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Fourteen tips to help you learn things more quicker than others


By Promise AdelekePublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Fourteen tips to help you learn things more quicker than others
Photo by Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash

The pursuit of an enhanced memory is a universal desire, fueled by the fantasy of a pill akin to the one featured in the movie Limitless, granting the ability to recall experiences and knowledge effortlessly. Unfortunately, our brains, much like a hard drive with limited space, are selective in what information they retain. The renowned detective Sherlock Holmes exemplifies this phenomenon, deliberately discarding irrelevant details to prevent overload.Understanding the mechanisms of memory is crucial in devising strategies to improve retention. Hermann Ebbinghaus, a German psychologist, introduced the forgetting curve, illustrating that within one hour of learning something new, over half of the information is forgotten. After a day, only around 30% remains. To counteract this, a memorization technique called spaced repetition proves effective. By repeating information at strategic intervals – first after learning, then 15 to 20 minutes later, followed by 6 to 8 hours, and finally after 24 hours – the brain is encouraged to move data into long-term memory.For those seeking quick memorization, such as during exam preparation, immediate repetition after learning is essential, with subsequent repetitions spaced strategically. A key aspect is allowing the brain to rest between repetitions, preventing overload. For long-term memorization, a more extended plan is recommended, including repetitions after 20-30 minutes, one day, two to three weeks, and finally, two to three months. This approach capitalizes on the brain's inclination to retain information deemed necessary.In addition to these strategies, eleven simple tips can further enhance the memorization process:

14. Practice Retrieval: Regularly test yourself on the material. Actively recalling information reinforces neural pathways, making it easier to retrieve during exams.


Mnemonics: Create acronyms or acrostics to remember lists or sequences. 1Mnemonics provide memorable cues to recall larger chunks of information.

12. Incorporate Senses: Engage multiple senses during learning. Use scents, textures, or tastes associated with the material. The more sensory connections, the stronger the memory.15. Utilize Flashcards: Create flashcards with questions on one side and answers on the other. Regularly review and shuffle them to prevent predictability.

11. Understand What You Learn: Comprehending information is essential for effective memorization. Reading and grasping the main points, then simplifying and retelling them in your own words, ensures a deeper understanding.

10. Learn the Most Necessary Information: Prioritize information based on importance. Focus on key elements to avoid feeling overwhelmed with excessive details.

9. Serial Position Effect: Organize information so that crucial details are positioned at the beginning and end, leveraging the serial position effect for optimal memorization.

8. Interference Theory: Switching attention between topics or activities every 15 to 20 minutes helps maintain focus. Be cautious of learning similar information too closely, as interference theory suggests it can lead to confusion.

7. Learn Opposite Things: Memorize opposing concepts together, creating strong mental connections. For instance, associate day and night when learning a new language.

6. Build Your Own Mind Palace: Imitate Sherlock Holmes by associating information with specific places. Connect what you're learning to elements in your environment or different locations, making the memorization more engaging.

5. Use Nail Words: Link one learned thing to another logically. For example, when memorizing the French word for nail, associate it with related terms like wall and hammer.

4. Make Up Stories: Constructing a narrative that ties pieces of information together creates a memorable context. This storytelling approach facilitates recall and understanding.

3. Use a Tape Recorder: Record the information and listen to the recording multiple times. Engaging multiple senses – reading with eyes and listening with ears – enhances memory retention.

2. Visualize: Incorporate body language into the learning process to trigger muscle memory. Visualization strengthens the connection between information and physical movements.

1. Choose Only the Best Materials: Utilize up-to-date resources and learning methods. Avoid outdated materials and verify information online to stay current.In conclusion, the quest for an exceptional memory involves understanding the brain's selective nature and employing strategic memorization techniques. By combining spaced repetition, targeted repetitions, and the eleven tips outlined, individuals can enhance their ability to memorize information quickly and effectively. Don't forget to share these strategies with friends and subscribe to stay on the bright side of memory improvement.


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