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Hair PH and its importance for my Hair


By Clara DeckerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

It is natural to be specific while purchasing and using their hair care products, especially before making any purchase decision. Sometimes the hair care products you use can actually damage your hair from the core. Therefore, you must invest in hair products with balanced pH levels.

Choosing a hair product with adequate pH levels can offer a shiny enriched look of healthy hair and scalp. Thus, it helps you to differentiate the power of Hydrogen in your hair. The hair pH level determines the hair's properties categorizing it into acid, base, and alkaline.

It is measured on a scale ranging from 0 -14. Healthy hair has the maintenance of pH consideration to be around 4.5 - 5.5. You can understand the pH scale value as 0 - 6 is an acidic state, 7 is considered neutral and 8 - 14 is alkaline.

What happens when there is a disruptive pH balance?

The most healthiest and natural state of hair is acidic. It should be maintained at around 4.5 - 5.5 to support healthy hair growth.

Your hair products disrupt the natural pH value of your hair. Shampoo, conditioners, hair color, and bleaching agents can disrupt the pH balance of your hair. The disruptive balance results in frizzy hair, breakage, excessive hair fall, and other major hair damage. External environmental factors and pollutants are also responsible for disrupting the balance and natural hair care routine.

When the hair is exposed frequently to alkaline solutions, it results in breakage and damage. It can degrade the overall hair quality, providing you with a not-so-cool appearance.

Check the pH level of your hair styling products

The pH level balance is extremely important for perfect shiny, glossy, and thick hair. Using alkaline products can result in baldness which doesn’t provide a good look and may take a hit to your confidence.

You can directly call the customer care service of the brand and ask them to provide the pH level information of the product. You should only purchase the product after knowing the correct pH value as the higher alkaline state can damage your hair to the fullest.

Most shampoos and conditioners frequently have a 5.5 - 6 pH value, which is slightly higher than the average level. Shampoo opens up the cuticles to deeply cleanse your head. You should find the best hair care products in Australia. Search for the products online and also read the label and product description to know more about the chemical use.

Importance of pH for hair

The pH level can maintain the best hair growth and health. You also need to work on your scalp as the fungus and bacteria grow from roots. A clean head with the best hair quality provides satisfaction and relief. The pH value is crucial for hair care maintenance.

Protection from fungus and bacteria

The pH balance protects the head from the attack of fungus and bacteria. It prevents the hair from unnecessary breakage and hair fall. Seal the hair cuticles, and maintaining perfect moisture and natural oils in hair can be possible with pH level maintenance. You should use fewer levels of alkali products that cannot harm your hair and scalp. A proper balance can keep your hair at its best.

Supportive in proper hair growth

You can achieve a proper hair growth target with the help of pH-balanced hair care products. Alkali tends to expand the hair follicles and release moisture from the hair. Dry hair becomes frizzy and when you comb your hair, it tends to break.

Products having a pH balance can easily clean your hair and scalp. It also removes the build-up particles that can damage hair and remove dead skin cells. The pH locks moisture in hair and supports the best growth and healthy hair.

Maintain hair elasticity

The pH level provides the ultimate ability for hair to restore moisture and maintain sebum.

Sebum works as a protective barrier against hair damage. It retains the most required moisture and water can bend the hair to avoid breakage. Dry hair is more prone to breakage and becomes a hindrance to proper hair growth.

Low-pH hair products can damage your hair and absolutely do not suit your hair. Your hair is more acidic and the pH level should be maintained for the best results. You can search for the best products online or explore various brands. Checking reviews and customer feedback help in making the right decision for your perfect hair growth.

Hair care product preference

It is quite tedious and challenging to pick suitable pH-balanced hair care products from the market. You should know which range of pH is best for your hair. It allows you to check your hair and hair care products' pH levels.


About the Creator

Clara Decker

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