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Does Loft Insulation Make a House warmer?

Loft Insulation UK

By Home insulationPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
loft insulation

Before I answer this question, let me make you understand the meaning of insulation. In basic language. Insulation is the use of a material to prevent loss or exposure of something to the surrounding environment. Heat insulation specifically is the prevention of heat from being lost to the atmosphere. It is for this reason that loft insulation becomes important because it serves to prevent heat from being lost from your house. As a result, what you have is a warm house, that has the right temperatures just as you would want. Loft insulation is basically a good way to enhance the regulation of temperature in your house and it is meant to ensure that your house is warm in winter and cool in summer. For you to best understand the significance of loft insulation, here are the various ways that loft insulation makes your house warmer.

Preventing Heat From Being Lost Through The Roof

roof insulation

When it’s cold, you put on the various heating mechanism that you have installed in your house. As the house gets warmer, convectional air currents kick in whereby warm air rises as cold air descends. The warm air rises and comes in contact with the cold roof of your house. This contact makes the warm air lose its warmth to the cold roof. As a result, what you have is a circulation of hot and cold air and constant use of fuel which increases your bills.

Now your answer to how does loft insulation work is here. When you install loft insulation, it prevents the warm air from reaching your roof and losing its heat. That is because the materials that make loft insulation materials are poor heat conductors and therefore they don’t absorb the heat but rather prevent the warm air from reaching the roof. As a result, the warm air retains its heat. As a result, the whole house gets sufficiently warm so you can switch off the heater because your house will be warm enough. To better understand this, think of how a flask works by retaining liquids hot. A similar principle is what is established in your house when you embrace the use of warm loft insulation.

Regulation Indoor Temperature

loft inulation temprature

Within your house, extreme temperatures make you and your family uncomfortable. Whether it's too much heat or cold, such temperatures could make you feel very uncomfortable. What you need to do is embrace the use of loft insulation because now you will have the solution to your interior temperature problems. The best way to make a cold house warm is not to have a heater but rather to utilize a system that ensures heat regulation in your house, even without a heater you can achieve the right temperatures in your house when you use warm loft insulation. When you and your family are in the house, you emit heat. Also when you are cooking, there is the emission of heat. When this heat is kept from being lost to the atmosphere by loft insulation then it can be enough to keep you and your family warm.

Now that you know that oft insulation retains heat within the house, you may ask, how then does loft insulation work? Loft insulation work by preventing heat loss by convection and conduction. In the house, when cold air gets warm it rises u and the cold air at the top comes down. Normally, without loft insulation, the warm air that rose could be lost through the roof. Also when this hot air gets into contact with the roof. It conducts its heat to the roof which makes it lose heat. This is where loft insulation comes in on how to make a cold house warm. When you install loft insulation between your roof spaces, it prevents the air that rose from losing heat to the roof and the atmosphere because it is a poor conductor.

When warm air rises and meets a layer of loft insulation, the heat is not lost because the air cannot lose its heat to spray foam which I a poor conductor. As a result, the warm air currents are retained within the house which evidently shows the effectiveness of warm loft insulation.

Also when it is too hot, loft insulation keeps heat from getting into the house, so the house remains cool and there enhances comfort within the house.


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Home insulation

Around 25% of all the heat in your home gets lost through your roof.

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