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Effective ways to lose weight

You must follow the tips below

By Mehedi Hasan ShawonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Effective ways to lose weight
Photo by Cristian Baron on Unsplash

Losing weight is not an easy task. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. From proper diet control to being physically active, exercising, and following different rules. But one thing you will be surprised to know is, weight loss can also be achieved through sleep. It also helps you lose weight.

Excess weight can also be lost through your breathing and sweating. When we are not resting, the various organs of the body do not stop their processes. Calories are consumed due to the functioning of the organs. So it is important to get a moderate amount of sleep at night. If you don't get enough sleep, Major becomes irritable and may gain weight.

The way you can gain weight is if you sleepless

If you sleep less than 8 hours, stress levels and cortisol hormones increase. Increasing cortisol levels can negatively affect your gut germs. When there is an imbalance in the levels of germs, it impairs the metabolic process. Loss of sleep can disrupt appetite hormones.

As a result, you become more interested in eating junk food. This results in high blood sugar levels, which can lead to weight gain and other complex diseases. Studies have shown that if you don't get enough sleep for just one night, your metabolism will slow down the next day. As a result, energy costs are reduced by about 20 percent.

Weightlifting in the evening

Evening weightlifting is an effective exercise. If you lift weights in the evening, your metabolism can increase up to 18 hours. Research has shown that obese people gain more weight if they lift weights in the evening instead of in the morning. Glucose levels are lower in those who lift weights in the evening.

Drink a casein protein shake

It is a slow-secreted protein, which is slowly digested for eight hours. As a result, the metabolic process continues throughout the night. Casein is a slow-digesting milk protein. It is eaten as a supplement. Gradually it releases amino acids and plays an important role in keeping the body healthy and strong.

Bathe in cold water

Lactic acid is released after bathing in cold water after exercise. Brown fat is metabolically active and helps burn calories but we have less of this type of fat. Thirty seconds of cold water is enough to activate brown adipose tissue or brown fat in the body. If you go to bed after bathing in cold water, it helps to burn about 400 calories. Brown fat accumulates in the back of the neck and shoulders.

Green tea

Green tea is a very important ingredient for weight loss. It contains flavonoids, which help boost metabolism. If you drink 3 cups of green tea every day, it is possible to burn about 3.5 percent more calories during sleep. So from now on, drink green tea instead of regular tea. This will help you lose weight.

Follow the diet

If you want to lose weight, you should not just exercise. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Eat healthy foods to lose weight. Follow the doctor's advice if necessary. Avoid fats and fast foods. An unplanned diet is one of the reasons for our weight gain.

Give up laziness or physical inactivity

Just dreaming of losing weight will not make you lose weight. Living a lazy life leads to weight gain. How to burn calories if you do not exercise? So work hard regularly. Do physical work. Always be busy with one or the other. When you do physical work, body fat is lost and calories are lost.

By John Arano on Unsplash

Avoid overeating

If you want to lose weight, you should not eat extra food. One of our bad habits is always eating. Especially our habit of eating too much food. We prefer fatty foods. So our weight is out of our control. So if you want to lose weight, you must give up eating extra food.

Taking different types of medicine

If we have a common fever or cold, we buy medicine from the drug store and consume it. But you should not take any medicine without the advice of a doctor. Because different drugs have side effects. One of the most common side effects is weight gain. So whenever you take medicine, take it according to the doctor's advice.

Instead of thinking about how to lose weight, we should think about why we are gaining weight. If we know all the causes of weight gain then we can avoid the curse of excess weight gain. There are many reasons for weight gain. But if you are already gaining more weight than you need, then follow the above tips. Hope you can reduce your excess weight.

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Mehedi Hasan Shawon

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