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Health Benefits of eating local Food

Eating local food has many benefits for the consumer and the community.

By Talat YusufPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo via unsplash

As reported by the US Department of Agriculture, eating fresh fruits and vegetables is the most important diet in our daily routine. Before eating fruit and vegetables is to make sure they are fresh and one of the best ways to assure, this is locally grown produce or not.

Supermarkets have created systematic and well-established supply chains, purchasing from around the world and transporting it to us. This makes it easy for us to find an amazing variety of products at affordable prices all year round, but it is not good for our health.

Health benefits of eating local:

Local food is fresher and more nutritious — The longer we store fresh fruit and vegetable, the greater the loss of available vitamins and minerals from it. But at a farmer's market, most local produce has been stored within 24 hours, securing it is ripe, and at its peak nutrient density. As food is harvested instantly its nutrient content begins to deteriorate, specifically impact on fresh green leafy vegetables and fruit.

It can make an impact on our health. The simple fact is that the more we eat from local sources, the less processed food we are consuming. we will also be revealed to a greater variety of fruits and vegetables, presenting diversity in our diet.

Higher quality and taste better —Freshly picked and eaten fruit and vegetable on the same day give taste much better than most food in supermarkets. The aromatics from so many fruit and vegetables like tomatoes, herbs, coriander, and basil are lost their nutritious when they spend time on transport and supermarket shelves. Chefs and home cooks likely agree that the freshest ingredients favor preparing the best-tasting dishes. Of course, using fresh, local foods is not the only way to cook enjoyable meals, but it is certainly a treat for our appetite.

Photo via unsplash

Support your seasonal needs — When we eat local food, we eat it in the seasons, and the cycle of seasonal produce is perfectly designed to help our health. In the summer season, our bodies need cooling foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries to aid us to control the elements, while in the cold days of winter we need a rich diet, high-fat, more protein, root vegetables, and fermented foods. Local seasons provide natural requirement-based foods for our bodies in our geographic location.

Produces less waste and supports sustainable management — Buying local foods cut the distribution chain and approaches directly from the farm to the plate. Many local foods, especially produce, are sold at farm stores without packaging. Plus, we can take our own reusable bags to carry the items. less waste is produced in the process, particularly in plastic packaging and plastic bags.

Support your regional economy — Buying locally the money we spend will help to support local producers, and farmers, and create local jobs. If we think that we have a strong network of local farmers, we have to start supporting them.

This works to raise the economy in our community instead of a corporation in another state or country. Afterward, the produce travels through fewer hands, more of the money spent actually returns to those who grew it.

Final thoughts

I hope these points have useful for you to understand the benefits of buying local foods. What you eat is more important than where they come from, I mean many of us never know if it grew from a plant, tree, or bush. The more you eat locally grown food the more you connect with and recognize the importance of how it is important for your health. This will also support local farmers, make a sustainable community, and less waste. The benefits of eating local food are many more, and we can all agree with that.


About the Creator

Talat Yusuf

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