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Household Use for Dishwashing Paste

Actionable advice.

By Tanya AustinPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Household Use for Dishwashing Paste
Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

We can't imagine life without dishwashing paste, and the products that are now on the market are getting better and better, helping us to solve the "problem" of dirty dishes very quickly.

But did you know that this dishwashing detergent can be used for other purposes in the household? There are several things you can do with dishwashing paste, which you can learn from the lines below!

What you can do with dishwashing paste

Commercial dishwashing paste is designed not to attack your hands as much as other detergents, because not everyone washes dishes with protective gloves.

Therefore, it is not at all a bad idea to use this product to clean other things around the house, to avoid contact with stronger detergents.

With dishwashing paste, you can …

1. … wash the bathtub and the sink in the bathroom: sometimes the detergents used for the bathroom attack the skin, and this paste can replace them in the case of the sink and the bathtub, which are not as full of bacteria as the toilet bowl.

Dishwashing detergent removes dirt very easily, so you don't have to buy countless products that do the same thing, but it costs a lot more.

2. … remove coffee stains, grease, and fruit from clothes: dishwashing paste is perfect especially if you have grease stains on fabrics.

To make it easier to wash stained clothes in this way, you need to put a little dishwashing paste on the dirty area and leave the detergent on for 15–20 minutes, after which it will be much easier for you to remove the stain by normal washing.

3. … get rid of weeds in the yard: dishwashing paste can be very useful if you want to destroy weeds, instead of plucking them for hours. All you have to do is mix a teaspoon of dishwashing paste with a few tablespoons of salt and a liter of water, then pour this mixture over the weeds.

This solution is ideal for plants that grow in cracks that form in stairs, pavements, or asphalt.

4. … get rid of ants: ants are a big nuisance when they enter your yard and house and it is usually very difficult to get rid of them. Vinegar, along with a little dishwashing detergent, is a simple solution for anyone.

Prepare a solution of equal amounts of vinegar and water, then add a little dishwashing detergent to it and spray in the areas where you noticed that the ants have gathered. This method is rather recommended to get rid of ants in the yard. Find out how to get rid of ants in the house!

5. … clean the air conditioning: it is very important to clean this appliance regularly, otherwise you will inhale all kinds of substances accumulated inside it. During the summer, the filter should be cleaned every two months.

Put the filters in a bowl of lukewarm water and a little dishwashing detergent, then, after letting the detergent work for about 20 minutes, wash the filter with an old toothbrush. Be careful to rinse the filter thoroughly, then let it dry completely before putting it back in the air conditioner.

How to make your dishwashing paste at home

Dishwashing paste can be made very easily at home, especially if you have leftover soaps that you do not want to throw away. For this, you need:

200 g of soap put on a grater or cut into thin slices;

70 ml of water.

To make the detergent, put the soap in a large bowl, then pour the water over it and let it soak for about 20 minutes. After a while, all you have to do is mix with a spoon until you get a homogeneous paste.

If you want the dishwasher to smell better, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. At the same time, you can add a teaspoon or two of lemon juice, which will make your dishes shine.

This paste is very gentle on the skin and will not dry it as many detergents do. In addition, if you choose good quality soaps, they will nourish your skin.

Dishwashing paste is a product that we can not do without and, as you can see, can be used for many purposes throughout the household.


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