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How to fix a missing tooth

Missing tooth: Top ways to fix it

By Shikha SinhaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

A missing tooth may not seem like a serious health issue, but it impacts your self-esteem and oral health. Various factors can result in one or more missing teeth, such as tooth decay, genetic conditions, gum diseases, and facial injury. Fortunately, a missing tooth is replaceable, and various treatment options are available to fix this problem. This blog discusses why it is necessary to replace a missing tooth and the best ways to get it done.

Why do you need to replace a missing tooth?

Leaving a hole in your mouth not only ruins your smile but also leads to various health issues. Some of them are as follows:


When a tooth is missing, the other teeth tend to shift towards the vacant space and eventually affect the natural bite alignment. It leads to a Malocclusion- misalignment of your bite.

Gum diseases

One or more missing teeth causes other teeth to move closer together and make it difficult t clean and floss the tooth properly. It encourages plaque build-up in the mouth and increases your exposure to gum diseases and further tooth loss.

TMJ Disorder

Temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the muscles that help the jaw rotate. One or more missing teeth changes the way you bite your food and increase your risk of developing the TMJ disorder. TMJ disorder can be a painful problem, leading to headaches, cracking or popping sounds when opening the mouth, and ear pain.

Makes your face look older

Missing teeth can deteriorate surrounding bone and cause the muscles to droop over time. It results in a loss of structural support in the mouth and makes a face look older drastically.

Treatments for replacing a missing tooth

At Grand View Dental Clinic, we provide the following treatments for replacing one or more teeth:

Dental Implants

Dental implants provide a permanent solution if you need to replace a single tooth, or multiple teeth, in different areas. These implants consist of a titanium metal frame that is surgically mounted into your upper or lower jaw. A replacement tooth that looks much like natural teeth is then fitted on the frame. If maintained properly, these dental implants last for decades.

Fixed Dental bridges

Fixed dental bridges are prosthetics used to bridge the gap caused by a missing tooth. It involves attaching the artificial tooth made from resin/porcelain to the teeth on either side of the gap using dental cement. Dental bridges serve both practical and aesthetic purposes efficiently and enable you to eat and speak better.

Implant-supported bridges

The implant-supported bridge is mostly similar to fixed-dental bridges, except that it uses implants to hold the tooth in place instead of cement. These implants are surgically placed for every missing tooth. An implant-supported bridge can provide a comfortable and natural-looking solution for patients who are missing one or few consecutive teeth.

Removable Partial denture

The removable partial denture is the most economical option to replace missing teeth. It consists of replacement teeth attached to a clasp that matches the pink color of natural gum. Removable partial dentures can be replaced daily and cleaned by soaking in a solution prescribed by the dentist.

These dentures are popular because of the convenience and hygiene they have to offer, but their limitation is that they are boldly visible when you smile or talk.

Benefits of replacing a missing tooth

When you get your missing tooth replaced at our clinic, you get the following advantages:

Enhanced speech

Restored ability to chew naturally

Improved aesthetics of the smile

Facial sagging is prevented

Face structure is maintained

How much does it cost to fix a missing tooth?

Missing tooth replacement costs can vary for every individual depending on the following factors:

Type of the treatment

Number of missing teeth

Experience of the dentist

Location of the clinic

Medicines and follow-ups

Why choose us to replace a missing tooth?

Grandview Dental Clinic is one of the most renowned clinics in Oshawa and Scarborough, Canada. At our clinic, we always examine your dental health before deciding the kind of treatment for you. Then, we help you find an option that fits your budget and your lifestyle and doesn’t make you uncomfortable. So if you require any kind of dental services to improve your oral health or aesthetics, contact us today!


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