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Fortune cookies

Things I wish were written inside

By N0tYourAverageSoul Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Fortune cookies
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

1. Love is never wasted

2. Life is short, make it count

3. Small steps every day is still progress

4. If your life is all about you, you are doing it wrong

5. Good things come to those who wait— on the Maker

6. Life is just a series of adventures, big and small

7. Remember: when you feel like a caterpillar, hold on for soon you shall be a 🦋

8. Curiosity can be a creative learning tool

9. Look for and appreciate the little things

10. Always leave a room having made better something or someone in it.

11. Smile, you may be the only ray of sunshine in someone's life today.

12. If you feel like you have been buried, take courage because that is where the growth starts.

13. Look for the beauty in the small things-- handwritten notes, butterflies, falling leaves, bonfires, raindrops on windowpanes, shy smiles, freckles, a walk in a park.

14. It costs zero dollars to spread kindness.

15. Be as compassionate to everyone else as you would like for them to be to you.

16. If he wants to let you go, let him go.

17. Do not give yourself to someone who is willing to give you away.

18. Focus on watering your own grass, not on how bright or wilted someone else's grass is.

19. The waiting is where the most growth happens, for in waiting we learn to trust that what is to be, the Maker will bring about.

20. The Maker creates beauty from ruins.

21. We can't control the ebb and flow of our lives, so we might as well enjoy the ride.

22. Do not get caught up in dreaming of a future life-- build the life that is in front of you at the moment.

23. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you to grow.

24. Do at least one thing a day that takes you out of your comfort zone.

25. We could help a lot of hurting people if we just took one moment to listen.

26. Want to change the world? Be a light!

27. Do not go with the flow. Be bold enough to stand out and to take a stand.

28. Just because something is popular does not make it good or right.

29. Morality is not subjective.

30. The truth is unchanging and sets us free.

31. All that matters is that you get up one more time than you fall down.

32. If your life has no ups and downs, you are flatlining.

33. What if instead of a fear of the unknown, we looked forward expectantly to each day as a new adventure?

34. Do not let others distract you from YOUR life and its purpose.

35. Give one more hug, one more kiss, one more hand squeeze. You do not know when it could be your last.

36. Seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly.

37. Don't love things more than you love people.

38. Think before you speak. Words have consequences. They have the power to hurt or to uplift. Choose wisely.

39. Life is just a series of small and big decisions. Take it one step at a time.

40. Put your time, attention and effort into the activities that have lasting value.

41. The rainbow follows the rain.

42. There is beauty even in the ordinary.

43. Be gentle in your words and actions, yet firm in your convictions.

44. Being a woman is actually a uniquely beautiful thing.

45. Personal accountability is super important in order to accomplish growth.


About the Creator


A young lady with a passion for the Maker, her husband, old fashioned things, chocolate, and a flair for creativity and scribblings.

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