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Five Ethical Must Haves for 2021

Reusable Products you can Feel Good About

By Patience AriannaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

New year, less waste (hopefully)! Finding good products that are not only effective but enviromentally friendly and reusable can seem like an impossible task. I'm here to tell you that it is indeed possible and much more attainable than you may realize. Below I've included five items that are not only good for the planet but for your wallet. Having multiuse items will keep you from spending a fortune every year on single use items such as plastic razors and paper towels. Here's a few planet-friendly products that are a must have!

1. Silicone Baking Cups: If you have a habit of stress baking or are the go to for birthday treats this is the product for you! As some one who frequently bakes and likes to experiment with new recipies these silicone cups are one of the best purchases I've ever made. No more buying dozens of paper wrappers everytime you want to bake. These cups can also be used for a multitude of tasks outside of baking. They can be used to freeze sauces, be a spoon holder to keep your counters clean, and be a fun snack holder for kids (or adults)! The possibilites are endless! Plus they're dishwasher safe which allows easy clean up.The ones I have pictured above are off Amazon for $7.99.

2.Stainless Steel Razors: Ladies (or gents/people)! How many plastic razors have you gone through this year? Probably more than you can remember. Stainless steel razors are a great one time purchase that you can get lifelong use out of. While a stainless steel razor can seem intimidating at first once you get the hang of it it's smooth sailing from there, literally! Just be sure to start slow and figure out which angles work best for you. Stainless steel razors also achieve a closer shave leaving you silky smooth for longer than the average razor. The only matinance needed is to swap out the razor blade after it's too dull for your liking. You can find these on Amazon, mine is from the brand Weiss, or from companies like Rockwell razors!

3.Boie Face and Body Scrubber: It's time to ditch the loofahs and face cleansing pads. Not only do these create waste but they collect a lot of bacteria (not good)! These silicone replacments from boie are made of recycled silicone and collect no baceria. Even better once they get too worn out you can mail them back to be recycled into more product. While I've only mentioned the body and face scrubber Boie also makes a toothbrush and offer their products in bundles for purchase. No matter what you get from this brand you can be sure that it is planet friendly made by people who care.

4.Reusable Paper Towels: While you could also just use regular towels to clean up everday messes reusable paper towels are a great alternative. Most are made from bamboo giving them a thicker texture than paper towels. I find that it allows these paper towels to absorb more and clean better than normal paper towels. These bamboo towels can be washed, dried, and reused until they start looking a little dingy or loose thir thickness. Once they are ready to be thrown away their natural substance will decompost instead of creating waste! Good for cleaning up messes and good for the planet!

5. Saalt Cup: Hear me out, Saalt cup (or any menstraul cup) is the new best period product out there. If you have a period, you need one. Unlike pads and tampons menstrual cups will not pile up in your bathroom trash bin. While it can be a little intimidating to try after a few attempts you'll figure out the best cup placment for you. With its sealing technology menstraul cups will also leave you leak free for up to 12 HOURS. Yes, I said 12 HOURS. Personally I have never had discomfort using one. Half the time I honestly forget it's there. Saalt Co. is my favorite brand because it comes in multiple sizes and thicknesses for different flows and sensitivity levels. Plus they has a cup cleaner that smells like fresh citrus (score)! Always make sure to follow the care instructions that come with you're menstraul cup and then you're good to go even on your heaviest flow days.

There you go! Just a few must haves to start off your new year. I encourage you to do some reaserch and try to find all kinds of new reusable products. You'll be surprised how many everyday items you use are creating unnecessary waste. Go reaserch and explore! Your new favorite product is waiting!


About the Creator

Patience Arianna

Patience Arianna

Artist, music enthusiast, book obsessed, future author.

Going to college in a crazy messed up world with good TV gives anyone a lot to write and think about.

IG: @patience.arianna._

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