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Free to Enter Giveaways Online

Because We Love Free Stuff

By Timothy A RowlandPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Free to Enter Giveaways Online
Photo by Don Agnello on Unsplash

Let’s Talk About Free to Enter Giveaways Online

Everyone loves free stuff! You love getting something for free, right? Thoughts so. It seems that a lot of people don’t know that you can find free to enter giveaways online; if you simply know to look for them. Generally, all it takes to enter a giveaway free is an email address and sometimes a phone number. More often than not, however; only an email address is required. You enter the competition for free and the winner is picked randomly. If you win, they email you to let you know and you collect your prize; usually via mail if it is a product, and PayPal or other electronic payment if it is money. Obviously; the more you enter the better your chances of winning something. It really comes down to how much time you have and how willing you are to fill out short forms over and over. When you choose the free to enter giveaways; that’s all you have to lose. No other cost; you either win or you don’t.

What Can You Get Free from Giveaways?

One of the first questions that most people ask is what they can win from these giveaways. The short and simple answer is; just about anything. I have seen giveaways online that are free to enter and have cash prizes, iPhones, household appliances, and any number of other things. Anything you can think of; there is probably a giveaway competition offering it as the winning prize.

Prizes offered in these competitions are usually done to either bring awareness to a brand or product, or to increase likeability for a company, brand, or certain product. A lot of people will take the mindset that either they are scams or that they are only done by companies that you’ve never heard of or have crap products to offer. Not true. Some of your favorite brands with high quality will offer these free to enter giveaways in order to keep people interested. They can afford to giveaway one or even two or three products for free; since the awareness for the brand and product that results from that giveaway, will probably get them hundreds or thousands of new sales. It’s marketing and its business; but it’s in the consumer’s favor if you take the time to enter the giveaway. You never know… you could win.

By Jason Dent on Unsplash

Great Examples of Current Free to Enter Giveaways

Monthly Sweeps- Michael Kors bag

Monthly Sweeps- Roomba

Monthly Sweeps- Smart Watch

Monthly Sweeps- 4k TV

$500 Amazon Gift Card

$100 Target Gift Card

Online Moms Gift Cards

Spend A Little for Charity and Win Prizes

Another great option if you are willing to give $10 or more to charity, while also having the chance to win great prizes, would be to enter competitions that do just that. You can find plenty of those online too. Two great examples are the One Mind Contest and One Country Give. These are online competitions that allow you to donate in the form of buying raffle tickets or entries. The money goes to charities and you are entered to win prizes. Simple and a great way to help the world. You can easily find one that benefits a charity and cause that you believe in. The two I mentioned above benefit mental health and child hunger. Both allow for as little as a $10 donation for the chance to win one of any number of prizes being offered.

One Mind- mental health charity

One Country Give- child hunger charity

Free or Charity; It’s Worth a Try

No matter if you want to give to charity in exchange for the chance to win something or if you want to just stick to the free competitions; it’s worth taking a little time and trying your luck. We all love free stuff and we all love winning. These allow you the chance to do both. Nothing at all wrong with that.

I know this seems silly compared to the state of the world at the moment, but that is exactly why I wanted to tell you about it. With harder times; we all could use free stuff. With saddening moments; we all could use some “why not” moments and trying for something. I wanted to give you a great way to have fun, maybe get free stuff, and something that wouldn’t cost you a cent; unless you want to help the world and give a little to charities.

Take this information and give it a shot. You literally have nothing to lose and who knows; you could very easily be the winner of one or more of these. If you win one of these, feel free to comment and let us know. Have a great day and have fun.


About the Creator

Timothy A Rowland

I’m an every day human Xennial from the United States. I have many interest. I just want to improve your life and maybe entertain you. Available for editing and LeadsLeap projects at:

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