare professional if your cough persists for more than two weeks.

Can I use natural remedies for children with cough?

Some natural remedies may not be suitable for children, especially those under the age of one. It's best to consult a healthcare professional before using any natural remedy for children.

What are the benefits of using natural remedies for cough?

Natural remedies are often safer and have fewer side effects than over-the-counter cough medicines. They also promote overall health and wellness by boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation.


How to get rid of cough naturally? Cough can be an annoying and uncomfortable condition, but natural remedies can help ease symptoms and promote healing. Honey, ginger, garlic, turmeric, saltwater gargle, steam inhalation, eucalyptus oil, licorice root, thyme, and essential oils are all effective remedies that can help you get rid of cough naturally. Remember to consult a healthcare professional if your cough persists or worsens, and take steps to prevent cough by maintaining good hygiene, staying hydrated, and avoiding triggers like smoke and pollution.



About the Creator

adebayo sunday

I have been working as an SEO expert for last 3 years. I am offering you full SEO Services of White Hat SEO - Link Building - Guest Posting - Blog Posting - Guest Blogging –Web2.0 backilink-forum posting –and health expert

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