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How to Earn Survival Money

and Have More

By Jaymie SuhPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

Surviving every day is one of the top priorities of every human or even animals on the planet. Thank goodness we are not in the era where you have to literally fight for your life or get killed if you happened to be a weak person.

However, it is almost the same when it comes to surviving our daily lives if go is a Freelancer. Without an online gig, your business will die. But you can still survive if you are willing to do whatever it takes to earn that daily income that you are targeting.

Being a freelancer will teach you that having one client alone is not enough. Sure, it will give you enough if it’s a continuous project. But what if they suddenly don’t have anything for you to work on? Then you will have a problem.

It can also be something that you have to work long hours just to earn enough. So why not find another project so you can at least have another source of income? Not only will it create a variety in your project so you won’t get bored. It can also balance out your earnings or even increase your income potential every day.

How to Earn Survival Money?

1. Have a Back-Up

Most freelancers do not just stick with just one client anymore. Even if you have a full-time project, it is not wise to just have one source of income. If that client of yours canceled your services, it will be better to have another one to make sure you can survive without it.

2. Save Up

This should be automatic for everyone since the freelancing world has a lot of uncertainties. Most of the gurus keep on telling us to have at least six months worth of your income for emergency purposes.

3. Get an Insurance

Make sure you are covered in case you or one of your family members need a trip to the hospital. It can take a big chunk from your savings if you do not have medical insurance to cover the bills.

4. Follow a Budget

This is the best way to make sure that you will not use up everything you earn and live paycheck to paycheck all over again. You are already an entrepreneur. Act like it. As you go along with your freelancing journey, these tips may come in handy.

Don’t forget that experience is still the best teacher. So don’t be frustrated right away when something goes wrong. It’s a part of it. Think of what you must do to find other ways to earn that survival money until you are able to make it through.

5. Create a Passive Income Stream

If you want to always just earn enough to survive, chances are it will never happen. You will need to create a passive income stream. This way, you don't just expect to earn something from your job. Inflation happens so you cannot really say that you have enough as long as you have enough food on your table.

Try to invest so that your extra money can work for you. It may not be right away but as years passed by, it will continue to grow even if you don't do anything. It can be tough if you are just earning just enough survival money but if you were able to pull it off, you don't have to worry too much about the future anymore.


Life is full of uncertainties. You can be doing well one time and then when you wake up, you no longer have a job. Instead, everybody is in quarantine just like this moment. Who would even know that this could even happen? The job that you love and cherish is now a memory. You have to find another way to make a living to avoid getting hungry.

Preparation during the times of plenty is a must. That way, when something similar like this happens, you will no longer have to worry and expect that a miracle can just happen. It’s better to make sure that after all of these chaos ends, you will no longer be in the same situation in case another pandemic happens.

how to

About the Creator

Jaymie Suh

A highly regarded writer known for her insightful and engaging content. With a passion for storytelling and a talent for crafting compelling narratives, she has made a significant impact in the world of online writing and content creation.

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